FULL STORY: http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/01/29/cloned.dog/index.html
I just read this headline on CNN, and people just don't understand how life, spirits and personalities work. I wish I could tell them.
Although I understand the grief after witnessing my first puppy (Buzz Wyatt) being killed by a car in front of me when the leash opened, when a dog's spirit moves on, just like a humans, it doesn't come back. Another spirit takes over.
Cloning pets and expecting the same personality and behavior is like cloning people. They'll never be the same person. Further, it's each individual's life experience and environments that help shape their behavior. The people who spent all this money to clone their late dog doesn't understand that they won't be able to duplicate everything they did with the original dog. Dogs all have individual spirits and personalities, just like people. These folks don't understand that this dog will not behave exactly like their late dog.
They should' have given the $155K to a shelter and adopted a dog that's been living without love.