So many of the old comics I had were either given away when I went to college, and a few collections were sold. But I loved them! Now, I have some back and I'll read and re-read them. 5 of 5 stars for this book!
From legendary comics writer Gerry Conway with illustrations by fan-favorite artists including Jim Aparo, Carmine Infantino, José Luis García-López and Don Newton, and featuring guest appearances by Superman, Green Lantern and the whole Bat-family, these classic tales showcase one of the greatest talents ever to write for the Caped Crusader in TALES OF THE BATMAN: GERRY CONWAY.
From the time his first story was published in 1969, Gerry Conway became one of the most prolific and highly regarded comics writers of the era. He wrote for nearly every character being published at the time, and his original creations—including Firestorm, Steel and Vixen—changed comics history forever. Conway’s work had a profound affect on the legacy of Batman, with his creations Killer Croc and Jason Todd becoming mainstays in the legend of the Dark Knight.
Collects DETECTIVE COMICS #463, 464, 497-499, 501-504, THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #158, 161, 171-174, BATMAN #295, 305, 306, BATMAN FAMILY #17, MAN-BAT #1 and WORLD’S FINEST COMICS #250, #269.
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