Plane diverted to Albuquerque after passenger disrobes mid-flight
ALBUQUERQUE (AP) July 2, 2009— A 50 year old male passenger from NYC stripped naked during a US Airways flight and resisted a flight attendant's efforts to cover him with a blanket before two off-duty law enforcement officers on board subdued and handcuffed him... (and he was still naked).
The man, Keith Wright, told the FBI he is suffering from a bipolar disorder and had not taken his prescribed medication before leaving New York that morning, and had a beer before flying. As with bi-polar disorder, he said he recalled nothing about the flight or his behavior.
As the plane took off again, the usual announcement to please fasten your seat belts came over the loudspeakers including "a reminder to everybody to please keep your clothing on. FULL STORY: http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2009-07-01-naked-passenger_N.htm?csp=
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