A story of what happens when people abuse the system: I had to mail some papers back to a company who was providing a charge number for the UPS delivery to send documents back to the company.
So, armed with the company's UPS number, I went to the nearby UPS store to mail the envelope for next day delivery. The employees of the store told me that they CAN'T accept a UPS mailer unless the customer bringing it in pays for it. They said they have NO forms for people who charge other accounts. SO, I couldn't even fill out a form and drop it in a UPS box.
WHY? Apparently some losers put fake charge numbers on UPS packages (and no, the store isn't connected to the main UPS mainframe to verify account numbers), cheating UPS and the store of the monies owed for services rendered. So, the store no longer accepts packages that aren't directly paid for by the person dropping it off.
THE RESULT? I had to drive 20 minutes toward Washington, DC to the main UPS office to mail the package and charge the settlement company. I think that for anyone that abuses a system, we need to start cutting off fingers. I'm so disappointed and disgusted that people would knowingly cheat people or businesses. Don't these people have a conscience?
I feel bad for the businesses that have to look out for idiots that try and cheat them all the time. Of course, I felt bad for myself (um...maybe ticked) that I had to drive 40 minutes out of the way. On top of all that, I thought UPS guys were supposed to be hot looking- and there wasn't one at either location. How disappointing is THAT? :)
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