The Trade Paperback "Justice League of America Hereby Elects" is a great collection from the first and classic (Silver Age) run of stories from the Justice League of America- but it didn't include 2 big members that actually joined. Instead, it included one that refused membership.
It should have included Firestorm, the Atom, Hawkman and the Phantom Stranger who actually joined the JLA, unlike Black Lightning, who refused membership. Still, the other stories, of Green Arrow, Black Canary, Elongated Man, Red Tornado (my favorite), Hawkgirl and Zatanna were great. I'd love to see an updated revision that includes the other characters and their stories of accepting membership.

THE ATOM- In Justice League of America #14, the JLA inducted the Atom into their membership, providing him with a special floating miniature chair and miniature emergency signaling device.**********
HAWKMAN - In JLA #31 in 1964, Hawkman accepts to invitation and is taken to JLA headquarters and given his membership plaque as well as a JLA emergency signal.
FIRESTORM - Firestorm first joined the Justice League in Justice League of America #179.
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