Sydney Has Opportunity To Go To The Rehab Center At The University of Tennessee.
Sydney is a Weimaraner at the Wolf Creek Weimaraner Rescue in Tennessee (Where we adopted Dolly from) who came to the rescue in February 2008 due to complications from a surgery to remove a blood clot in her spinal cord. This paralyzed Sydney leaving her helpless to use her rear legs. With lots of work from Dr. Marti Drum and her staff at UT Vet Hospital and Amber, Laura and the staff at Wolf Creek. Sydney began her long journey to recovery and currently lives with Amber and Laura full time and goes to work with Amber daily. There she can swim most
days and work out. She is showing improvement and hopefully just on the verge
of being able to walk again. The time is also near to find Sydney a more permanent home if possible. This may take a while, but we are hoping that we have great success with the opportunity at UT. Sydney will be getting extensive therapy and rehab. but the cost is $2500!
I've made a donation, and urge any readers to help out - Make a Donation in memory of someone you know- Dog or Person. Go to: http://www.wcweimrescue.org/
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