Awesome Photos of the week from BBC News Scotland!
Every week, BBC News in Scotland asks people to send in their photos for publication. Scotland is a beautiful place, and these pictures convey that. One of the photos included a woman's dogs dressed up like Star Wars Jedis, so I put that first, because, well, dog pictures are the best. Enjoy the scenery photos, too! FUN FACT: Many of Scotland's most famous inventions – kilts, tartans and bagpipes - were actually developed elsewhere. Kilts originated in Ireland, tartans have been found in Bronze Age central Europe and bagpipes are thought to have come from ancient central Asia
Image copyrightMARTIN PRINCEImage captionLuke Skywalkies: Martin Prince, from Dunfermline, wondered if this photo from his family's dog walker Helen shows a meeting of a Star Wars Jedi dogs councilImage copyrightNIALL FRASERImage captionNiall Fraser, from Glasgow, captured this scene at Dunnottar Castle on the Aberdeenshire coastImage copyrightSTEVE SMIRTHWAITEImage captionSteve Smirthwaite's image looks down on a swimmer in the River FindhornImage copyrightBETH CAIRNSImage captionBeth Cairns, from Rutherglen, described the view from McCaig's Tower of Kerrera, Mull and Oban Bay as "spectacular"Image copyrightALLISON MCMAHONImage captionGlamis Castle in Angus pictured by Allison McMahonImage copyrightSTEPHEN WELLSImage captionStephen Wells and his daughter at Sgorr Tuath in Wester RossImage copyrightCOLIN CHISHOLMImage captionColin Chisholm was rewarded with this view of The Kelpies on an early morning bike rideImage copyrightMARIE-PIERRE GARROWAYImage captionMarie-Pierre Garroway took this image of the Falls of Clyde using a tripod and long exposure to achieve a "silky effect"Image copyrightELAINE O'REILLYImage captionA field of lavender at Kinross in a picture taken by Elaine O'Reilly while on her first outing with her mum since the start of lockdownImage copyrightCHRIS LONGImage captionChris Long, of Ellon, said he did not spot any puffins on his evening walk at the Bullers of Buchan, but the light looking inland from the clifftop path at sunset was "stunning"Image copyrightCHRIS MCGREGORImage captionChris McGregor said it was good to be home in Anstruther for a family visitImage copyrightFRANK URBANImage captionStromness, Orkney, after a "wee shower" said Frank Urban of this pictureImage copyrightWAYNE PAXTONImage captionWayne Paxton photographed Lochgoilhead from the mountain The SteepleImage copyrightMORAG WILSONImage captionSunrise at the Fyrish Monument captured by Morag Wilson, from CulbokieImage copyrightROSIE MACKAYImage captionSwans and cygnets on Mugdock Loch pictured by Rosie Mackay, from East DunbartonshireImage copyrightMERVYN RENDALLImage captionMervyn Rendall sent in this sunset over the Orkney islands
Conditions of use: If you submit an image, you do so in accordance with the BBC's terms and conditions.
I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob
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