This past weekend, we took a 3 night, 2 day getaway to Disney in Florida to help our friend Jeff celebrate his 50th birthday. Over the course of the week, we'll post some pictures and share some laughs and adventures we had. But this short blog is about FOUR instances of people mis-behaving on the flights we had: 1) The Loud Talker, 2) We Know All Your Kids' Names, 3) Nasty Grandma, 4) Family Matters
1) THE LOUD TALKER - On the way back home, seated behind me (Rob) was a loud-mouthed man and woman who talked for the first 60 minutes of the 2 hour flight. When the plane's engine volume increased, so did his volume. I heard all about the book he was "30 pages from finishing" (that I wish he would read and shut up), his car accident when someone hit him in an intersection, his medical condition from it, the lawsuit, his trip to Madison, Wisconsin with a hote
l view that overlooked the Capital building, etc. I was trying NOT to listen and read my book, so I had to put a finger in my left ear to tune him out. SIGH.
2) WE KNOW ALL YOUR KIDS' NAMES- Natalie, Keith and Gary. Tom knew these three kids names as well as their parents who bitched and moaned at them, and complained, citing their names over and over and over, loud enough for everyone in the vicinity of them in at the airport gate to know who they all are. We understand that kids can be very challenging to travel with sometimes. That's not the issue. The issue is to not shout at them all over and over again.
3) NASTY GRANDMA - While waiting to board in Baltimore to Orlando, there was a little girl who was about 5 years old wearing glasses, and sitting on a chair. She was playing papers, and took a bunch of them out of a bag, causing some to fall on the carpeted floor. Her grandmother (who is in her 60s) pitched a fit and yelled at the little girl. Then bitched and bitched and bitched the little girl out even though she was just sitting there looking at another book.
4) FAMILY MATTERS - Southwest airlines, like other airlines, gladly allows families to board before everyone else because it takes time to get situated with children. That's totally understandable. What's not is families that show up after EVERYONE boarded and were seated and then DEMAND that people move so their 4 little kids can sit together. YES, that's what happened on the way home. These irresponsible parents showed up just before the door closed and demanded all the kids sit together, ousting people from their seats. THEY were late, they were disrespectful, irresponsible, and rude. SO, Southwest's folks begged people to move. The airline attendant had to bribe people and buy them drinks to move.
*I think they should've told the family to wait for the next flight, and preboard to not inconvenience everyone.- Yes, people are late sometimes, but do 6 other people need to pay for someone's rudeness?