drive through the city to return home.We ran into an example of people trying to be helpful that were not! Of course, this happens to everyone. I (Rob) am guilty of trying to help people and making a mess. But this incident we encountered caused a big traffic jam.

Ahead of us, on the first street to the right an Ambulance had pulled in. That street was blocked by construction, so the ambulance would have to back out to get out.
We sat in the truck patiently like everyone else. Some people went over and asked what was happening, so I got out and walked over to a city worker. I asked why they were only letting traffic go on the street perpendicular. That traffic could only turn left heading southbound and go on our street.
The worker, yelled profanities at me. I told him I was just asking a question. It took another guy to get out of his car and yell at the city employee for him to get out of the intersection and let cars on our street go.
Once the ambulance was ready to back out, all traffic stopped in both directions.
BOTTOM LINE: The city worker was NOT a police officer and he backed up traffic for over a mile in the city!