Saturday, June 29, 2024

Heroes of the Week: MBTA (Boston Subway) Employees Rescue a Nest of Baby Bunnies from Tracks

 This week's heroes are employees of Boston's subway lines, known as the MBTA (or T), or the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority. They recently rescued a nest of baby bunnies from one of the subway lines. Here's the story.

(Photo: A rabbit that was rescued near Blue Line tracks earlier this week. (Courtesy photo MBTA))

Baby bunnies rescued from Boston Blue Line Subway tracks 

MBTA workers pulled the baby bunnies from harm’s way on Tuesday. 

By Morgan Rousseau, Boston Com , June 8, 2024

MBTA workers rescued a family of baby bunnies that was found in a nest near Blue Line tracks.

The T employees discovered a rabbit nest near a Blue Line rail yard on Tuesday and pulled about eight baby bunnies to safety, according to a WBUR report.

The bunnies were relocated to a safer area away from the stretch of T tracks. The agency shared a photo of one of the bunnies nestled in the hands of a T worker.

“Every life is precious, and we’re glad they were able to act quickly,” the T told WBUR.

The rabbit rescue comes a week after T workers relocated a turtle found on the Green Line D branch tracks at Chestnut Hill.

In March, T workers helped a baby duck that was seen on the Green Line tracks between North Station and Science Park. The turtle and duck rescues both caused minor delays of between 10 and 15 minutes, the T said.


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I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

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