This is the 2nd of a couple of stories shared by people whose lives were changed (not for the better) because of the Coronavirus 19.
DISCLAIMER: I know you're "sick" of hearing about the COVID19 virus, but it's NOT going away, and there's no chance for a vaccine until 2021, so grow up, stop whining, and protect yourself and others. This IS something to fear if you care for family, friends, colleagues, or anyone, and for yourself. Americans need to take the COVID19 virus seriously and it's bound to affect us through a good part of 2021, too. (Why? Because stupid people won't wear a mask and social distance).
READ THIS STORY... if you have an ounce of compassion in you, it will affect you:
'Had Trump been honest ... my dad might be alive today.'

Live our lives? Don’t be afraid? It’s no worse than the flu? Trump has access to the best, albeit socialized, medical attention. He was immediately treated with the best available medicinal cocktail. Just like my dad. Oh, wait. That’s not true. The orthopedic surgeon who saw my dad the morning he died hadn’t practiced infectious disease since his internship. Had Trump been honest and enacted a real pandemic response plan, my dad might be alive today." -- Carol Ackerman from New City, New York
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