Saturday, May 31, 2014

Classic Comics Collection: Robin Vol. 2

DC Comics has issued their second volume of Robin stories (Batman's sidekick) in the DC Archive
DC Archives: Robin Vol. 2
Editions. I love Batman and Robin, and Robin is one of my all time favorite heroes, so when I learned about this collection of classic stories from the 1940s I wanted to enjoy it.
   Robin Archives Volume 2 (Hardcover) was published in Apr. of 2010 and has 256 pages of classic, full color stories of Robin in solo adventures as they appeared in Star Spangled Comics. All of the stories were drawn by Batman and Robin creator Bob Kane, but there were various writers. In fact, the writers were not listed, so DC Comics assumes they consisted of Don Cameron, Bill Finger, David Vern Reed and Jack Schiff.
  Although Robin was depicted in these stories as being in high school, he was able to drive the Batmobile and fly the Batplane - so he was quite the teenager. The stories really reflect the era of the 1940s, too. Reading them and looking at the artwork will be like a history lesson of how comics viewed society at the time.

   The covers of each issue of Star Spangled Comics are also reprinted in the book. Robin usually took a back seat on the covers to a frontier fighting character named Tomahawk who was actually quite popular in the 1940s. He was a "Daniel Boone-type" hero that battled pirates and native Americans on the wild frontier of the early U.S. Today, that kind of character wouldn't be nearly as well-received.
Tim Drake: the 3rd Robin
  The stories are classic, and the collection, like the first hardcover collection are enjoyable and well-worth reading. - Rob
 (Comics fans know the original Robin was Dick Grayson. He assumed a new identity as Nightwing and Jason Todd became Robin before being murdered by the Joker (and resurrected). Tim Drake then became Robin #3 and moved onto becoming Red Robin. Robin #4 was Stephanie Brown for a brief time before being fired by Batman, and then Robin #5 was Damian Wayne, Bruce's illegitimate son with a female assassin (who drugged Batman and got intimate with him), who was later killed by assassins. Currently, there is no Robin!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Another Great "Murder She Wrote" mystery: Trouble at High Tide

Another great book in the series!
 Sometimes the mysteries I've read are so great that I can the entire book in week, and all of the Murder She Wrote mystery series books are just like that for me:Trouble at High Tide was no exception.  Jessica is invited to come down to Bermuda to stay at a cottage on the property of a judge she met in New Jersey. The judge sends her a plane ticket when he and his family travel to Bermuda and Jessica gets caught up in "Jack the Ripper-style" murders. The judge's family is also directly affected. The Judge has three ex-wives, children that don't care for him, and even neighbors that don't like him, so there's a lot of discord to untangle. As with all Murder She Wrote novels, this one will keep you guessing as you read how mystery novel writer Jessica Fletcher figures it all out.
  Like all of the others in the series I highly recommend book! - Rob

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hear Rob's interview on Paranormal Review Radio!

Hear my interview on Paranormal Review Radio!

Luci and Anthony
On Friday, May 23,Rob had a wonderful interview on Paranormal Review Radio with Luci and Anthony as we talked about "Pets and the Afterlife." It was very emotional and very moving. 
I was on the first hour and Luci and Anthony talked more about the subject in
hour #2.  You'll learn a lot about how pets communicate with us, how they're able to do so, and hear some amazing stories. Luci had some emotional moments and it was very touching and memorable. What an amazing night!


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meet an Amazing Artist: Charles Alexander!

Facebook is an amazing thing. I recently connected to an incredibly talented artist named Charles Alexander of Texas. Here's one story about an incredible painting he did about a lioness' reflection. Charles spent time in Africa in a tent and did a lot of drawings, sketches and paintings. I had to look at the painting a number of times because it's so amazing it looks like a photograph!

Lioness Reflection Completed/Featured In Wildlife Art Journal

Posted in Available Works, Big Cats, Charles Alexander, Lions, Oil Paintings, serengeti national park, Tanzania on July 26, 2012 by Charles Alexander

The completed Lioness Reflection painting recently appeared in a Serengeti Day  installment of Wildlife Art Journal protesting the proposed commercial highway through the Serengeti National Park. My accompanying statement:
“I observed this lioness one afternoon close to my small campsite in the northern reaches of the Serengeti, near Bologonja. She had just made a careful, but ultimately failed attempt to ambush a young wildebeest that had strayed from the edge of the Great Migration. Lions fail far more often than they kill, but something about her posture–an attitude that I worked to convey in my painting–tells me just how much of a survivor she is. She may fail time and again, but she’ll keep trying until she provides for herself, her cubs, her pride. That’s just one of the things about lions that I find so inspiring.

Painting this lioness in the studio day to day transported me back to the Serengeti– and to the emotions that I experienced when I was immersed in one of the few places where one can get a clear idea of what the earth must have been like during the Golden Age of Mammals. I divide my field work these days between two Serengetis: East Africa’s–the last great stronghold of the world’s megafauna– and the lost ecosystem of the American Great Plains, where bison once roamed in herds that were perhaps the greatest ever known to man. I recently stood on a hilltop in the midst of the western Kansas prairie, looking across a landscape completely empty of the vast numbers of large mammals that had roamed there until the mid-nineteenth century, just a moment ago in geologic time.
The proposed Serengeti Highway threatens to reduce the great plains of East Africa to a land just as empty and just as haunted by what might have been. America’s vast herds were lost before they could even be studied and understood, destroyed by men who did not appreciate the value of the natural world beyond their own blind and momentary greed. Today, we know better. This lioness cannot pause to reflect upon the future of her world– she can only work to feed herself. It is up to us to ensure that short-sighted greed will not prevail again. We must stand together to protect the Serengeti for present and future generations– and for the wild creatures that still call its majestic horizons home. “
This piece is now in the collection of Mrs. Jackie West Cowden.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thanks to Dustin Pari for supporting my book "Pets and the Afterlife"

Last summer I had the good fortune to meet Ghost Hunter Dustin Pari at the Spiritwatch convention in Virginia. SpiritWatch conducts paranormal investigations in MD, DC and VA.
   Since the conference, Dustin and I follow each other on Twitter. This week, Dustin sent out a tweet in support of my book "Pets and the Afterlife" for which I am extremely grateful. He also sent it to John Tenney (whom I also had the pleasure to meet at that same conference)! These guys are really amazing and fascinating to hear. You can find their websites below. 
  Here's the Tweet from Dustin that I will always treasure:

Dustin Pari
Dustin Pari

Give this a look @JohnELTenney RT @GhostMediumBook: Did someone's dog or cat pass recently? Check my book

Dustin Pari's Website says:  Man of God. Motivational Speaker. founder. The Paranormal Rockstar formerly of Ghost Hunters & GHI. Pie enthusiast. Lover of cereal. 100%Awesome  You can find Dustin's website at The Paranormal Rockstar: The Official Site Of Dustin Pari 
John E.L. Tenney is also well known in Paranormal circles!  Author & Investigator of Anomalistic, Paranormal & Occult Phenomena, Psychopomp, Realm of the Weird, Folklorist, King of the Weirdos & Everyone's Weird Uncle.
Here's John's website: Weird Lectures - John E.L. Tenney's Weird Place for Weird ...

A Dog Rescue Transport: Frankie's Story

This past weekend, we were asked to do a dog transport of an elderly Dachshund. The dog, Frankie,
Frankie exploring our backyard
 was being given up by her owner because the owner's daughter called and said the owner wasn't home for extended periods and wanted the dog to have a better life. So, the rescue got some information, had the owner fill out forms to turn the dog over, and Tom and I (Rob) drove to pick up Frankie on Saturday- and Frankie went to Tom's folks to be fostered that night.

WHO IS FRANKIE? -  Frankie is a female red, smooth-haired Dachshund. When we arrived, the owner's daughter told us that Frankie is actually 15 years old and she's on special prescription food for her kidneys. Our dog Sprite had kidney failure at 16 so it's not uncommon. Sprite, however, only lived another 7 months after the diagnosis. We were told that Frankie's prescription food was to prevent kidney / bladder stones from forming, as she apparently had them before and had surgery. She was also not supposed to eat dairy products because calcium would also cause them (as they do in humans). The bag she came with had heartworm and flea preventative medicine, but the owner's daughter didn't know if Frankie got them monthly.  **  Frankie rode well in our pickup truck and was very quiet. When we arrived home, she met our three dogs and they sniffed her and then left her alone.
Frankie enjoying being outside
STUDYING HER CONDITION -  When rescue volunteers (like us) take in a foster dog, we study their condition, abilities and habits. She appeared housebroken and she ambled around but we later learned she was not housebroken. (Apparently she was left alone very long hours as the former owner's daughter said, so she had some accidents - or perhaps it's kidney failure because she didn't poop in the house). We learned that she actually could not climb stairs when she couldn't  get up a small ledge from our sun porch into our kitchen. - The former owner also gave us "doggy stairs" they used to allow Frankie to get up on a couch, but she didn't seem to be able to use those either.
  Basically, Frankie is elderly, and in human years, 15 Equals 80 human years old.
FIRST NIGHT- Tom's folks said that she did walk with them, and very slowly. It was apparent that Frankie wasn't used to walking on a  leash, but did do her #2 outside, which tells us that she WAS housetrained and the 2 pee accidents she inside Tom's parents' house may be either marking, stress or from kidney failure (as she wasn't alone at any time).
ASSESSMENT - Frankie is going to be assessed at the vet to determine her overall health, age, etc. It is our assessment that Frankie is not in the best of health and that the owner may have called the rescue because of her kidney failure and they didn't want to see her during her last months or year. We say this having gone through kidney failure with Sprite just last July. We'll know more after the Vet visit. Meanwhile, we've asked that Tom's parents not be the foster home, because with ill health, Frankie's foster home will definitely become a permanent home.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Tom's Book Recommendation: The Kingmaker's Daughter

Kingmaker's Daughter
Long weekends are good for catching up on reading! I (Tom) finished reading Phillipa Gregory's The Kingmaker's Daughter today. It drags in parts. A bit repetitious and the story probably could have been told in half the number of pages. But still a fan. 
   This is the story of Richard III's rise as told through the eyes of his wife, Anne Neville. Bummer that no plausible explanation is given for what happened to the two princes (his brother Edward's sons and legitimate heirs to the throne) locked up in the tower by his command. One of history's mysteries.   
   Over all this was a GOOD read (although not one of the author's better ones).
- Tom

WHO WAS RICHARD III?: Richard III (2 October 1452 – 22 August 1485) was King of England for two years, from 1483 until his death in 1485 in the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was the last king of the House of York and the last of the Plantagenet dynasty. His defeat at Bosworth Field, the last decisive battle of the Wars of the Roses, symbolises the end of the Middle Ages in England. He is the subject of the play Richard III by William Shakespeare.
Richard III

RICHARD'S REMAINS FOUND IN A PARKING LOT- Richard III's remains received burial without pomp, but the original tomb is believed to have been destroyed during the Reformation, and the remains were lost for more than five centuries.[3] In 2012, an archaeological excavation was conducted on a city council car park using ground-penetrating radar on the site once occupied by Greyfriars, Leicester. The University of Leicester confirmed on 4 February 2013 that the evidence pointed to a skeleton found in the excavation being that of Richard III.[4] This conclusion was based on a combination of the results of radiocarbon dating, a comparison with contemporary reports of his appearance, and a comparison of his mitochondrial DNA with that of two matrilineal descendants of Richard III's eldest sister, Anne of York

2 Minute Video Intro to Rob's Book (with Tyler!)

Here's a short 2 minute video with an introduction about my new book "Pets and the Afterlife" featuring me and Tyler, one of our three dogs.
Summary: PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE by Rob Gutro: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle-

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Computer Woes: When Virus Protection Gets a Virus : Part 2

 This is part 2 of my recent Computer Woes and I can only call it: When Virus Protection Gets a Virus.
    As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, my Symantec virus protection wasn't protecting anymore, so I had to call Symantec customer service. Apparently, my contract may have expired (although I didn't get notified) and the Firewall wouldn't update and said it was basically broken.
 - That made sense to me because one of my word documents suddenly had a virus from somewhere... SO I had to do something.

  I called Symantec and decided that I needed to get a 3 year product and wipe out the existing one. Simple, right?  WRONG.
TRYING TO INSTALL THE NEW PROGRAM -   After paying for it, I was directed to a website via an email with a log in. The website took me to a page to pick one of 50 languages (including "international English" which turned out to be the right one). - Then it took me to a page to pick which operating system (turns out I have Windows 64 bit, whatever THAT means). I didn't have a clue so I called the help line.

   Then the new Virus protection program wouldn't download. ANOTHER ADVENTURE. The Tech said that we had to uninstall the old version. It didn't uninstall so he had to take me into a back way of roots and files which I would never understand or remember. After 35 minutes we were able to delete the OLD file. Then we had to download the new one.
   The gentleman was talking to me from southeastern India and told me they just had an Earthquake the day before as we waited 15 minutes for the new program to install. SIGH. There's a lot more to it- but I must say that people in India are very patient and kind.  At least this guy was outstanding. I believe his name was Dupesh.
 I will say that Dupesh's use of Web-Ex to direct me through my computer files was Critical, and very helpful. Bravo, Symantec!
  Symantec is up and running now, and is 100%. WHEW.
THE FINAL FRONTIER - A PRINTER INSTALL -  The next adventure came that night when my new HP $129 laser printer arrived and I had to install it.  (BTW- I recommend that P1100 HP laserjet).  It only took 90 minutes... UGH. I need a night AWAY from computers!!!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Double Birthday Celebration: Stef and Stacey!

This week marked the 25th birthdays of two of our friends and neighbors, so we had to celebrate!  Stacey and her hubby Nathan and Stefanie and her hubby Jeff joined us for dinner out, and then lots of different homemade sweets at our house afterward. Stacey's birthday is today, the 24th, and Stefanie's was the 19th so we combined them into one cozy celebration.
  Rob baked earlier in the day and made carrot cake cupcakes, chocolate raspberry cupcakes and we tossed in apple pastries and blueberry scones, topping it all off with coffee! 
L to R: Nathan, Jeff, Stef, Stacey, Tom (Rob took the picture!)
   It was a fun way to celebrate and the weather was perfect so we enjoyed sitting on our sun porch (something that we hadn't been able to do up until three weeks ago when winter weather finally disappeared).

Computer Woes and Customer Service Adventures: PART 1

Thursday was a challenging day for me (Rob). On Wednesday I attempted to clean off some virus
I was almost to this point!!!!
from my computer that was infecting files. My Virus protection (Symantec) suddenly wasn't working and the "firewall" was not updating. In fact, it said it couldn't be fixed. SIGH.
UH-OH!!  -    So, when I went to remove what I thought were infected programs (or fake programs) I accidentally removed the wireless program to my modem!  OH NO!!!  I learned about it first thing Thursday morning when I tried to access email to telework. Fortunately, I had my office computer, too, so I used that.
  EXPENSE OF COMPUTER FIXES -    I called Comcast (our service provider) because when I put the disk in to reload the program to connect the wireless, it wouldn't run. They said "sorry, can't help you, but we can transfer you to a computer service that will charge you $129.00 to talk about it over the phone." Arrggh!!! So, no internet, no virus protection, and $129.00. I said "NO." - I called a local Geek computer place and they said $100.00 for the first 30 minutes and $25.00 each additional 15 minutes. I said "NO."
RESET TO PREVIOUS TIME - So, after about an hour I managed to find a "reset to previous date" and got the wireless program back! (I couldn't figure out where in the world to find that button!!) WHEW.  One issue fixed.


Friday, May 23, 2014

A Cat's Spirit Visit at the Vet's Office !

Last night I went to my local vet as two of our Dachshunds needed to get their Bordatella update shot.
A cat's spirit visited me in the vet's office!
After the Vet Tech weighed them we went into the exam room with the dogs to give them their shots. She asked me if I was the medium (the Vet's office folks know me and some have read my books). I told her I was. I told her that there was a feline spirit around her. She said that her cat passed recently and she wanted to know if she was around.
  Her cat was in fact, there, although I couldn't get her cat's name. Her cat had a great message for the Vet tech, though. Her cat's spirit said, "Thank you for taking care of other animals, mom, and giving them the love you gave to me every day. I'm still with you."
  I was trying to corral my two dachshunds, so I kept getting distracted, and after I was on my way back to my car, the cat's spirit had followed me outside and told me that she's going to be walking around her mom's house tonight and will curl up on the bed with her mom. Hopefully, her mom will realize her spirit cat is present!

PETS AND THE AFTERLIFE by Rob Gutro: The loss of a pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the other side.    Available in paperback and E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle- click here

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Missed Rob's interview about Pets in the Afterlife on Angels of Light Radio? Hear it here

If you missed Rob's interview about "Pets and the Afterlife" on Angels of Light Radio" this past Sunday night, you can hear it here! 
   Airing on Sundays (Bi Weekly) at 8pm PST/11pm EST Angels of Light Radio is on LiveParanormal! is the PREMIER online community dealing with all things : Paranormal, Unexplained, History, Horror, Sci Fi, & More.

ON May 18th 8pm PST /11pm EST we visited with Medium, Author, and Scientist by trade, Rob Gutro  (LINK:

   Rob has a special connection with animals in particular, so animal lovers do not want to miss this! Unlike many Mediums, Rob uses scientific equipment to find proof of ghosts or spirits and considers himself a "Medium Rare". He is also the author of "Pets and the Afterlife," "Ghosts and Spirits" and "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead".
    "One of my big focuses is on pets. I had a dog that was tragically killed as a puppy and who became the world's best canine communicator. He opened the door for other dogs and cats to give messages for others that I've proved over and over.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Great Sci-Fi Paranormal Mystery: Proven Guilty

  I just finished my second novel in the "Dresden Files" series about a paranormal detective in Chicago, and like the first one, it was great!
   The STORY:   The White Council of Wizards has drafted wizard Harry Dresden as a Warden and assigned him to look into rumors of black magic in Chicago. Malevolent entities that feed on fear are loose in the Windy City at a horror convention called "Splattercon!!!" but it's all in a day's work for a wizard, his faithful dog, and a talking skull named Bob. 
  This paranormal detective has to figure out where these blood thirsty entities are killing conference attendees. He also has to figure out how his best friend's daughter fits into the paranormal outbreak... and it leads him into trouble in a Faerie kingdom full of dark entities and evil. This is the 8th book in the series (there are now 15 of them!) and it was such a great read, I finished it in less than 2 weeks. Highly Recommended! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Watched Classic Comedy Movie: Big Business

We watched a classic comedy movie this past Friday night- "Big Business" with Bette Midler and
Lily Tomlin. I (Rob) remembered it from the 1988, and decided to buy the dvd on-line. It was well-worth the laughs again!

SUMMARY:  In the 1940s in the small town of Jupiter Hollow, two sets of identical twins are born in the same hospital on the same night. One set to a poor local family and the other to a rich family just passing through. The dizzy nurse on duty accidentally mixes the twins unbeknown to the parents. Our story flashes forward to the 1980s where the mismatched sets of twins are about to cross paths following a big business deal to closedown the Jupiter Hollow factory.

Click for Scene where they learn they were switched twins!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Great Post by our Friend Nanette About Toxic People

We had to share this Facebook post from our Friend Nanette - She wrote about reasons she defriended someone who is toxic, bigoted and uses religion to defend their hypocrisy.
   As Nanette says in her post, the hypocrisy of people is appalling. We have also un-friended people because of their bigotry and intolerance- who also sadly have said they are religious, and view gay couples as "less than human and undeserving of equal protections."  - One couple were friends since 1993, another since 1996, and others here in Md. that we invited to our wedding reception in 2009 who revealed themselves. It was brutal to hear this from people we thought were our friends.  These former friends preached about Jesus and threw us under the bus. Like Nanette, we're tired of intolerance. Religion and conservativism are the roots of the hatred and division and people need to grow past them. Being accepting of all people is what our nation was founded on- we welcome all. Sadly, not everyone gets it. - and we are much better off for removing toxic people like that from our lives. - Rob


I just had to de-friend someone on FB and that makes me sad. I met her through rescue and while we really didn't have much in common, our love for animals was enough. She has a kind heart and a lot of compassion, and it makes me feel bad that I had to cut off communication, but sometimes you have to draw the line. The problem was the combination of her extreme right political posts, which were getting more and more hateful and racist. The thing is, I don't think she even realizes she's a bigot and I'm finding that there are a lot of folks out there like that. 
    It kind of blows my mind that someone can be so kind and compassionate when it comes to animals or children, but then they turn around and call people "towel heads" or say racist things about our President. They talk about God and Jesus and The Bible, but then protest Americans helping find the Nigerian girls that were kidnapped. They preach compassion and forgiveness, then scream about having foreigners in this country. They scream "pro life," but condone bombing abortion clinics. They preach kindness and empathy, but constantly bitch about people getting assistance from the government who truly need it. Yes, there are those who abuse this privilege, but there are many who truly need and deserve it. I'm just so sick of the hypocrisy. 
   I'm so sick of how everyone has blamed Obama for the giant mess he inherited, from the second he walked into office. Is he the best President we've ever had? No, of course not, but he is definitely NOT the worst. You are entitled to your opinion and I have no problem with that. What I DO abhor are people who rant and rave about him being evil, claim he's not American, claim he's anti-American, a Socialist, etc. Three-quarters of these people don't even know what a Socialist is, and why they are so afraid of it.    It's all propaganda. Fear mongering, playing to the fear of all things anti-Patriotic. All politicians lie. All politicians have an agenda. He is no worse than anyone else. I have never seen this country as polarized as it is now. 
    People say they don't want big government, but they want to control what women do with their bodies. They want to impose Christian prayer in schools when there are so many other religions out there, and they call that freedom of religion. You should be able to be a Muslim, Jewish, an Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, even a Satanist, if that is what you wish...and shouldn't have to be exposed to just one religion in schools or government meetings. That is not what freedom of religion means. 
   I'm just really disappointed in some people. I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian...doesn't matter to me...just don't be a hypocrite and don't be hateful. Don't be a racist. Think about what you're saying. There's already so MUCH shit in this world, there's no need to add to it.

Yolie's Birthday Celebration!

Tom and Yolie hamming it up
Our friend and neighbor Yolie celebrated her birthday on May 15th, and asked friends and neighbors to meet at a local restaurant, so we did!  It was a lot of fun, and there were a good number of people there. Yolie says she's approaching our age, but she looks 30! 

David and Yolie
Tom and Yolie
 Yolie is a great cook who has hosted the most wonderful parties with Puerto Rican and Mexican
Yolie and Rob
food, and always has a laugh and a smile for everyone.  She loves people, cats and dogs, laughing, friends, family and enjoying life. It's people like Yolie who make it easy to celebrate their birth, because they make you happy! 

 (BTW, because we were sitting at a table that faced the bar, most everyone's backs were facing us for a good amount of time, and well, we just had to take a picture of Yolie's boyfriend David's behind.). LOL
Shelley, Yolie and David
Group shot at the bar - yeah, it's blurry!
David's behind. :)


Saturday, May 17, 2014

So Cool! THE FLASH comes to TV this fall- (Extended Trailer) !!

As a HUGE DC Comics superhero fan, I am so excited to hear that the CW Network is bringing the world's fastest superhero to TV.  It won't be long before the world learns what Barry Allen has become. Don't miss The Flash, coming Tuesdays on the CW Network.
 - CW remade Green Arrow (ARROW) into one of the best shows on television - and brought so much depth to the character.  Now, they're going to do the same with the Flash.
    Nicknamed the Scarlet Speedster and the "Crimson Comet" all incarnations of the Flash possess "super speed", which includes the ability to run and move extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes and seemingly violate certain laws of physics.  (More about the FLASH:
   (BTW- Remember the FLASH in a live action television series in 1990, starring John Wesley Shipp.? I do! I have them on DVD!!)

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

A Classic Country Music Station to Enjoy