Because it was "Margarita Friday" we kept with our tradition of Mexican food and Tom's parents joined us. Here's my (Rob) mom and Tom's mom walking out of the restaurant arm in arm and headed to Baskin Robbins for an ice cream! We ended the evening with a very entertaining show put on by the local high school that paid tribute to Michael Jackson - performing many of his songs (which included a great piano solo by our neighbor's daughter). It was great!

SATURDAY STUFF - My (Rob) mom went shopping for about 4 hours with our friend JC and his mom while I worked at the Maryland Science Center for "Space Day." The weather outside was perfect, so Tom and the dogs spent the afternoon outside in the garden. At night, we enjoyed a concert at Tom's parents' (over 55) complex. Both of them are in the development's choir so it was fun to see them and hear them sing.

SUNDAY - We got up early and made breakfast, helping my mom get ready for her trip back home. Her flight left at 12:30pm, so we took her to the airport after she said goodbye to Dolly the Weimaraner and Franklin the Dachshund. Here's a photo of Dolly, sad to see grandma leave.

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