We really hate Republicans.
WHERE AND WHEN IT HAPPENED: If you were watching the White House Press Briefing on Dec. 6, you heard Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Pres. Trump's press secretary say "the president's devotion to so-called religious liberties extends to businesses hanging signs about refusing service to LGBT people."
They have taken this country back 100 years as expected. They hate everyone that isn't a white,, straight, rich, evangelical (wacko) christian. There are ZERO redeeming qualities in these people. ZERO.
PEOPLE WHO VOTED FOR THEM GETTING SCR***ED - Everyone making under $75 K will see their taxes go up in 2018 while people making over $250,000 get tax breaks.
** Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are also on their chopping block.
WHO VOTED FOR HIM? This is what people in the "White Lash" or coal country, or Evangelicals or "I Love the Uneducated"- (said Trump himself) voted for.
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