1980s, I had to get the 445 page collection of the revitalization of the Justice Society of America collection called "All Star Comics." The Justice Society of America was created in the 1940s and featured superheroes of the Golden Age, like the original Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Dr. Fate, Wildcat, Dr. Midnite, Hourman, Wonder Woman and Superman.
DC Comics had the brilliant idea in the late 1950s to make these old characters superheroes of "Earth 2." The current iterations were on "Earth 1."
When the JSA was revitalized in the 1970s, all of those characters came back, although in their 50s and 60s, and were joined by new, young heroes like a grown up Robin (Batman's partner), Power Girl (counterpart to Earth-1's supergirl), Star Spangled Kid (an actual character from the 1940s who was "transported" to the 1970s), and a new character called the Huntress (daughter of Earth-2 Batman and wife Catwoman - yes, they married on Earth-2).
The stories were great, and it's pretty much all inclusive (there are references to the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" saga, but they couldn't reprint those here without including all 12 issues and you can get them separately). The stories, characterizations, and art work was great.
It's an Outstanding collection of Earth-2 heroes as they should be, and I will always treasure it in my collection to read over and over again.