The Dog Food Advisor is a public service website designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying dog food. It provides lists of Food and Treat recalls on the page: https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/
You can now get lifesaving dog food recall alerts anytime there's a recall event in the U.S. or Canada. You'll also get tips and ideas to help you feed your dog better and safer.
To subscribe by Email, go to:
My name is Mike Sagman — and I love dogs.
And if you love your dog as much as I love mine, you’re probably concerned about how to find a safe and healthy food to nourish her. What’s more, you’d probably like to know a little about me and how my website can help you.
I’m a graduate of the Medical College of Virginia with a doctorate in dental surgery.
My undergraduate studies include a major in chemistry and a minor in biology.
In addition to my dental school studies in human nutrition, I’ve also cultivated a personal passion for canine nutrition, too.
Our current team includes two dedicated research assistants, an experienced social media admin as well as one extraordinarily knowledgeable (and generous) veterinarian.
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