Here are some great ideas for STOCKING STUFFERS: Great Books from our Friends. The range from Humor to Fantasy, Romance, Ghosts, Comic Books, Kids books and more! Check them out, order them and enjoy these books for yourself, too!
Make Mine a Double... A Mastectomy That Is


***and her NEW BOOK: In the Lies of
Men: The Legion Series Book 1: Fired
from the job she loves, with no money and no prospects, Aidee returns to her
hometown of Thorne Bay, Alaska to find her footing. A quiet fishing village
with a history of Inuit Elder magick, Aidee's little hamlet attracts tourists
from around the world who hold a gruesome intrigue for the massacre that
occurred in the town. After years of being away she quickly realizes all too
soon that she's been expected to return and that she's not the only one still
trying to wash the blood of the past from her hands...

SUPERMAN VS. BIZARRO, is the latest
amazing adventure written by our friend John Sazaklis and illustrated by the
super-talented Luciano Vecchio. OR Batman Classic: Feline Felonies: With
Wonder Woman OR Superman Classic: Escape from the Phantom Zone (I Can Read Book
2) OR Batman Classic: Fright Club OR Swamp Thing vs the Zombie Pets (Dc
Super-Pets!) OR
Superman Classic: Day of Doom (I Can Read Book 2)
REGINA HARVEY (Heidi Roosa): Fantasy
Author of OUTLIERS (like the Hunger Games)

Fans of the
Hunger Games, Divergent, and Legend series will be as captivated by Outliers,
the first book in the EOD series. TO

Explore the supernatural history of Maryland through ghost stories and legends, and discover why the state may be one of the most haunted in America. Learn how a woman, killed by an oil lamp, locked the parlor doors of her house from her coffin. Play cards with the devil in a home where a ghost led a player to a hidden gold chain. See the impression left in a bed at the Dr. Samuel A. Mudd house and discover what person of infamy may have left it. Solve the mystery of the ghost of a headless peddler that kept pointing a stick at the ground, and read about the testimony of a ghost used in court. With over 100 ghost stories and an atlas to guide you, this comprehensive collection includes details unearthed for the first time in decades! MIKE'S BOOKS:
JANE WAKELY: paranormal romance writer whom I met earlier this year at the Frederick Book
Festival. Jane has been creating stories of love and romance for as long as she
can remember. She's a sucker for a happy ending and thinks the best thing about
any movie or book is when the characters find someone to love. Jane's stories
reflect her interest in all romance genres, and all levels of spice, but
paranormal romance is her true passion. She loves creating worlds around sexy
shifters and vamps--even if the shifter is a smelly skunk! Jane writes sensual romance that will warm
your heart, and a happy ever after is guaranteed!Explore the supernatural history of Maryland through ghost stories and legends, and discover why the state may be one of the most haunted in America. Learn how a woman, killed by an oil lamp, locked the parlor doors of her house from her coffin. Play cards with the devil in a home where a ghost led a player to a hidden gold chain. See the impression left in a bed at the Dr. Samuel A. Mudd house and discover what person of infamy may have left it. Solve the mystery of the ghost of a headless peddler that kept pointing a stick at the ground, and read about the testimony of a ghost used in court. With over 100 ghost stories and an atlas to guide you, this comprehensive collection includes details unearthed for the first time in decades! MIKE'S BOOKS:
OH YEAH… and me: Rob Gutro: "Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a
Medium" and "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead
I'm a
member of Inspired Ghost Tracking who use scientific equipment to find proof of
ghosts or spirits. Since I was a child I could receive messages from ghosts or
spirits (who have crossed over). I wrote "Ghosts and Spirits" and
"Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" to teach others how Ghosts
and Spirits communicate and to give hope about the afterlife. I also provide
some scientific explanations about how they do it. I'm not a medium who makes
appointments - I'm not as well-developed in my abilities as learned mediums.
I'm more of a "medium rare." I just hope you find comfort in these
explanations based on my experiences.
Our loved ones are missed most around the holidays, and one way
to take comfort is to understand that they're still around. - My books have
provided a comfort by explaining how spirits make themselves known.
Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium for $7.25 paper/$2.99 E-book and Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead for $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-book on AMAZON:
SCOTT LOPE'S story in WOLVERINE (comics)
Recently, our friend Scott Lope had the amazing opportunity to co-write a comic book about Marvel's Wolverine character from the X-men series. The story appears in December's "Savage Wolverine #12" on sale now AND NEXT MONTH'S "Savage Wolverine #13" The Wolverine story addresses the serious issue of Rhino poaching in Africa and how countless Rhinos are slaughtered for their horns. This is one of the issues that Scott personally tries to stop through his organization. The story is gripping and well-written and the artwork is fantastic.
Scott is the founder of the Non-Profit Organization called Animal
Warriors. Animal Warriors is a group of like minded individuals from all walks of life
who share a common goal of helping animals with active volunteer groups
in both Florida and North Carolina. (Like them on Facebook:
RANDY KELLER -Voices From Forever
Voices From Forever chronicles my journey through the paranormal by way
of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). What started out as an experiment,
proved to be the most eye-opening and profound experience of my life.
There is no longer any doubt that beyond this existence is a greater
continuation; an equally dynamic and vital place where the passion of
human emotion and the animism of the universe converge to reveal a
glimpse of what is to come. My attempts to make contact through EVP
taught me just how thin the veil is between what we know as living, and
the afterlife that claims us all. Death is not the end of being alive,
but the beginning of our next step – one that we must all take. Check it out!:
Ghosts and Spirits: Insights from a Medium for $7.25 paper/$2.99 E-book and Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead for $8.99 paperback and $2.99 E-book on AMAZON:
SCOTT LOPE'S story in WOLVERINE (comics)
Recently, our friend Scott Lope had the amazing opportunity to co-write a comic book about Marvel's Wolverine character from the X-men series. The story appears in December's "Savage Wolverine #12" on sale now AND NEXT MONTH'S "Savage Wolverine #13" The Wolverine story addresses the serious issue of Rhino poaching in Africa and how countless Rhinos are slaughtered for their horns. This is one of the issues that Scott personally tries to stop through his organization. The story is gripping and well-written and the artwork is fantastic.

RANDY KELLER -Voices From Forever