Do you rely on Overtime to pay your bills or save money in a bank? It may be the end of it. Did you know? On
U.S. House passed a bill that affects overtime pay. Basically, it
REMOVES overtime pay and substitutes it with time off at Regular pay.
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Do you get paid for overtime work? The House of Representatives just passed a bill you may want to know about.
CNN MONEY: Source:
The measure, backed by Republicans, would let employers give workers paid time off instead of time-and-a-half pay the next time they put in extra hours. The vote tally was largely along party lines, with no Democrats voting in favor of the bill. Six Republicans also voted against it.

But Democrats stand in strong opposition. Their chief concern is that employers have the final say on when comp time can be used, which means bosses can defer compensating employees for overtime work.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts -- a Democrat who has made workers' protections her flagship cause and sits on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions -- called the bill a "disgrace" on Twitter.
Republicans, who hold 52 seats in the upper chamber, will need eight Democrats to vote in favor of the legislation to avoid a filibuster. The House bill is sponsored by Rep. Martha Roby of Alabama. Sen. Mike Lee of Utah has introduced a similar bill in the Senate, but it's still in committee.