Entryway to Marsh's Library |
WHAT IS MARSH'S LIBRARY? - Its a library established in the early 1700s library with thousands of rare books on original oak shelves. It is located on Saint Patrick's Close, Dublin 8, Ireland, adjacent to St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin.
Marsh's Library Sign |

WHO IS THE GHOST IN THE LIBRARY? - Marsh's Library has a particular ghost of its own, the ghost of an old man who has been seen at midnight browsing through its ancient bookshelves, the ghost of its founder, Archbishop Narcissus Marsh according to Irelandseye.com.
Marsh was Archbishop of Dublin from 1694 until his appointment to Armagh nine years later, but the transfer did not terminate his interest in Dublin and in 1707 he founded his library, on ground belonging to the House of St Sepulchre, then the Palace of the Archbishops of Dublin.
Front door to the Library |
The most recognized explanation for Archbishop Marsh's haunting the library is because his favorite niece, Grace, fell in love with a man the Archbishop forbade her to be with. In the book Irish Ghosts by John J. Dunne (published by Appletree Press), the author says Grace's lover was a sea captain. IN the book Haunted Ireland, the story says the man was a handsome clergyman from Castleknock. Regardless, it was someone that was not in the Archbishop's favor.
As a result, the young couple eloped. Later, his niece wrote the Archbishop a letter asking for forgiveness and mailed it to him. The story goes that Archbishop Marsh received the letter, didn't open it and put it in a book. Now his ghost wanders the library in search of the book that holds the letter.