GOOD AND BAD KARMA - The day was mixed with good and bad "Karma." I tried going into a Dunkin' Donuts parking lot enroute to Karmafest and there were no spaces and a very impatient (and huge) man pulled into the parking lot behind me beeping his horn. I guess I stood between him and his dozen donuts, so I backed around his van and left without coffee. I did find another Dunkin' and got my coffee.
I (Rob) met a lot of really nice people at Karmafest. I'll explain stories and topics on the Ghost book blog. One "bad karma" that I found interesting was from another author at the Karmafest. I arrived at 9:45am and was told to just sit on the corner of a stage and spread my books (and sign) out. The "stage" had a table and chairs for multiple authors but there were no others when I arrived. By 11:15am a young woman arrived and appeared outraged that only my book sign was up. I told her to sit on the stage next to me and put her books out. She stormed off.
Five minutes later someone from the festival had me pack up my books and brought me all the way to the front entrance of the festival, while the young woman sat at the table on the stage with her books. Fascinating. 45 minutes later when I looked at the stage she and her books were gone. I thought "having bad karma at karmafest likely doesn't make for success."
I also noticed that our friend Douglas stopped by with his friend, but I was talking with several people - and I couldn't talk with him. What a great friend to come by. Thanks, Doug!

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