We picked her up from BWI Airport on Friday night, and it was a warm evening, but not terribly uncomfortable. After a nice dinner at Bob Evans, we came back home and Mary Ann and Rob took the dogs, Dolly and Franklin for a nice neighborhood walk. To wind down, Tom and Mary Ann sat on our front porch (later joined by Rob and the dogs) to watch the thunderstorms build up from the west and move in. (PHOTO: Tom and Mary Ann enjoying the front porch)

The next morning, Saturday, Tom and I (Rob) were up early with the dogs, and we wanted to let Mary Ann try and sleep. So we fed the dogs and took them out after 6am. Then Tom watered the garden. Here's a picture of Franklin (the dachshund) inside, looking at Dolly (on the patio) with Tom watering the garden in the far background.I liked this shot.

(PHOTO: Tom found a funky sculpture in Baltimore City that he liked)

(PHOTO RtoL: Tom, Gary, Jeff and MaryAnn in front of the Australian Navy Ship at the Inner Harbor, Baltimore)

(PHOTO: MaryAnn joins Rob and Tom for our typical goofy closeup, near the Navy Ship).
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