SOARIN' AS SUPERMAN AT EPCOT - We enjoyed a number of rides, including "Soarin'" which was highly recommended by our friend Lynn J. It was wonderful. It's a simulated ride where you're lifted on a ski-lift that moves back and forth in sync with the movie shown on a huge screen. The movie (taken from planes and helicopters) flies you over many different landscapes including the Golden Gate Bridge, mountains, prairies, lakes and rivers, snow and ice, and more. You really do feel like you're flying, and considering I was wearing my Superman Tee-shirt, I thought it a perfect ride! Here's Tom, Darold and Rob in line waiting for the ride (located in "The Land" exhibit of EPCOT).

AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AT DISNEY - Also inside "The Land" is a really fascinating boat tour through greenhouses showing research on growing plants (and food). I was really struck by seeing a genetically modified tree that grows 9 pound lemons! They use them in the Disney parks to make lemonade, too. The Disney researchers work with the the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture on these projects. Some of them were amazing. Here's a picture of the 9 pound lemon!

LUNCH AT GERMANY'S BEIRGARTEN (BEER GARDEN) RESTAURANT - Tobie and Jeff re-joined us for lunch (they slept late at Tobie's house) so we all went to the German restaurant in EPCOT and had a buffet. The cost was reasonable (everything is expensive food-wise in Disney), and the food was great. They asked about food allergies, and being lactose intolerant I spoke up. The CHEF actually came to our table and walked me through the buffet to instruct me what I could and couldn't eat, pointing to what had milk ingredients. WOW.

"COME TO AMERICA" - - Like the Neil Diamond song says, we walked over to the America exhibit next. A fife and drum group in Revolutionary War garb came marching up as we all listened and watched. Click on the brief VIDEO below to see and hear them play for you!

AMERICA PERFORMANCES - We went inside to listen to 6 singers dressed in 18th century garb sing traditional songs in the lobby, like "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Darold and Tobie both happened to know one of the guys singing, too. We then watched a moving film about what makes up America (Darold and I were choked up during it). Afterward, we sat on a bench outside in the 78F warmth and planned our next move. Photo: Tom, Rob, Darold and Jeff plotting their next move, as Tobie takes the picture, and prepares to leave for work in the park.

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