Friday, April 30, 2021

News You May Have Missed: USPS Improvements, Good news in Wages, Consumer Confidence, A Quake, India COVID, Non-taxpayers

 Here is some news you may have missed this week, from VAST improvements in the Post Office (now that we have a New Administration), to an Earthquake, a NY Newspaper (right-leaning) wanting a false news story, Good News in Wages, Consumer confidence Index, and a plan to get the IRS to go After Non-taxpayers! ** Florida becomes a hateful State to Voters and LGBT people, and This ends with a Really Funny Quote from Trevor Noah!   (Sources: AP,  The Hill, Huffpost, YahooFinance):  Now,  Here's the news you may have missed: 

> U.S. POST OFFICE SPEEDS UP PLANS TO GET 138 PACKAGE-SORTING MACHINES RUNNING AHEAD OF HOLIDAY SEASON – Under the Biden Administration, the  USPS has “accelerated” its investment and procurement of 138 package-sorting machines, and expects to have them running ahead of its 2021 peak holiday season, the agency announced Tuesday. The agency previewed its investment of this equipment in its 10-year plan unveiled last month. The purchase of package-sorting equipment is only part of $40 billion in capital investments USPS plans to make over the next decade.

> LARGE INDIA EARTHQUAKE - A 6.4-magnitude earthquake has struck the Indian state of Assam, causing significant damage to some buildings in a country currently hard-hit by the coronavirus. Tremors were reportedly felt across the entire northeast region, including the neighboring state of Meghalaya. The aftershock was also felt in the state of West Bengal.

> REPORTER RESIGNS AFTER NY POST WANTS FAKE  HARRIS STORY - Veteran New York Post reporter Laura Italiano said she resigned after being ordered to write a false story that claimed migrant children were being given copies of a book written by Vice President Kamala Harris in "welcome kits." The story set off a dayslong misinformation cycle in right-wing circles.


> Biden administration raises the minimum wage for federal contractors from $10.95 to $15 per hour; workforce is estimated at around 700,000 people across the US (More) > 

> **ABOUT TIME WE GO AFTER NON-TAXPAYERS!! - Biden Proposes $80B for the IRS over 10 years to recoup an estimated $700B in unpaid taxes (More)

>  US consumer confidence index increases to highest level in 14 months, its fourth consecutive monthly increase (More)

**What Country does this moron live in?** 

LINDSEY GRAHAM: 'NO' SYSTEMIC RACISM HERE Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on "Fox News Sunday" systemic racism doesn’t exist in the U.S

> Ford to build a $185M battery research, development, and manufacturing facility in Detroit, in an effort to consolidate its electric vehicle supply chain 


> U.S. marks slowest population growth since the Depression

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. population growth has slowed to the lowest rate since the Great Depression, the Census Bureau said


**Now Florida is Limiting Ability to Vote**

FLORIDA LAWMAKERS PASS DRACONIAN VOTING RESTRICTIONS Florida's GOP leadership looks set to follow Georgia's lead in clamping down on voting, even though former President Donald Trump won the state in November. Legislation restricting voting by mail and banning giving food and water to voters waiting in line now heads to Gov. Ron DeSantis. [AP]


**Add Florida and West Virginia to LGBT Haters**

ANTI-TRANS YOUTH BILLS ADVANCE AS BIDEN SPEAKS As Biden called for the passage of the Equality Act during his speech to Congress, lawmakers in Florida and West Virginia advanced anti-transgender legislation. 2021 is shaping up to be the most dangerous year on the books for the LGBTQ community


“Ted Cruz was so bored at that speech, he fell asleep,” Noah said. “And I know what you’re thinking right now, you think I’m going to say something like ‘Oh that’s weird, I thought lizards slept with their eyes open,’ but I’m not going to say that. Because honestly, that was the most relatable thing that Ted Cruz has ever done. Because that speech was boring.”

Science Findings: "Severe COVID-19 can itself damage the brain"

 For those who are hesitant to get a COVID Vaccine, maybe this will make you think again (while you still CAN think clearly). In addition to destroying your lungs and other organs, scientists have learned that it can damage your brain, too, causing impairments and lessening your ability to function and think clearly. The report concludes trouble thinking, concentrating, and remembering can be among the most debilitating “long-haul” symptoms and can persist for months.  Here's a recent article from Science News:

(Image Credit: NHK)

COVID-19 ‘brain fog’ inspires search for causes and treatments

Severe COVID-19 can itself damage the brain during its acute phase. SARS-CoV-2 may rarely invade brain tissue directly; most neurological damage is thought to stem from the indirect effects of infection, such as inflammation, stroke, and lack of oxygen.

Faith Gunning, a neuropsychologist at Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and colleagues reported in February 2021 that of 57 recovering COVID-19 patients referred for neuropsychological evaluation before hospital discharge, 81% had cognitive impairment.

Most experienced problems with attention and executive function, which includes skills like planning, organization, and multitasking.

And such symptoms aren’t limited to people who wound up hospitalized.

The majority of people visiting post–COVID-19 outpatient clinics had a relatively mild acute phase of illness, says Igor Koralnik, a neurologist at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. He oversees the Neuro COVID-19 Clinic at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, which has seen more than 400 patients since it opened in May 2020. Among the first 100 patients with confirmed COVID-19 infections whose symptoms lasted at least 6 weeks, 81 experienced “brain fog,” the most common neurologic symptom, Koralnik’s team reported last month in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.

READ THIS WOMAN'S STORY: Since she fell ill with COVID-19 around Thanksgiving 2020 Pamela Furr has been waiting for her old self to return. It's now April 2021. A radio news anchor in Tennessee for more than 10 years, she now sometimes finds herself stuck midsentence grasping for simple words; she is prone to forget events and conversations if she doesn’t write them down. “I’m not the same person that I was before COVID,” she says. “I kind of miss me.”

BOTTOM LINE: Avoid getting COVID by getting vaccinated.

“Even if it’s a fairly small percentage [of survivors] who report cognitive problems, the number of overall people in that category … represents a tremendous problem,” says James Jackson, a clinical psychologist at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine’s ICU Recovery Center, where Furr will participate in a support group for COVID-19 long haulers.

Science’s COVID-19 reporting is supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation.


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Trip Blog: Part 3: James Monroe's Birthplace Walk and History

 This is part 3 of our short visit to the James Monroe Birthplace site, featuring a reconstructed
house (which is still being built), a visitor's center, and a nature walk with history markers identifying Monroe's accomplishments in history. In today's blog you'll read about the Missouri Compromise and the Monroe Doctorine and Monroe Creek!

(Photo: Dash and Rob on the Monroe history walk. Credit: T.W.) 

WHAT WAS PRESIDENT MONROE FAMOUS FOR? James Monroe (1758-1831), the fifth U.S. president, oversaw major westward expansion of the U.S. and strengthened American foreign policy in 1823 with the Monroe Doctrine, a warning to European countries against further colonization and intervention in the Western Hemisphere.

WHAT IS THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE? - On March 6, 1820, President James Monroe signed the Missouri Compromise. The Compromise was made up of three parts: it admitted Maine, part of northern Massachusetts, as a free state; it admitted Missouri as a slave state; and it henceforth restricted slavery to territories south of the latitude 36º30' north, and barred slavery north and west of Missouri forever. 

THE MONROE DOCTORINE The Monroe Doctrine was a United States policy that opposed European colonialism in the Americas. It argued that any intervention in the politics of the Americas by foreign powers was a potentially hostile act against the United States. Some 20 years after Monroe died in 1831, this became known as the Monroe Doctrine. 

 (Photo: Tyler was relieved that we made it to the end of the history walk! Credit: R.G.)

(We took a family photo at the Monroe historic site!) 

MONROE CREEK- There is actually a creek with James Monroe's name that runs near the property. Monroe Creek and Monroe Bay are popular tributaries of the Potomac near Colonial Beach, Virginia.  The upper reaches of Monroe Creek are near James Monroe's birthplace.


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Trip Blog Part 2: James Monroe Visitor's Center, and Walk Thru His History

In Today's blog, we'll continue to walk you through the newly constructed site to recognize President James Monroe at the site of his birthplace in northern Virginia. Today's blog will show you the visitor's center and take you on the first step of his life's journey so you can get to know him!

(Photo: Tom and Tyler at the Monroe Birthplace site) 

ABOUT THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED PARK AND VISITOR CENTER -  The Park & Museum is supported by volunteers, through the stewardship of the James Monroe Memorial Foundation.

The Visitor Center was closed when we arrived on April 24th, so we can't tell you what's inside. That's because it won't open until Memorial Day (end of May)

The Visitor Center will open on Saturdays & Sundays from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm during the Summer
, from Memorial Day weekend Labor Day weekend. The Park, with its picnic area, is always open for private recreational activities during daylight hours.
(Photo: The James Monroe visitor center. Credit: R.G.)
THE GROUNDS - From the Visitor Center, you can see the reconstruction of James Monroe's childhood home (which is actually in the front part of the park, and the Visitor Center is set back from the house.
HISTORIC WALK- The Visitor Center is the beginning of a long paved walk into the woods, where carved stone rectangular sculptures mark different years in Monroe's life. At each marker, are granite markers on the path that highlight Monroe during different years.
(Photo: The inside of the Visitor Center - Credit: James Monroe VC,: )

MONROE'S EARLY YEARS -- According to James Monroe was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1758, Monroe attended the College of William and Mary, fought with distinction in the Continental Army, and practiced law in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

As a youthful politician, he joined the anti-Federalists in the Virginia Convention which ratified the Constitution.

(Photo: Dash decided he wanted to highlight Monroe's 1790s achievements)

MONROE IN THE 1790s - In 1790, an advocate of Jeffersonian policies, was elected United States Senator. As Minister to France in 1794-1796, he displayed strong sympathies for the French cause; later, with Robert R. Livingston, he helped negotiate the Louisiana Purchase.

MONROE AS PRESIDENT - said Monroe's ambition and energy, together with the backing of President Madison, made him the Republican choice for the Presidency in 1816. With little Federalist opposition, he easily won re-election in 1820.

Monroe made unusually strong Cabinet choices, naming a Southerner, John C. Calhoun, as Secretary of War, and a northerner, John Quincy Adams, as Secretary of State. Only Henry Clay’s refusal kept Monroe from adding an outstanding Westerner.

 "ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS"- Early in his administration, Monroe undertook a goodwill tour. At Boston, his visit was hailed as the beginning of an “Era of Good Feelings.” Unfortunately these “good feelings” did not endure, although Monroe, his popularity undiminished, followed nationalist policies.

Across the facade of nationalism, ugly sectional cracks appeared. A painful economic depression undoubtedly increased the dismay of the people of the Missouri Territory in 1819 when their application for admission to the Union as a slave state failed. An amended bill for gradually eliminating slavery in Missouri precipitated two years of bitter debate in Congress.

NEXT: The Missouri Compromise

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Trip Blog : Part 1- James Monroe Family Home: The House (and who is he)

On April 24, we took a drive to northeastern Virginia to visit Tom's grandparents' resting place and came across President James Monroe's family home site. It was all redeveloped over the last couple of years. Tom said he knew about the location as a kid, but there was nothing there. Now, there's a house under construction to simulate the original and a great path behind it with historical references. Over the next several blogs, we'll follow the path behind the house and share Monroe's history (with the help of Tyler and Dash, who came with us!). In today's blog, we'll look at the house. >>

(Photo: Monroe House. Credit: R.G.) 

WHO IS JAMES MONROE? James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States (1817–1825) and the last President from the Founding Fathers. ... Born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, in 1758, Monroe attended the College of William and Mary, fought with distinction in the Continental Army, and practiced law in Fredericksburg, Virginia.    

(Image: President James Monroe. Credit; 

ABOUT THE SITE:  The James Monroe Family Home Site, also known as James Monroe's Birthplace, is a historic archaeological site located near Oak Grove and Colonial Beach, Westmoreland County, Virginia. There's also a small new Visitor's Center (but it was closed when we visited on a Saturday). 

WHERE IS IT? Its located at 4460 James Monroe Hwy, Colonial Beach, VA 22443 

Monday, April 26, 2021

Our Movie NIght: 2007's Spiderman 3: Sandman and Venom

 We've been trying to do a home movie night on Friday nights over the last couple of weeks so we can re-watch the movies we have on DVD. One of them was Spiderman 3 from 2007, starring Tobey Maguire. I thought Tobey made a good Spiderman (as well as Andrew Garfield in the second series. Not sold on the new actor yet, though). Here's our quick review:

The story was good, but when the alien symbiote (basically a parasite that needs a host) lands and takes over Peter Parker (aka: Spiderman) it makes him into a very dark and pretty awful person - which screws up his personal life.  Once he shook it off, it found another host who became the killer alien version of Spiderman called "Venom." The best part of the movie was the Sandman villain, and the special effects on him were pretty great. 

The special effects fights between Spiderman and Venom as well as the Green Goblin (in the beginning) seemed like overkill and was a LOT of CGI. We also thought the end was pretty weepy (and I'm the sensitive one)... It was a good movie- a grade B. Read on for the film summary.

ABOUT THE MOVIE: Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) and M.J. (Kirsten Dunst) seem to finally be on the right track in their complicated relationship, but trouble looms for the superhero and his lover. Peter's Spider-Man suit turns black and takes control of him, not only giving Peter enhanced power but also bringing out the dark side of his personality. Peter must overcome the suit's influence as two supervillains, Sandman and Venom, rise up to destroy him and all those he holds dear.

Release dateMay 4, 2007 (USA)
Box office895 million USD
Budget250 million USD

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Idiot of the Week man pleads guilty in connection with taking, attempting to sell 2 Andy Warhol paintings on eBay

This week's idiot is a Massachusetts man who took and attempted to sell 2 fakes of Andy Warhol paintings on eBay. First, he took them from a "friend" in Korea. I bet the friend in Korea realizes they were never friends. Then, he copied them and sold the fake copies... but he was caught!  Here's the story from the Boston Globe.

(Photo : Arts Club of Chicago, Warhol Shadows) By Ainslie Cromar April 1, 2021 

 An eBay customer was perusing the online marketplace in early November 2016 and came across two Andy Warhol paintings for sale.

Both pieces were from the famous American artist’s “Shadows,” a series of untitled abstract canvas paintings from 1978 — but what the buyer didn’t know was that the paintings they received would turn out to be fake.

Lynn resident Brian Walshe, 46, pleaded guilty Thursday in connection with taking the two authentic Warhol pieces from a friend, then offering them on eBay before delivering fake copies to the customer, according to a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Prosecutors said Walshe initially gained access to the paintings when visiting a friend in South Korea. He reportedly claimed he could sell Warhol’s artwork for a good price, and the friend agreed to let Walshe take the two Shadow paintings along with other fine art pieces.

After Walshe took the art, according to authorities, his friend was unable to contact him again. Come May 3, 2011, Walshe reportedly tried consigning the Warhol pieces to a gallery in New York City, though the location wouldn’t accept the paintings without a bill of sale.

The two Warhol pieces were originally listed at $100,000, and authorities said that in Walshe’s online advertisement, he attached a picture of an invoice for the two pieces with numbers from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts on them, as well as a $240,000 price tag.

Believing the artwork to be authentic, an eBay customer arranged with Walshe to purchase the paintings outside of the online platform for $80,000. The U.S. Attorney’s Office said the pair then signed a contract that specified the buyer had three days to be able to get a full refund.

On Nov. 7 that year, the buyer’s assistant flew to Boston and gave Walshe an $80,000 cashier’s check in exchange for the paintings. Walshe deposited the money into his account that day, according to bank records, and withdrew $33,400 in the 14 days that followed.

Yet authorities said that by Nov. 8 the buyer had removed the paintings from their frames, discovering there were no Warhol Foundation authentication stamps, and noticing that the canvases and staples looked brand new.

“When he compared the paintings to the photographs from the eBay listing, they did not look identical,” prosecutors wrote in the release.

The buyer decided the paintings Walshe sold him weren’t authentic and repeatedly tried to connect with him again. Walshe didn’t initially respond, authorities said, and afterward he made excuses for the delay in refunding the money.

Walshe was initially arrested and charged in May 2018, and now faces one count of wire fraud, interstate transportation for a scheme to defraud, possession of converted goods, and unlawful monetary transaction.

He is scheduled to be sentenced on Aug. 2, 2021.

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Heroes of the Week: the Ipswich, England Police Rescue 83 Kidnapped Dogs

This week's heroes are the police department in Ipswich, England. During the pandemic, thieves in England have taken to dognapping- kidnapping canine children and either holding them for ransom or selling them. That's the most vicious, heartless act. Fortunately, the Ipswich, England police were on the case and made a HUGE Rescue. Here's the story from BBC News: 

Ipswich dogs raid: Images released in bid to find owners


image captionA total of 83 dogs were seized during the raid, just off the A14, although police were not issuing photos of all of them at this stage

Police have issued photos of 48 dogs seized during a raid last month in a bid to reunite them with their owners.

The animals, believed stolen, were found at West Meadows travellers' site in Ipswich on 20 March.

Suffolk Police said due to a "lack of identifying features and information" it had been "challenging" to trace the dogs' owners.

Six people were arrested in connection with the raid on suspicion of conspiracy to steal.

A total of 83 dogs were seized at the site, but photos of the remaining 35 dogs were not being issued at this stage because they were subject to ownership inquiries or were young puppies, police said.

image captionThe animals were found during a police raid at West Meadows travellers' site, Ipswich

Detective Chief Inspector Nicola Wallace said: "We are keen to hear from anyone who believes any of the dogs in the images may be theirs.

"During the last few weeks officers have been liaising with other police forces around the country, as well as conducting a number of other inquiries, in order to establish where the dogs may have originated from."

image captionPolice said it had been "challenging" trying to find their owners due to a "lack" of information

Police have asked anyone with proof of ownership to contact the force by 24 May.

Proof of ownership can include veterinary records, pictures of the dog with any distinctive markings, details of microchipping or any purchase details.

The force said, however, the dogs either did not have microchips or had chips which may not have been correctly registered.

image captionPolice said owners with proof of ownership should contact the force

Of the six arrested, four have been released on bail, while two have been released and will face no further action.

Police said the four - two men, aged 34 and 39, and two women, aged 41 and 46 - were due to answer bail on 17 June.

image captionThe dogs were found during a search at the site, at junction 53 of the A14 at Ipswich

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

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