Every spring and summer, we always see some DUMB dog owner that left their dog in the car with the window cracked open. Last summer I heard a small poodle yelping in an SUV parked outside a Marshalls store. I went in and had customer service page the owner. A woman walked up and said "what's wrong with my dog?" I told her that with 92F temperatures and being parked in the sun, her SUV was heating inside to 120F in 10 minutes, and her dog was suffering from heat stroke. She shot me a dirty look and stormed out in a huff, leaving her clothes shopping on a table. People standing behind me in the customer service line thanked me.
FACT: Takes less than 30 minutes to injure or Kill a dog from heatstroke in a vehicle when temperatures outside are 75F or higher.
FACT: Cracking a window does NOTHING for air temperature
FACT: Dogs pant because they lack sweat glands. You're sticky, they're hurting.
FACT: Opening a window or leaving a bowl of water makes little difference.
FACT: SYMPTOMS OF HEAT STROKE: Excessive panting, a rapid pulse, overly red or purple gums, increased salivation and lack of coordination are warnings signs of heat stroke, according to the SPCA. More severe signs of heat stroke include a dog's reluctance or inability to rise after collapsing or a pet suffering from seizures, vomiting or diarrhea.
FACT: Walks along hot pavement, attending outdoor events and sitting inside automobiles - even with windows open - can quickly lead to deadly heat stroke.
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