Tuesday, July 31, 2018

9 NEWS Stories this week you may have Missed!

Here's a number of news stories that you may have missed this week.

1) Dog Survives Greek Fires By Hiding In An Oven
2) Trump Slams ‘Globalist’ Koch Brothers
3) First Gay Woman To Lead A Fortune 500
4) "Religious Liberty Task Force" Launched
5) Trump Golf Course Destroying Scottish Coast
6) Those Brits!! Man Puts Out Southbend Fire By Peeing On It
7) Bad News, Atlanta And Coca-Cola Drinkers
8) Cuba Once Made Life Hard For Gays. Now, It’s On A Path To Allowing Same-Sex Marriage
9)  For Those Who Wonder What It's Like To Remove A Tattoo 

Below are the summaries and links to these stories. 

Artemis Kyriakopoulou shared video footage from the coastal town of Mati, near Athens, on Facebook, writing: 'We found this creature in a furnace of a burnt out house at an area of Mati that has been completely destroyed,' she said. 'The dog was burned, hurt, hungry, and of course scared as we managed to save him and his sibling who was in a better condition. VIDEO: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6010883/Clever-dog-hiding-
the dog who hid from the fires in Greece and survived

2) TRUMP SLAMS ‘GLOBALIST’ KOCH BROTHERS President Donald Trump savaged the megadonor Koch brothers on Twitter Tuesday, calling them “globalists,” ripping them for their “bad ideas” and bragging: “I made them richer.” Leaders of the conservative Koch Network criticized Trump during the group’s annual summit over the weekend, calling his White House “divisive” and warning his trade policies could spark a recession.

3) FIRST GAY WOMAN TO LEAD A FORTUNE 500 - In a historic first, Land O’Lakes Inc. has named Beth Ford as CEO — making her the first openly gay woman to head a Fortune 500 company.

4) "RELIGIOUS LIBERTY TASK FORCE" LAUNCHED - Yesterday, Twitter erupted after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the Justice Department is launching a “religious liberty task force.” The attorney general wants the Justice Department to protect ONLY Christians. 
Muslims, Jews, Hindus, atheists, Buddhists, etc. are not protected.
TWITTER Comment from: God @TheGoodGodAbove:  The prophecy is complete: “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

We're sure the people of Scotland are steamed...
5) TRUMP GOLF COURSE DESTROYING SCOTTISH COAST Newly released documents revealed that Trump’s golf resort in Scotland has destroyed portions of protected coastal land 

A man put out a fire on the world's longest pleasure pier by urinating on it.  Thomas Watson noticed a small fire on the deserted Southend Pier and took matters into his own hands by relieving himself over the flames.  The council thanked him for his "quick-thinking tinkling" but said it was confident its own sprinkler system would have worked, as The Sun reported.  Mr Watson, 22, from Houghton Regis in Bedfordshire, was visiting the 1.3 mile (2.1km) pier with his partner and daughter on Friday at about 19:30 BST, when he noticed smoke and small flames on the wooden planks.  A Southend Borough Council spokesman said:  the family could come back and visit the pier for free, but added: "[We] kindly ask that he keeps his trousers firmly secured on this occasion."

7) BAD NEWS, ATLANTA AND COCA-COLA DRINKERS - This certainly hits the economy of Atlanta Georgia, home of Coca-Cola.  Coca-Cola has hiked prices on its carbonated drinks because Trump’s 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum has made cans more expensive to make 
Cans of Coke are now MORE expensive

Article 68 of the new draft constitution, which must be submitted to the Cuban people for consultation before a final version is approved by the National Assembly, defines marriage as “the consensual union between two people, regardless of gender.” The 1976 constitution, which is currently in effect, defines marriage as a “voluntary union between a man and woman” with the goal of building a life in common with equal rights and duties for both spouses. On Sunday afternoon, the National Assembly approved a draft of the constitution that included the gay-marriage provision. It will be submitted for popular consultation from Aug. 13 to Nov. 15.

A 12 VISIT PROCEDURE TO REMOVE TATTOOS - Here’s what really happens when you get a tattoo removed. The treatment is done as an outpatient procedure and generally involves a pigment-removal laser, such as one called PiQo4™. The treatment can be uncomfortable; however, many clinics now provide options for topical anesthesia as a means of minimizing the pain. It's more complex in darker skinned people and there are a lot more quirks.

The Loss of an Acquaintence: Shayne at 36

Shane and Cooper 9-12-15
   We met Shayne several years ago and befriended him. He went through a divorce and struggled emotionally - that's when disappeared for awhile and shut out several friends and even acquaintances like us.
   Today, we learned that he passed in November 2017 of a drug overdose. We're devastated.
   In 2016 and 2017, we kept emailing him, and calling or texting him to check on him. He didn't return calls. We knew he was going through a difficult time. 
  Shayne and his company installed our back stone patio and side walkway. We instantly liked him and befriended him and his wife and 2 little girls. We wish we got to know him better. 

   He and his family desperately wanted to adopt a dog, and through a rescue we work with, they adopted a sweet little Dachshund named Cooper. Cooper the Dachshund was a dog we Fostered in 2015 and on 9-24-15  he was adopted by Shayne and his family in MD after we had Cooper for just a couple of weeks. (We learned that his ex-wife and 2 girls now have Cooper).
    When his family hit hard times, we helped them out at Christmas and with a few of his bills. We always tried to be there. He later went through a divorce and he withdrew from everyone. We tried contacting him to no avail. We had no way to know how he was doing, where he was living and didn't know about him getting into drug use. 
  Today, Tom was searching for him on-line, as we have done from time to time, and found his obituary. It was quite a shock. We had hoped that he worked through things, and settled down. He was a hard worker with a great personality. He always had a smile. That's how we will forever think of him.
  Shayne was born July 1, 1981 and passed Nov. 18, 2017.
Cooper and Shayne
  So, if you know someone using drugs or in danger of an overdose, be forceful and get them help. Shayne shut us down and didn't give us a way to contact him (since he moved out of his house and stopped answering the phone), 
TO GET HELP FOR DRUG USE: Call the Drug Abuse Hotline at  888.674.6135 or 911


Monday, July 30, 2018

Spain Trip #46: Welcome to Seville/The Black Cat Petition

The Black Cat Petition
In today's blog, we've arrived in the city of Seville, Spain! You'll learn about the city and it's history and a strange theory called "the Black Cat Petition," that led to a serious outcome!!

WHAT IS SEVILLE? Seville is the capital of southern Spain’s Andalusia region.

WHAT IS IT MOST FAMOUS FOR? Flamenco dancing, particularly in its Triana neighborhood, and Christopher Columbus.

WHAT ARE THE MOST FAMOUS LANDMARKS? Major landmarks include the ornate Alcázar castle complex, built during the Moorish Almohad dynasty, and the 18th-century Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza bullring. The Gothic Seville Cathedral is the site of Christopher Columbus’s tomb and a minaret turned bell tower, the Giralda. Over the next couple of blogs we'll explore all of these places in detail!
Tom and Rob in the town of Niguelas (olive oil tour blog!)

SEVILLE'S HISTORY This is a short timeline to provide highlights of the city's development
1) 7th Century - The first inhabitants of the city
2) 8th Century - The city became a Muslim capital
3) In 1248 San Fernando conquered the city for Christianity

1) The city residents are 99 percent Catholic
2) It is 4th largest city in Spain (the others are Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia)
3) One Million people live in Seville
4) After America was discovered in 1492, much of the gold and silver came to Seville, making the city very wealthy.

WHAT IS THE BLACK CAT PETITION - During the Middle Ages, some people decided upon the "Black Cat Petition." The petition stated that black cats were actually witches, so to "protect" the public and Christians, the cats were killed.
WHAT WAS THE OUTCOME? The stupidity of this Black Cat Petition had serious consequences. Once all of the cats (black or otherwise) were killed, the rat population exploded. Of course, since it was the Middle Ages and the Bubonic Plague spread throughout Europe. Seville, Spain experienced a huge swell in plague deaths. During the "Great Plague of Seville," which went from 1647 to 1652. During that time, Seville and its rural areas estimated 150,000 deaths.

NEXT: The Bull Ring, Golden Tower and Santelmo Palace 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Idiots of the Week: from Wales: Pet owners' bizarre hot weather excuses

NEVER, EVER leave a Pet or a child in the car when it's warm or hot outside. IT WILL BE FATAL  WITHIN 10 MINUTES.   This week's "Idiots" come from the country of Wales (it's on the main British Isle)  who gave absolutely stupid responses when asked why they left pets in a hot car. 

  EVEN WHEN IT'S 70F/21.1C OUTSIDE- It's summertime, and even in the spring or fall, leaving anyone in a car in the sun can be fatal in minutes. When it's 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1 degrees Celsius) outside, within 10 minutes, temperatures in a car can soar to 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) and kill people and pets. 
  IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW - Wales is a country in southwest Great Britain known for its rugged coastline, mountainous national parks, distinctive Welsh language and Celtic culture.

  Here's the article from the BBC News:

Pet owners' bizarre hot weather excuses shock RSPCA

RSPCA officials were left stunned after being told not to worry by a pet owner who had locked their dog in a boiling hot car because "he was smiling".

The explanation was one of 29 "ridiculous" excuses told to inspectors in Wales during one of the hottest weeks of the year.

Other reasons given included "I can't help it if the shade moved" and "my dog is white, he'll be fine".

The RSPCA has renewed calls for owners not leave their animals in hot cars.

Holly Barber, who runs the Dogs Die in Hot Cars campaign, said: "There is absolutely no reason or excuse that warrants risking your pet's life by leaving them in a car on their own in this heat.

"We're pleading with people not to take the risk and to leave their pets at home where they will be safe and happy."
Excuses given by owners for leaving their dog in a hot car: 
 "My dog is white, he'll be fine."
"They're fine, they're smiling?" (Rather, the dogs were panting excessively)
"I parked the car in the shade when I got here, I can't help it if the shade moved."
"We only went to buy a new kitchen."
"It's OK, I'm a vet."
"We didn't think we'd be long." (The owners had been at a Sunday church service)
"I've only been in the pub for half an hour; anyway it's OK, I run a dog rescue centre."

The animal charity received 167 emergency calls between 11 June and 24 June from people worried about dogs in hot cars.

They say that when it is 22C outside, the temperature can reach 47C inside a car within an hour.

Man banned over festival dog deaths
Police rescue dogs from 'blazing hot' car
Man who let dogs 'cook' in car sentenced
A spokesman added: "A dog's normal body temperature is around 39C (102F).

"Brain damage may develop at body temperatures of 41C (106F) and a lethal body temperature is approximately 42C (108F).

"Dogs are covered in fur and do not sweat in the same way as humans do. Unlike humans, dogs pant to help keep themselves cool. The effectiveness of panting is reduced at high temperatures."

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Rob's Take on the Book: The Celestine Prophecy

   I recently read James Redfield's book "The Celestine Prophecy." Actually, I read about the first 70 pages of it. Then, I looked up the "9 Insights of Life" that the main character was in pursuit of in the fictional story. 
  It does provide interesting insights on how to get in touch with yourself and nature, but because it's written in the first person as a journey of one man's quest to uncover the 9 Insights one at a time, I got impatient! LOL
   I learned that it's really about the author's ideas about spirituality. Regardless, it's hugely popular, and As of May 2005, the book had sold over 20 million copies worldwide,[3] with translations into 34 languages.It spent a good amount of time on the NY Times Best Seller list. 
   It's got some interesting ideas, especially about energy, but if you're impatient and just want the list, watch the short video below. If you want to read about his ideas in a novel form, check out the book. 

The 6th of 9 Insights
The Celestine Prophecy is a 1993 novel by James Redfield that discusses various psychological and spiritual ideas rooted in multiple ancient Eastern traditions and New Age spirituality. The main character undertakes a journey to find and understand a series of nine spiritual insights in an ancient manuscript in Peru. The book is a first-person narrative of the narrator's spiritual awakening as he goes through a transitional period of his life.

VIDEO: Explaining the 9 Insights


Friday, July 27, 2018

Spain Trip #45: Knocked in the Puente Nueve on the Head

Rob got slammed in the head by a hat! 
Today's blog is the second of two parts of our visit to the small town of Ronda, (in southern) Spain. In today's blog, you'll read about the bridge and how I (Rob) was knocked hard in the head on a bridge by a freak weather event!

HEAD SHOT! - In yesterday's blog we explained that the Puente Nuevo massive stone bridge that spanned the the 120-meter (393.7 foot)-deep chasm that carries the Guadalevín River and divides the city of Ronda. 
  After walking through Ronda, we crossed the bridge for the second time to return to the shuttle. I (Rob) was walking in front of Tom, and in front of us there were a lot of people. One young guy who stood about 6 feet tall was wearing a new baseball hat... and suddenly a 50+ mph wind gust howled up the chasm!  Instantly, the wind swept the baseball hat off the head of the 6 foot man and it spun in the air and the hard brim struck me on the right side of my forehead. It felt like I was hit by a piece of metal!  
   First, it hurt like hell. Second, it swelled into a lump. Third, it instantly made me dizzy and gave me a headache. After 4 hours or so, the pain and dizziness subsided. 
   Who would have thought a baseball hat to the forehead could hurt so much?!?!?!

HISTORY OF THE BRIDGE: The construction of the newest Puente Nueve Bridge (the third one and the one that stands today) was started in 1759 and took 34 years to build.

HIDDEN PRISON IN THE BRIDGE: There is a chamber above the central arch that was used for a variety of purposes, including as a prison. During the 1936-1939 civil war both sides allegedly used the prison as a torture chamber for captured opponents, killing some by throwing them from the windows to the rocks at the bottom of the El Tajo gorge. The chamber is entered through a square building that was once the guard-house. It now contains an exhibition describing the bridge's history and construction.

THE ARCHITECT AND BUILDER - The architect was José Martin de Aldehuela, who died in Málaga in 1802. The chief builder was Juan Antonio Díaz Machuca.

1741 BRIDGE COLLAPSE - Construction of the previous bridge started in 1735, this was the first attempt to span the gorge at this height and was completed by the architects Jose Garcia and Juan Camacho using a single arch design. Unfortunately, this bridge was quickly and poorly built and in 1741 the entire bridge collapsed resulting in the death of 50 people.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Spain Trip #44: Help me "Ronda" (a Town in Spain)

Puente Nueva Bridge
In this blog, we'll show you the city of Ronda, which is on the way from Granada to Seville.
Tom at Palacio rey Moro
 Our group took a bus ride from one city to the other, and Ronda was a good stop in the middle. In this blog you'll learn about the town, the history of the city, the famous Puente Nueva Bridge and the Secret Mine! 

Our route to Ronda
WHERE IS RONDA?  Ronda sits in the heart of the Serrania de Ronda, about 100 kilometers from the city of Malaga and with a population of 35,000. It's surrounded by lush river valleys and sitting above a deep ravine, it is a place that literally takes your breath away when seeing it.
Tom at Palacio del Rey Moro y La Mina

HISTORY OF THE CITY - Spainholiday.com said Ronda (Acinipo) was first declared a city by Julius Caesar in 1 A.D. When the Moorish troops under the command of Tarik-ibn-Zeyad invaded the region in 8C, one of the first routes they followed was the old Roman one, linking Gibraltar with the Roman settlement of Acinipo.
  They renamed the town to Izna-Rand-Onda - Ronda. The ruins of Acinipo actually sit 20 kilometers outside of modern-day Ronda.
Michelle Obama visited the Palace
Tom and Rob at Palacio del Rey Moro y La Mina

THE FAMOUS PUENTE NUEVA BRIDGE- This bridge even appears on computers around the world if you have Microsoft Windows... because they use it as a screen saver! This bridge spans the El Tajo gorge. The Puente Nuevo or "the New Bridge," took 42 years to build and was finished in 1793. The bridge joins the old Moorish town and the newer, El Mercadillo parts of the city. It is Ronda’s most famous landmark.

THE SECRET MINE AND IT'S LEGEND - Known as "Palacio del Rey Moro y La Mina" this is the palace of the Moorish King and the Water Mine. 
A wide picture of Ronda over El Tajo gorge
THE LEGEND - Legend has it that this was the residence of the Moorish King, Almonated, who is said to have drank wine from the skulls of his enemies. Although more recent evidence seems to indicate that the King never actually lived in the building. Today’s structure was completed in the 18th century and completely remodeled in 1920 by the Duchess of Parcent. The gardens were designed by the same French architect who designed the Maria Luisa Park in Seville, Jean Claude Forestier.
L to R: Tom, Doug, Bruce, David, Scott, Rob

FAST FACT - Former first lady Michelle Obama visited the Secret Mine and hosted students there! 

The gardens give access to La Mina (the mine), an Islamic staircase of 231 steps which have been careful cut into the rock and lead down the river.

The view from Ronda
ONLY SOURCE OF WATER FOR RONDA - For centuries La Mina was the only source of water into the city, with slaves chained to the steps to pass water bags upwards. This water supply was a lifeline to the Moors during the various Christian sieges. These steps played a vital part in Ronda’s history, it was at this point that Christian troops forced entry in 1485.


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Spain Trip #43: Granada: A Great Restaurant and Chatting with British Ex-Pats!

El Cepillo
In this blog we're going to share a fun chance meeting we had with a couple of U.K. ex-pats and a restaurant you need to visit if you go to Granada! 

CASA EL CEPILLO - This is a great place for dinner! We sat at an outside table and the weather was perfect. It's located at Plaza Pescaderia 18, 18001 Granada. Website: https://www.paginasamarillas.es/f/granada/restaurante-casa-cepillo_202557146_000000001.html
THE OWNER - A handsome man gave us menus, showed us to a seat outside, and introduced himself. His grandfather had opened the restaurant in the early 1900s and the management was handed through the family to this man. 

FUNNY!  Tom noticed that the grandfather's photo was on the menu, and that his grandson looked JUST like him. So, Tom said "You look really good for 100 years old!" (He was about 30). He got a kick out of it!

El Cepillo
FUN DINNER - Sometimes when you go to dinner, you may sit next to someone that you wind up conversing with, and it can turn out to be a fun time!  That happened to us in Barcelona when we met 2 women from Ireland and Scotland. In Granada, we met Les and Angie. 
   They retired and moved to southern Spain from the U.K. We wound up talking for about 90 minutes about topics that ranged from the U.K. to Spain, U.S. politics, BBC TV
Tom, Rob, Les and Angie
shows, ghosts and mediums. In fact, they even looked up my (Rob's) books. What's interesting is that Les said that a medium told him that he would meet Angie, and he did! So, they totally got mediums. 

   Our great conversation really made the night. We even took their contact info and have connected since we returned. As we said in yesterday's blog- simple pleasures! 


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Spain Trip #42: Granada: Simple Pleasures

Tom at the bakery 
In today's Spain Trip blog, we're taking the time to highlight some simple pleasures. No matter where you go, it's the little things that can mean a lot. Such is the case here, in our trip to Granada. So, this blog will show you three simple pleasures.

Rob at a Granada Dunkin
Simple Pleasure #1: A Great Bakery - Panerillo Bolleria "La Romanella." - That's the name of a bakery where we found Tom some salty bread sticks. After a minor language problem, we were able to get something salty instead of sweet (spanish word is "dulce.") because I couldn't remember the Spanish word for salt, which is simply "sal." (could it be any easier??). 

Simple Pleasure #2: Dunkin Donuts Coffee - Of course, if I'm on a trip anywhere in the world, if there's a Dunkin' Donuts, I'll hunt it down and find it. I live for their coffee. Sure enough, we found 2 of Granada's Dunkin' Donuts, so at 3:30 p.m. on a sunny afternoon in May we enjoyed coffee and Tom's iced tea in one of them. In fact, I was so elated, that I even had a Boston Cream donut, too!  I was right at home, because there was a local young guy at the next table who was even reading a superhero graphic novel (in Spanish). Yup, I love Granada! 
Dunkin Donuts' selection 

Dunkin tea and coffee
Simple Pleasure #3: Doing Laundry Cheaply During Vacation - We learned that our hotel was charging about 10 or more Euro (about $12)  to launder 1 article of clothing. So, we found out where the Laundromat was located (2 blocks from the hotel), bought some soap and spent 2 hours there doing it. I read a book while waiting and Tom went shopping. We even met a retired woman who was doing her laundry, and although she didn't speak English, we were able to communicate (with my meager Spanish skills) so that she helped us with the machines. 
   So, that was a double simple pleasure: 1) a stranger that helps you 2) having all clean clothes 6 days into your 11 day vacation!  

NEXT: A Great Restaurant and Chatting with British Ex-Pats!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Cool Archaeological find! Black Egyptian Sarcophagus Never Opened

  Smithsonian magazine reported that an ancient sarcophagus made of black granite was uncovered  recently in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria, Egypt. 

On July 1st, 2018 it was reported that a huge, 30-ton sarcophagus was found below a building in Alexandria in Egypt. We are fascinated with archaeology and ancient civilizations, so we thought we'd share this with you.  Here's the story AND a video about it!  

Because the lid was sealed with mortar, experts believe the coffin has not been opened in 2,000 years, Smithsonian Magazine said. That is unusual because looters have picked through a multitude of tombs and burial chambers over the centuries.

The size of the sarcophagus is of particular significance, Science Alert said. It measures 72.8 inches by 104.3 inches by 65 inches and is the largest coffin ever found in Alexandria.  The tomb, which is believed to date to the Ptolemaic period, roughly 305 to 30 B.C., was found about 16 feet below ground during archaeological excavations ahead of construction of a new building. 
Found near the tomb, a worn alabaster bust

Also found near the tomb was a worn alabaster bust, perhaps a depiction of the man whose body was buried in the coffin. The identity of the body is unknown. 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Personal Encounter with The Idiot of the Week!

This weekend I (Rob) have the pleasure of talking about my own experience with the "Idiot of the Week." On Tuesday, I got an MRI on my shoulder to figure out exactly what is happening with it and why it keeps giving me pain (especially at night). - I wrote an earlier blog about it, thinking it was a Deltoid muscle sprain, but it may be something else. Anyway, the Idiot of the Week is another MRI patient who doesn't READ directions.

THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN BEFOREHAND -Before an MRI exam, people are asked to remove all metal things that might affect the magnetic imaging like rings, earrings, necklaces, watches, hairpins, etc. The instructions SAY that if you wear metal it can burn your skin. They are also typically asked to change into a gown. But it repeats in bold text "Do Not Wear Metal."

HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED - After my shoulder MRI, I was led out to the one dressing room so I could ditch the open-backed gown and get back into my shorts and tee shirt. However, a woman was using the room so I sat and waited for her to change into her gown for her MRI. I waited. And Waited. And Waited. About 5-7 minutes later she emerged, wearing Triple metal hoop earrings on each ear, a metallic necklace and rings on about 4 different fingers, and a watch. Uh-Huh. Yeah.
   SO, the tech told her AGAIN, you need to remove all the metal, that includes earrings, watch, necklace, and rings, because they will burn your skin in the MRI. (DUH!!!!)
   Finally, she took the 5 pounds of Jewelry off and I was able to get changed and exit.

She wins... IDIOT OF THE WEEK! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Meet our New Foster Dog: Dash!

Today is a  big day in our family. We welcomed a new Foster Dog into our family. 
  Our friend Shelley, who works with Dachshund Rescue of North America told us about a little senior Dachshund/Chihuahua mix who was in the Anne Arundel County Animal Control shelter since June 10. 
Dash was comfy in Tom's arm for the ride home
   The shelter had run out of room and they had to put this tiny, frightened dog in the cat room. If we didn't take him in as a foster, the alternative was not good.
   So, of course we said Yes. 
THE INTRODUCTION - Our three canine kids welcomed him, including Tyler. Dash walked around the house and investigated. He found a pillow and got comfortable. He was nervous though when thunderstorms rumbled outside. 
He let me (Rob) give him a bath, clean his ears and cut his nails with no problem. 
Dash got comfortable on a pillow

ABOUT DASH - He's 10 years old, and just 8 pounds. He's in good health, although he's going to get a dental cleaning. 
 The pet history gave more insight into him:
His birthday is in August, likely 2007. 
 - He was never trained, so he's going to learn a lot with us! 
- Great with other dogs
Dash loves his new pillow
Dash outside
- When a 4 year old girl pulled hard on his tail he nipped her. The girl should have been reprimanded, but since they never trained Dash, it's obvious the family doesn't train their human kids. 
  - He doesn't know how to play with toys, but he is said to like a ball. 
 - He's heartworm and lyme disease free

Getting comfy
TO ADOPT HIM - visit www.drna.org  

DC Showcase The Atom Vol 2: Superheroics and Learn History!

As a comic book fan, I've been reading comics since the 1970s, and I had never read the classic
stories about the superhero named "The Atom" who, using white dwarf star material, could shrink himself down to subatomic sizes and control his weight at the same time. In the DC Showcase collection Vol. 2 of the Atom stories, you'll not only enjoy interesting stories of Atom's adventures, but you'll learn some unique history as well.
  Gardner Fox, the writer of The Atom in the 1960s apparently knew his history amazingly well. There are a series of stories called "Time Pool" stories where the Atom goes back into the past using an invention from a scientist he knows. The invention drops a metal "grabbing" claw tied to a rope into a time stream. The Atom has "boarded" the rope and slipped back into time periods with him.

SO, WHAT KIND OF HISTORY DO YOU LEARN? I asked Tom verify the events in one British history story, and he learned they were true.
Here are 2 examples of what I learned:
1) CROWN JEWELS THIEF - One story involved British history where Colonel Tom Blood stole the Crown Jewels and was later appointed to guard them by King Charles II!
LINK TO THE HISTORYhttps://www.history.com/news/the-man-who-stole-the-crown-jewels

2) WHEN THE CALENDARS CHANGED IN 1750 - There's another story where the Atom goes back to England. In March, 1752 in London it was voted that 11 days would "disappear" during the switch from the Julian calendar to the newly adopted Gregorian calendar. That loss of days was slated from Sept. 2nd where the next day would be Sept. 13.
IT'S TRUE!  THE HISTORY: in 1752, England and its colonies went to sleep on September 2 and rose on September 13, as per the Calendar Act of 1750. Russia didn’t change calendars until February 14, 1918 and skipped a whole 13 days, meaning their October Revolution of 1917 actually happened, by today’s dating system, in November.

ABOUT THE DC SHOWCASE COLLECTION: "Ivy University professor and scientist Ray Palmer discovers a mysterious meteorite giving him the ability to shrink his body to microscopic size! Fashioning a uniform from fibers taken from the meteorite, Dr. Palmer learned to control not only his size but also his mass, emerging as a mighty champion of justice and enemy of all evil -- as the hero called the Atom! Now an experienced crime-fighter, the Tiny Titan defends Ivy Town against the villainy of such foes as Chronos the Time-Bandit, the Thinker,the Panther, the Bug-Eyed Bandit and many others"--P.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Spain Trip #41: Granada: The Royal Chapel

Royal Chapel of Granada
The Royal Chapel was our next stop in Granada, Spain. It is famous because it's the burial place of Catholic Monarchs. In this blog you'll see some of the pictures inside and outside, and learn the history of this famous building. There are also crypts that you can walk down a flight and gaze at royal coffins. 

BUILT - Between 1506 and 1521 by Enrique Egas.

WHERE IS IT LOCATED? - The Royal Chapel is located between Granada Cathedral, the old Fish Market and the Church of Sagrario. The address is Royal Chapel, Gran Via de Colon 5, 18001 Granada.
Monument of the Kings, over the tombs

WHO IS BURIED THERE? - The Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabela of Castile. It was under their rule that Spain was linked to Portugal, and Granada became part of the Kingdom of Castile. What you don't hear on the tour is that Ferdinand and Isabella ruled during the Inquisition (That you learned about in the last 2 blogs) and that Isabella had much more of a hand in ordering the gruesome movement.

WHAT ELSE IS FERDINAND AND ISABELLA FAMOUS FOR? - In addition to funding Christopher Columbus' journey to the new world (America), they were also the parents of King Henry VIII of England's first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

WHAT IS THE "BURIAL MONUMENT OF THE KINGS?" The burial monument of the Kings is the work of the Italian Domenico Fancelli, who built it in Genoa with Carrara marble, while that of Joanna the Mad and Philip the Handsome is the work of Bartholomew Ordenez. It sits over the royal tombs. 
Main Altarpiece

WHAT IS IN THE CRYPT? The royal mausoleums in Capilla Real include the marble figures of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and those of Juana and her husband Felipe.   Under the  tombs there is a small austere-looking crypt.  Through a glass frame you can see the royal coffins.

THE MAIN ALTERPIECE - According toTravelsignposts.com, the main alterpierce is one of the 
 A dog we met outside the Chape
 first and biggest Plateresque altarpieces carved in Spain.  The carvings reflect three themes:  scenes of the life of Christ, St. John the Baptist and St John the Evangelist to whom Capilla Real is dedicated and iconography showing the Catholic Kings and their work. 

NEXT : Some Simple Pleasures

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at Rgutro@gmail.com - Rob

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