- If you loved Wonder Woman, you'll really like Justice League. If you thought the film "Batman Vs. Superman" was too dark (as I did), this is a LOT lighter and has humor relief from the characters of the Flash and Aquaman. I WILL get this on disk when it comes out. I LOVED IT 5 OUT OF 5 STARS.
So, here are my thoughts on a character by character breakdown:
Wonder Woman has a fantastic opening scene against terrorists in London. I was almost cheering, because that was truly the way Wonder Woman should be depicted. She's a True highlight.
Batman - Ben Affleck's Batman was a bit dark, but that's what Batman is supposed to be! Dark, brooding, and analytical. He played the character perfectly.
Cyborg - I confess, not one of my favorite heroes, and to me he will always be a member of the Teen Titan (because that's what he was developed for in the early 80s). The characterization was flat and I didn't care about the character (although he has some cool abilities)
Flash - Before I saw the film I thought "Barry Allen/Flash is a blonde Police CSI, super smart - so why did they pick a young dark-haired actor?" - but the actor really pulled it off. Funny, making it light-hearted and was a treat to watch. I wanted to see more of him.
Aquaman - Like Flash, I thought it was an unusual casting, but turned out really appealing. Arthur Curry/Aquaman is a well-groomed, blonde-haired, muscular guy without tattoos. However, the actor cast had a shaggy head of dark hair, beard and moustache, and lots of tattoos. There was a version of Aquaman in the 1990s that had that mountain man look (and I hated it). However, the film showed off the character's strength, and even had a sense of humor, which made him more appealing. The scenes of him in Atlantis with Mera (his later wife) were well-done.
SUPERMAN!!! - Yes, by now everyone knows he is resurrected. Every single scene with Henry Cavill were favorites. (Of course, when he came back to life and was shirtless for about 5-7 minutes, Tom finally stood at attention, as I did!- Henry is HOT). **The interaction between Lois (Amy Adams) and Clark (Henry Cavill were fantastic and will bring tears to your eyes (well, it did to me).
The Villain "Steppenwolf" and the "Parademons" - They made for an army of bad guys to fight, and the story was good. Of course, they hinted at Darkseid (a villain I'm tired of), but he didn't show.
Over all- Every single character was well-done in Comic-book style. The story was fast-paced, and I can't wait to see it again. I'm sure there were things I missed. - Rob
(Note: Tom, not a superhero fan thought it was okay to good).
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