Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Debunked: Myth About Carbon Dioxide And Masks

It's amazing how many stupid conspiracy theories and myths conservatives who deny science continue to create during this pandemic. The latest is that wearing a mask can make you inhale too much Carbon dioxide. Sigh. If that's the case people in the medical field would be dead and would have been since medicine began using them a couple hundred years ago. Yet, the fools continue to make stuff up. Fortunately, we have educated men and women of Science, like my friend Dr. Marshall Shepherd, who published this article on to Debunk the latest conspiracy theory.
Here's the article ...

This Myth About Carbon Dioxide And Masks Is Similar To A Debunked Claim About Climate Change

Marshall Shepherd
Coronavirus is still with us, and case numbers are spiking in many places. Ironically, many politicians and decision-makers are now promoting advice that medical experts and scientists have long been giving: Wear a face maskMy Forbes colleague Sarah Hansen wrote that a national mask policy could save the U.S. economy $1 trillion. It still baffles me that there has been political maneuvering or angst about doing something very simple to help stem the tide of the COVID-19 pandemic, but as the young folks say, “It is what it is.”
One of the more ridiculous assertions that I have seen are skeptic claims about the safety of masks because of carbon dioxide that we breathe. It reminds me of inaccurate narratives that I see in climate change denialism. Let’s discuss the misrepresentation of carbon dioxide in both instances.

I will start by debunking the myth about carbon dioxide and wearing face masks. To do this, I will rely on medical and public health experts rather than the Dunning-Kruger effect (thinking I know more about a topic than topical experts) since my expertise lies within the field of atmospheric sciences. The Cleveland Clinic website debunks five myths about COVID-19 and face masks. One of the myths is that “wearing face masks will make you sick.” My first reaction when I hear this is to wonder how all of those doctors, nurses, race car drivers and other professions that routinely wear masks survived all of these years. The website gives a less sarcastic perspective. It says, “While inhaling high levels of carbon dioxide is dangerous, this is very unlikely to happen from wearing a cloth face mask — especially if you’re only wearing it for short periods of time.” The website does provide some precautions for safe use of masks that children or people with breathing problems should be aware of.

    Carbon dioxide is formed as a waste byproduct in the body through the process of respiration. It is discarded by exhalation. According to studies, carbon dioxide is pretty harmless at low concentrations. At higher concentrations, however, it can lead to cardiac challenges, increased respiratory rate, or loss of consciousness. At extremely high concentrations, death or coma is possible. Carbon dioxide is all around us. It’s in the air. It’s in carbonate drinks. It’s in fire extinguishers.

    In May USA Today published an excellent fact-checking article debunking the myths that wearing mask will cause hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply in tissue), hypoxemia (reduced oxygen intake) or hypercapnia (carbon dioxide toxicity). OSF HealthCare pulmonologist Dr. Michael Peil, like the CDC, says that it is unlikely that dangerous levels of carbon dioxide will build up in a mask even over long periods of time. On the OSF Healthcare website, he says, “The carbon dioxide is going to pass right through the face mask, we are going to inhale fresh air through that, so there really is no opportunity for carbon dioxide to build up unnaturally.” Dr. Peil also said that carbon dioxide does not cling to the masks so that it is re-inhaled. He said, “And even if it did, it would be a very small amount. But the fact is, it just doesn’t happen that way.”
    People create their own narratives when they are scared, lack information, or have preconceptions. The masks are restrictive and seem to impede airflow, which probably leads to some of the odd theories getting around in your Facebook feed. Another example of false narratives is related to climate change, carbon dioxide and breathing. It is clear that excessive carbon dioxide related to human activities is causing our climate system to warm at a rate beyond the naturally-varying cycle. And as a reminder, scientists are aware that climate changes naturally too.

    One of the most absurd claims about climate change (and there are many) is that we are contributing to warming by breathing. According to an article written by Brian Palmer in Slate, “the human race breathes out about 8.5 percent as much carbon as we burn....(and) this figure is meaningless, since human respiration is part of a ‘closed loop cycle’ in which our carbon dioxide output is matched by the carbon dioxide taken in by the wheat, corn, celery, and Ugli fruit that we eat.” Palmer goes on to make the point that our body is actually a net carbon sequestration device (a sink) rather than a source. Narasimhan Santhanam wrote an outstanding “101” on this topic at Cleantech.Guide. The bottom line written in that piece was, “The carbon in the CO2 we breathe out is nothing more than the carbon captured by plants when they took in CO2 during their growth.” There is nothing extra.
    Science is hard. People often make it easy for their own consumption or agendas. Unfortunately, what often seems to be a simplistic interpretation can often be quite wrong. Luckily there are several great sources of science information available so you don’t have to rely on your uncle’s theory posted on Facebook.
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    I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

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