Cody celebrated his 12th birthday this year on April 30th, which was actually his "gotcha day" or the day we adopted him from a rescue He was 10 at the time we adopted him in 2022 and his birthdate was unknown, so we decided adoption day would also be his birthday. This year, since we're living in another state, we had to find a place to take him for his celebratory toy and treat picking trip and visited Pet Supplies Plus.
The pet store is huge and has everything for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, fish, gerbils, etc. The aisles were packed with stuff and it seemed a little overwhelming to little 7 pound Cody. Cody is a Dachshund/Terrier mix or perhaps a Dachshund/Terror mix would be more appropriate sometimes!
Because he's bonded to Daddy Tom, who stayed in the truck with Tyler and Dash (and it was raining outside, so we didn't want them all to get wet), Cody kept racing up and down the aisles looking for Tom instead of treats and toys.
Because Beggin' Strips are one of his favorites (in addition to chicken jerky), he got 2 bags of bite-sized Beggin' Strips, and 2 bags of soft-baked chicken treats.
He settled on a squeaky rainbow toy, because it had a double squeaker- one in each of the clouds at the ends of the rainbows. It was also Cody-sized so he could carry it to his bed. It now joins the 2 easter toys also in his bed, that he covets from Tyler and Dash.
This was fun to watch. Thanks for sharing! Happy Birthday 🎈 💙🐾