Tom and Rob looking for dinner in Cork |
In blog #61 about our Ireland trip, we could tell you about another ghost in Cork County, Ireland, but we didn't visit Charles Fort where the ghost of a "White Lady" walks. Instead, we'll
just share our brief feelings about walking around in Cork City and why
after a short time we were "Dunne" with Cork and wanted to move on.
leaving the really fascinating Cork City Gaol (Jail), the only way into
downtown Cork (which ran west to east along the River Lee) was to drive
down (and on the LEFT side of the street) a crazy, tight, winding,
downhill street, that had cars parked along either side. Of course the
street wasn't really wide enough for cars going up and down it, but they
were supposed to! We made it though, and our anti-antiperspirant was
working overtime.
The River Lee from our Hotel in Cork |
Downtown Cork City |
One of the best things in Cork, aside from the cool Cork City Gaol was
the hotel we stayed in. It was called the River Lee Hotel, and
overlooked the River Lee! The room was beautiful and clean, and it was a
nice, quiet hotel. If you go to Cork, stay there (and thank Anne Marie
Clarke of Across the Pond Travel for finding it).
Cork City buildngs along the River Lee |
I can't remember if it was a weekend or week night that we were in
Cork, but many things were closed. Add that to the fact that Cork City
appears to be in a state of bad economy, as there were some empty
storefronts. We went into a pub for a sandwich (which was displayed on
their menu) because we weren't that hungry... but we learned that all
restaurants STOP serving sandwiches at 6 p.m. Of course it was 6:05pm
when we asked. The only option was to order a full dinner at 20 to 25
Euros ($27 to $32 U.S.) and we weren't that hungry.
Eating our sandwiches on the bridge |
MAKING THE BEST OF IT - So, we opted
for our famous "buy a sandwich in a market or pharmacy" trick. The
downtown was basically devoid of people, and those that were out walking
were smoking like fiends. Many businesses were closed or storefronts
were vacant, and there was little activity. Cork did not leave a good
impression upon us. So we walked back to the hotel and sat outside on a
nearby bridge to eat dinner.
We are so "Dunne" with Cork City! |
While walking back to the hotel with our sandwiches, we saw a sign for
"Dunnes Store" so we took a picture in front of it. We were both
unimpressed with Cork and thought it dirty and rundown... so after
several hours there, we were simply "Dunne."