POINT AND CLICK SYNDROME - Tom and I have noticed a pattern at work with responsibilities, the "point and click" forwarding syndrome. Both of us experienced stuff that was forwarded around our offices this week from person to person (we were copied on the emails); until finally people sent the respective things to us to do- and we wind up doing them. SO, where did "Passing the buck" originate? I found out it comes from playing Poker! If a player didn't want to deal he could pass the responsibility to the next person by passing the "buck" (short for a Buckhorn knife that was placed on a table to show who deals next).

TOM'S VISION - Tom's eyes continue to improve daily since his cataract surgery- although a lot slower than hoped. He still sees "rings of light" around lights. He needs lasik surgery to remove scar tissue that formed around both new lenses the surgeon implanted. They said scar tissue only happens in younger people (so there's a positive!).
FRIDAY NIGHT - Our friends Todd and Erica drove to our town with their infant son Cole and we had a nice dinner at the Outback steakhouse. Nice way to end a week, and Cole is adorable. We ended the night watching "Ghost Whisperer" and "Medium" as usual.
FOSTER DOG UPDATE - We haven't met and picked up our foster dog yet, because of logistics. Details are still being worked out, but we'll likely get "Betty" the short-haired, red dachshund this coming Thursday.
IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS - I was talking with Tom the other night about sending flowers to our folks and some friends- so we did that yesterday. The reactions were funny. My mom saw them and cried out of happiness. Tom's folks said "What are these for?" and our friends H&R said "Why did you send these?" I think that's funny, and I really think that they need to be spoiled a lot more. :) **Speaking of, Tom went and got a haircut this morning at 7:30am while I walked the dogs, and he came back with a cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee for me! That's my kind of love.
CLICK FOR CHARITIES - Before I forget- you can click on a website daily to give 1)free bowls of dog/cat food 2) free mammograms 3) kids books: I go daily to: http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3&link=ctg_ars_home_from_bcs_thankyou_sitenav
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