I know Mr. Sanders promised a lot
of free things: Health care (to start from the beginning) and free tuition. Not
any wonder that college kids are going for him. Everyone wants something for
free. But let's be real for a minute.
Case in Point: President Obama just tried to get a bill
passed of 100 million to help homeless veterans and the GOP Congress said NO.
So, how is Mr. Sanders' 1.6 trillion dollar budget to give free health care and
free tuition going to pass? I'm just
being realistic. I'd love that stuff, but it is not possible when so much of
the country votes Republican. It will never pass Congress. We have to
understand that at least 1/2 of Congress will be Republican and will not allow
free tuition or health care. They are supported by big businesses like health
care industries and pharmaceuticals to allow it.
As a side note, I can't believe
people still believe the GOP lies about Mrs. Clinton. If you do, I'm sorry, but you are simple to fool.
- The email "scandal" is bull. I'm a federal
employee. People can classify something
after they send it and it's the email sender's responsibility. Not the
- The GOP even admitted the Benghazi stupidity was purposely done to
take her down in the polls and there was no factual basis behind it. -I can't
believe people really believe those lies about her character. She's stood up and proven every one of them