We'll explain what is DACA, What happened to it, and WHY it's important to keep these kids safe, and you'll learn that the Democrats request for a clean DACA bill, after the President said "Yes" in a televised meeting, was killed, and the White House now says "DACA is not a priority."- It was all a fake promise by the GOP.
WHAT IS DACA? The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was an American immigration policy that allowed some individuals who entered the country as minors, and had either entered or remained in the country illegally, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work visa
WHAT HAPPENED TO DACA? Months ago, President Trump eliminated the DACA protection that President Obama had put forth in an Executive Order. That gave Congress until March 1 to come up with a bill to deal with 800,000 kids/teens that were born in the U.S. from illegal immigrants (now we agree that people should come legally to the U.S., but these kids didn't ask to be born into this situation). Trump said Congress must pass legislation to address DACA (which they SHOULD, but they won't because they are a Republican led Congress).
THINK OF DACA THIS WAY - 800,000 kids born in the U.S. and only speak English and know only how to live as an American -now to be sent back to a country they've never been to, and DON"T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE. How would you feel if that happened to your child? **THAT'S why the Democrats want to address DACA NOW.... and
A BIG SHAM REVEALED! - After the shutdown occurred, White House Spokesperson Sara Sanders said "DACA is low priority for the White House." So, If the Democrats signed the continuing resolution to keep the government open, the Republicans wouldn't address the 800,000 kids and force them all to go back to countries they've never known. Shame on the Republicans. How heartless to not care about almost 1 million Children!
THE MEETING WHERE TRUMP AGREED TO SIGN A CLEAN DACA BILL- (video) and Republicans in the meeting shouted "no" so Trump recanted. Senator Feinstein asked for a clean DACA bill now, and legislation for comprehensive immigration later. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/01/09/feinstein-trump-white-house-immigration-meeting-clean-daca-sot-lead.cnn
WHO CONTROLS CONGRESS -The Republicans have the majority in both the Senate and the House. They cower to a Republican president who brags that he’s the best negotiator ever.
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: The Republican “leaders” couldn’t even get enough votes among themselves to keep the government open.
This is the first time in the history of the United States that a Shutdown has happened when 1 party controlled both houses in Congress and the Presidency.
Of course, now the Republican “leaders” are blaming the Democrats for the shutdown. WRONG!
Of course, now the Republican “leaders” are blaming the Democrats for the shutdown. WRONG!
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