W e're huge fans of the Amazing Race, and have been cheering on teams for many years. This season, there were three teams that we wanted to win: James and Jaymes (the Chippendales); Brent and Josh (the goat farmers) and Natalie and Nadyia (the funny SriLankan twins). All of them never showed hostility to each other as they raced around the world and faced challenges.
In a final test of recollection, the team of Josh and Brent, who had never won any leg of the race, brilliantly completed the memory test of indicating "Hello" and "Goodbye" and many of the languages from places they visited. Josh figured the answers using mathematics while other teams struggled to remember. They were physically not the strongest team by any means, but these two guys who
have been together over 14 years, worked together to win a million dollars.
Trey&Lexi,, the Twins, Chippendales, Josh&Brent |
At the end of the race when they realized they actually won, they gave each other a kiss and thanked all their team members.
They have a blog and a website for their business, and they wrote the following thank you notes to all their competitors, and made them personalized gingerbread cookies. I've never seen ANYONE on the Amazing Race reach out to all of their competitors. These guys are a great example of how to live, and how to respect others.
Below is their BLOG.
To see the video of the Finale: "The Amazing
Race" finale: And the winners are...
Beekman Boys Blog: 7 Billion “Thank You” Notes
By: Josh and Brent http://beekman1802.com/7-billion-thank-you-notes/

Our Moms taught us to always write “thank you” notes after receiving a
gift. We met a lot of people traveling over 25,000 miles through 9
countries before winning The Amazing Race. And every single person who
cheered us along, helped with directions, hugged us, gave us water,
shared their food, sold us a plane ticket, drove us to the
middle-of-nowhere, yelled at their TV set on Sunday nights, traded their
plane seat so we could deplane quicker, pointed in the right direction,
or just plain got out of our way to let us pass has earned our deepest
As longtime fans of the show, we know there are as many different
strategies for winning as there are people who watch the show. Before we
embarked we reviewed many past seasons to try to find the “secret
formula” for winning. We didn’t uncover one. So we fell back on the same
three strategies we use in our everyday lives:
1. Do the best you can at every task in front of you.
2. Help your neighbor whenever you can.
3. Don’t give up no matter how bad things look.
We have no idea if this is why we won. But we do know that this was how we raced.
What are we going to do with the winnings? Well, first, we’re going
to pay off the mortgage on our farm so that we can live together
full-time again after 5 years apart. Next, we’re going to invest in a
building on Sharon Springs Main Street that will become the new home of
Beekman 1802. And finally we’ll be launching a new line of food products
named after a 1929 Heirloom Tomato – “The Mortgage Lifter.” 25% of its
profits will help other small American farmers pay off their debts.
Looking back after this exhausting and exhilarating journey, it seems
appropriate that it culminated in that very difficult final Amazing
Race challenge. “Hello” and “Goodbye” are perhaps the most important
words we need to learn as human beings, and we should all try to learn
them in as many languages as possible. But along the Race, we also
learned nine equally valuable ones:
Xie xie, Terima kasih, Dhanyabad, Sagolun, Spasibo, Dank je, Gracias, Merci & Thank you.
And here’s who we would like to say them to most:
CBS & The Amazing Race Production Team. Thank
you for giving us this opportunity. As longtime fans, we knew how
beloved this show is in America. But we had no idea how beloved it is
around the globe until we raced with you. You’ve had a larger impact on
this world over the past 21 seasons than most diplomats. You’ve taught
Americans about hidden corners of the world, and you’ve taught hidden
corners of the world about Americans.
We’ll always remember something one of the producers said right
before the race began. She explained that we’d be racing through some
very remote places in this world, and for some of the people we meet
along the way, simply having a big TV production include them in their
show might be one of the most memorable moments of their lives. She
reminded us that while we might be focused simply on making it to Phil
as fast as we could, that we were representing America every (hurried)
step of the way. We hope that we represented you, and America well.
Thank you for giving us that chance.
And because here in Sharon Springs we’ve learned that the best way to
thank your neighbor is with baked goods, this past weekend we baked
gingerbread men for each of our closest neighbors on the race – our
fellow Racers:
1. Rob (CEO Lumberjack & groom) & Shelia (CMO & bride):
Perhaps our first “fun” experience on the race was joking with Rob and
Shelia about catching the “slow plane to China.” There shared sense of
fun and perspective is exactly why they are so successful in their lives
and also why they’re such a perfect couple together. Congratulations on
your wedding this past summer, you are a beautitul team.
Check out their company.
2. Amy (self-described “Fembot”) and Daniel (Executive Director of Adaptive Action Sports Organization)
There hasn’t been a more inspirational team in the history of The
Amazing Race than this couple. After all the life challenges and
successes these two have shared, it’s easy to wonder why they would have
chosen to take time out of their busy schedules to take on this
particular challenge. And the answer is: because every challenge they
overcome inspires millions more to attempt their own. And the world
becomes a better place. Please
check out their organization and donate.
3.Caitlin & Brittany (The Blondes)
It’s always unfair that strong and smart female teams always seem to
have their description reduced to “the blondes.” It’s especially unfair
in the case of these two. Watching them sprint past the best male
athletes on our race struck fear in our hearts on Day One. Don’t let
the snorting fool you…beauty can be deceiving, and these two proved it
many times over.
4. Will & Gary (Jack & the Beanstalk)
– These two great guys will have a greater impact on the world than all
of the other Racers combined. For years, they’ve used the Amazing Race
as teachers to help students learn more about the world they live in.
And this year, they were able to use their first hand experience to
inspire kids to become better and more knowledgeable global citizens.
That makes us all winners.
Please donate on their behalf to Make-A-Wish Michigan, Wish A Mile to help them continue their good works.
5. Rob & Kelley – (Monster Mohawk, Mega Smile)
Rob & Kelley are two of the most accomplished Racing couples on
this season. You’d never know it to look at her, but Kelley is a
champion rodeo rider, and Rob is a world famous Monster Truck
competitor. These two are tough…but, as Rob said: “all heart.” One of
the most rewarding things about the race was that we got to spend a lot
of time with folks with whom our paths would’ve likely never crossed…and
we’re so very fortunate that ours did. We both learned a lot from each
other. An incredibly kind couple.
6. Abba & James – (The Rockers)
These guys had perhaps the best perspective on the race. And maybe
life. Whether way out in front, or stymied by bad luck, James and Abba
kept going with great humor and humility. We learned a lot from how
these two accomplished men approach the world, and will always remember
their attitude, fortitude, and style.
7. Ryan & Abbie – (Ultra-alpha couple)
These two were probably least likely couple that we expected to bond
with – especially to the extent that we did. It’s hard enough to
exhibit humility and grace when you’re winning. And near impossible to
do so when you’re 14 ½ hours behind everyone else. But Abbie’s silly eye
rolls, and big heart kept us going. As did Ryan’s confidence and
strategies. People may not understand why we worked together as closely
as we did, but we’ll always understand that we only had two choices
under our circumstances:
1. Be ruthless, be miserable, and one of us lose.
2. Be helpful, have a good time, and one of us lose.
Little did we know that there was a third option…that we’d would both wind up winning just by meeting each other.
Please donate to a cause they work closely with.
8. Natalie & Nadia – (Twinnies!) Clearly,
we wouldn’t have won without these two lighting our fires. But who
would’ve thought that we had so much to learn from these two young
twinnies? They are truly the ultimate sportswomen. Their “trash talk”
and “winner-take-all” gamesmanship might have offended some, but it
never did us. We knew they were just being competitive and funny. Plus,
what didn’t come across on camera is how impressively polite and
intuitive they were during non-race moments. They woke up our spirit at
just the right moment.
That’s what great competitors do.
9. Trey & Lexi – (Team Longhorns)
Seriously…step back in time to the moment before you’d taken your first
trip overseas. Now imagine that version of you going on “The Amazing
Race.” We don’t care how intelligent, athletic, or competitive you
are…going on the Race without any travel experience is the ultimate
underdog position. And they didn’t just do well…they made the final
three! It’s incredible. And bodes well for how insanely successful these
two will be at everything they try in their lives. We’re so proud to
know them, and proud of all the pair have accomplished in life already,
the business Lexi helps run with her mom.
10 Jaymes & James – (Chips)
We know what it’s like to be underestimated. Even with their incredible
physicality, J & J knew that many folks would write them off
immediately as mere eye candy. But this candy didn’t only look good…it
was good for you. For everyone watching, in fact. We don’t know how they
did it, but they were in good humor every single moment of the Race.
Jaymes and James are models of positivity in the face of competitive and
personal adversities.
Please donate and pray to help Jaymes father in his fight with cancer.
And finally…thank you. And you. And you and you and you.
You know why.
We heard you cheering all the way around the world.
And we really needed it.
And it worked.