IF you see Animal Abuse please call your county animal control. It is inexcusable. -
Here's the story from "HOPE FOR PAWS" Rescue
JORDAN's story is one of the roughest stories I have heard in my whole life! An eye witness told us that a horrible man grabbed little Jordan who
already suffered from severe demodectic mange, cut off his right hind leg, then strangled him, and when he thought Jordan was dead, he threw him down to the L.A river - about 30 ft. down (there is almost no water in it, so he landed on concrete).
For two days Jordan sat down there... alone, bleeding, and in so much pain. Then, a lucky turn... the founder of L.A. on Cloud9, Claudia Perez noticed him down in the river. At first she thought he was dead, but then he moved his head!! She called Hope For Paws for help right away. As soon as I got the call I rushed to the city of Watts as fast as possible. Using a ladder, I went down to the river... Jordan was sitting on an empty bag of chips in effort to protect himself from the cold wet concrete. I approached slowly, evaluated his condition quickly... and gently picked him up. The volunteers from L.A on Cloud 9 fixed a basket tied to a rope, and sent it my way.
Because the basket was open, I had to keep my hand on him, so I had to go up the ladder without using my hands (one was securing Jordan, and the other hand was holding my camera). As soon as I got up, the volunteers cheered and clapped. There was no time to celebrate or even to thank everybody properly... I had to rush him to the hospital.
Jordan lost a lot of blood, he was dehydrated, starved, he has mange, a bunch of bacterial infections, and of course there is a horrible painful injury where his leg was cut off (if you look closely, you can see the bone protruding). He is now on pain meds, I.V fluids, antibiotics, and yesterday he started eating.
Day by day he will get better now, and when he is ready to leave the hospital, he will go to foster care until we find him an amazing home.
Please visit our Hope For Paws website, get your dog one of my Lucky Leashes, and this way support our efforts: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
Also, please help our friends from L.A on Cloud 9 who are helping the homeless people and their pets out there. They always need volunteers and other donations (food, leashes, bowls, clothes and more). Claudia and her amazing team are my eyes on the ground in these rough neighborhoods, and their work to make this place a better place is so important. You can learn how to help their efforts here: http://www.laoncloud9.org
Many of you offered to foster / adopt Jordan and I really appreciate it. I do have a foster for him already, and I know this process of healing will take a while. I promise to keep you all posted with photo updates here and on our Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/eldad75
Thank you so much for your support!