See this? It's a little black cloud. Seems like it has been following us around this weekend. We all have those times when most things that we try and do don't go our way. This weekend was one of those. As I mentioned in yesterday's post, Franklin our dachshund got sick 4 times, and we had to miss a costume party (anyone that knows me, knows I live for them). Yesterday, we also didn't go to the PETCO Halloween event either.
Today, Sunday, Franklin was feeling better, and was keeping food down. That was great, so we took a 1.5 mile walk with the dogs now that the sun was shining. We walked to the local Farmer's Market and a woman working one of the booths asked if Tom and I were at Petsmart 2 years ago as Aquaman and a Skeleton. She remembered!
Doggy daycare was having a Halloween party today from 12-2pm, and that would take care of my Halloween-cravings after missing them yesterday. So, we headed north to the daycare, grabbed Dunkin' Donuts sandwiches and coffee and got on the highway into dead-stopped traffic.
There were no accidents. It was only 1,000 people trying to take the one exit to go to the last day of the Renaissance Festival - which just HAPPENED to be our exit for the doggy daycare. We waited in merging traffic lines for over an hour then gave up- by then, the Halloween event was more than 1/2 over, and the next exit was 10 miles down the road, which we took anyway. It, too, was jammed. We decided to go to Tom's parents' house and drop something off we had in the truck... but the only road to their house (which was a back way to the Renaissance festival) was ALSO dead-stopped. After waiting 30 minutes in that traffic, we turned around and went home. I was really, really, unhappy (I'm being nice here).
Next, we had a 3pm triple-birthday party to go to at our friends' Mike and Heidi's house (my godson was one of the birthdays). As we were going out the front door of our house to head to the party, the storm door wouldn't open. The lock jammed the door was locked. We had to go out through the garage, and then Tom decided to fix it (otherwise we wouldn't be able to get in through it). With the party looming closer, I drove to the event and Tom stayed and fixed the door (it took 1 1/2 hours). I stayed at the party for an hour and came back to join Tom and his folks for dinner.
I hope the forecast calls for "no black clouds" tomorrow- this weekend, that little bugger stayed overhead too long.
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