Tom and I have a great admiration for our state's governor, Martin O'Malley. Governor O'Malley has supported education, equality, small and large businesses, and much more. Recently his office
launched the State's First Online Business Registration System.
He supports alternative energy, something much needed in all states. He recently
introduced the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act of 2013. Of course, he was a leading force in getting marriage equality passed here in Maryland.
L to R: Tom, Gvnr O'Malley, Katie O'Malley, Rob |
During the holidays, the Governor and his wife Katie open their home for a meet and greet and a tour of the mansion. They have live music and great cookies and apple cider, and the mansion is beautifully decorated. Everyone has a chance to get a photo with the Governor and Katie, too -as we did. Of course, we both find the Governor incredibly handsome, and Katie is equally as beautiful, so we opted for a picture.