Saturday, December 31, 2016

In the News: Trump is repeating some behaviors he criticized in Clinton

Trump supporters need to READ THIS and see that their guy is guilty of doing every unsavory thing he accused (wrongly) Mrs. Clinton of doing. It's okay for him, but not for anyone else to do. Sounds like a bully to me.   Learn : 1) Goldman Sachs 2) Big Donors 3) No News Conferences 4) Family Ties 5) Pay for Play

In the News:  Trump is repeating some behaviors he criticized in Clinton

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump spent the past two years attacking rival Hillary Clinton as crooked, corrupt, and weak.
But some of those attacks seem to have already slipped into the history books.
From installing Wall Street executives in his Cabinet to avoiding news conferences, the president-elect is adopting some of the same behavior for which he criticized Clinton during their fiery presidential campaign.
Here’s a look at what Trump said then — and what he’s doing now:

Goldman Sachs

Then: “I know the guys at Goldman Sachs,” Trump said at a South Carolina rally in February, when he was locked in a fierce primary battle with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. “They have total, total control over him. Just like they have total control over Hillary Clinton.”

Now: A number of former employees of the Wall Street bank will pay a key role in crafting Trump’s economic policy. He’s tapped Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn to lead the White House National Economic Council. Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary nominee, spent 17 years working at Goldman Sachs and Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist and senior counselor, started his career as an investment banker at the firm.  Trump is following in a long political tradition, though one he derided on the campaign trail: If Cohn accepts the nomination, he’ll be the third Goldman executive to run the NEC.

Big donors

Then: “Crooked Hillary. Look, can you imagine another four years of the Clintons? Seriously. It’s time to move on. And she’s totally controlled by Wall Street and all these people that gave her millions,” Trump said at a May rally in Lynden, Washington.
Now: Trump has stocked his Cabinet with six top donors — far more than any recent White House. “I want people that made a fortune. Because now they’re negotiating with you, OK?” Trump said, in a December 9 speech in Des Moines.
The biggest giver? Linda McMahon, incoming small business administrator, gave $7.5 million to a super PAC backing Trump, more than a third of the money collected by the political action committee.


News conferences

Then: “She doesn’t do news conferences, because she can’t,” Trump said at an August rally in Ashburn, Virginia. “She’s so dishonest she doesn’t want people peppering her with questions.”
Now: Trump opened his last news conference on July 27, saying: “You know, I put myself through your news conferences often, not that it’s fun.”
He hasn’t held one since.
Trump skipped the news conference a president-elect typically gives after winning the White House. Instead, he released a YouTube video of under three minutes. He also recently abruptly canceled plans to hold his first post-election news conference, opting instead to describe his plans for managing his businesses in tweets. “I will hold a press conference in the near future to discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all other topics of interest. Busy times!” he tweeted in mid-December.

Family ties

Then: “It is impossible to figure out where the Clinton Foundation ends and the State Department begins. It is now abundantly clear that the Clintons set up a business to profit from public office. They sold access and specific actions by and really for I guess the making of large amounts of money,” Trump said at an August rally in Austin.
Now: While Trump has promised to separate himself from his businesses, there is plenty of overlap between his enterprises and his immediate family. His companies will be run by his sons, Donald Jr and Eric. And his daughter, Ivanka, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, have joined Trump at a number of meetings with world leaders of countries where the family has financial interests.
In a financial disclosure he was required to file during the campaign, Trump listed stakes in about 500 companies in at least 25 countries.
   Ivanka, in particular, has been caught making early efforts to leverage her father’s new position into profits. After an interview with the family appeared on “60 Minutes,” her jewelry company, Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, blasted out an email promoting the $10,800 gold bangle bracelet that she had worn during the appearance. The company later said they were “proactively discussing new policies and procedures.”
Ivanka is also auctioning off a private coffee meeting with her to benefit her brother’s foundation. The meeting is valued at $50,000, with the current top bid coming in at $25,000.
“United States Secret Service will be Present for the Duration of the Experience,” warns the auction site.
Trump on Saturday said he would dissolve his charitable foundation amid efforts to eliminate any conflicts of interest before he takes office next month.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Italy Blog #72: Ancient Rome: Temple of Venus and Rome

In this blog we continue to explore the ruins of ancient Rome, adjacent to the Colosseum. Today we'll look at the Temple of Venus and Rome

WHAT IS THE TEMPLE? - The Temple of Venus and Roma Latin: Templum Veneris et Romae is thought to have been the largest temple in Ancient Rome. It was designed by the emperor Hadrian! 

WHO WERE VENUS AND ROME? -  The Temple of Venus and Rome had two rooms each holding a cult statueVenus Felix, ancestor of the Roman people, and Roma Aeterna, the genius (personification) of the city

 Interior of the Temple of Venus and Rome built under Hadrian.
Created by: saikindi (Andrea Pittalis)

CONSTRUCTION- Although consecrated in AD 121, construction did not begin until about AD 125. The temple was dedicated ten years later, and may have been finished by Hadrian's successor Antoninus Pius sometime between AD 140 and 145, as shown on several sestertii issued during his reign. Damaged by fire in AD 307, the temple was restored, according to the University of Chicago.

What the temple did look like when built
END OF THE TEMPLE- The burning of incense to Roma and Venus that is mentioned must have been among the very last acts of such veneration in Rome, as the temple itself presumably had been closed ten years earlier, when in AD 391 Theodosius promulgated a series of decrees prohibiting pagan worship.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Italy Blog #71: Rome: Constantine's Arch and Time ID

Constantine's Arch
In this Italy blog, we'll take a close look at the ancient roman structure called "Constantine's Arch."
   It's located in Rome, in the section of the city where ancient roman buildings were uncovered (next to the Colosseum). Over the center arch is an inscription.
UNDERSTANDING TIME REFERENCES- The meaning of AD is Anno Domini or Year of our Lord referring to the year of Christ’s birth. The meaning of BC is Before Christ.  
   CE is a recent term.  It refers to Common Era and is used in place of A.D. the dates are the same i.e., 2009 AD is 2009 CE. BCE means Before Common Era.  For example 400 BC is 400 BCE.

WHAT IS CONSTANTINE'S ARCH? - The Arch of Constantine I, erected in c. 315 CE, stands in Rome and commemorates Roman Emperor Constantine’s victory over the Roman tyrant Maxentius on 28th October 312 CE at the battle of Milvian Bridge in Rome. It is the largest surviving Roman triumphal arch and the last great monument of Imperial Rome. The arch is also a tour de force of political propaganda, presenting Constantine as a living continuation of the most successful Roman emperors, renowned for their military victories and good government.
Rob and Tom at the Colosseum

ABOUT THE STRUCTURE - The monument is an imposing 69 feet (21 meters high) and 84 feet (25.6 meters_ wide rectangular block of grey and white Proconnesian marble consisting of three separate arches: one larger central arch with a shorter and narrower arch (fornix) on either side. All three arches express the same ratio of height and width.

THE INSCRIPTION OVER THE CENTER ARCH-   The inscription is repeated on both sides of the arch. The letters would originally have been inlaid with gilded bronze. It reads: To the emperor Flavius Constantine the Great pious and fortunate, the Senate and People of Rome
because by divine inspiration and his own greatness of spirit with his army
on both the tyrant and all his faction at once in rightful
battle he avenged the State dedicated this arch as a mark of triumph.

WHAT'S CARVED INTO THE ARCH? - There are 8  marble panels in total, four on each façade, showing scenes where the emperor, re-cut to resemble Constantine, is either at war (south side) or conducting his civic duties (north side). There are also 8 medallions to honor the emperor Hadrian (we talked about in a previous blog). Set in pairs, scenes they depict include a successful lion hunt, a boar hunt, a bear hunt, and sacrificial ceremonies in honour of Hercules, Apollo, Diana and Silvanus; all are carved in high relief.


SOURCE   Some of this info is from:  , published on 09 June 2013 under the following license: Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Italy Blog #70: Rome: The Colosseum

Rob and Tom inside the Colosseum
In this blog of our Italy trip (in May 2016) we'll explore the Colosseum of ancient Rome. Thanks to for the info below, which we heard during the tour (but needed a refresher).

Outside the Colosseum
BUILDING IT - The massive stone amphitheater  was commissioned around A.D. 70-72 by Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty as a gift to the Roman people. In A.D. 80, Vespasian’s son Titus opened the Colosseum–officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater–with 100 days of games, including gladiatorial combats and wild animal fights.

Closeup of an arched entryway
Inside the Colosseum
THE STRUCTURE - Measuring some 620 by 513 feet (190 by 155 meters), the Colosseum was the largest amphitheater in the Roman world. It's different from earlier amphitheaters which had been dug into hillsides to provide adequate support.  The Colosseum was a freestanding structure made of stone and concrete. The distinctive exterior had three stories of arched entrances–a total of around 80–supported by semi-circular columns.The Colosseum had seating for more than 50,000 spectators.
GLADIATOR BATTLING - A gladiator was an armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals. This brutal sport was abolished by 438 A.D.
(Of course, the gladiators likely were in great shape so no wonder everyone wanted to see them!)

UNDER THE FLOOR - There was actually a floor in the center of the structure and underneath it were a maze of rooms. Some of the rooms held the animals gladiators would fight. Other rooms held criminals, and other rooms were for the gladiators. 

WHEN DID IT BECOME OBSOLETE?  -The Colosseum had four centuries of active use, until the struggles of the Western Roman Empire and the gradual change in public tastes put an end to gladiatorial combats and other large public entertainments by the 6th century A.D., specifically 523 A.D. under Theodoric, King of the Ostrogoths, when it was last used for animal hunts (according to the book "Rome" by R.A. Staccioli- which we bought!)

PILLAGED AFTER ABANDONED -It was used as a quarry for numerous building projects, including the cathedrals of St. Peter and St. John Lateran, the Palazzo Venezia and defense fortifications along the Tiber River.

An ancient pulley system
WHEN WAS IT SAVED? - Beginning in the 18th century various popes sought to conserve the arena as a sacred Christian site, though it is in fact uncertain whether early Christian martyrs met their fate in the Colosseum, as has been speculated.

another hot gladiator
BAD SHAPE IN THE 1900s -By the 20th century, a combination of weather, natural disasters, neglect and vandalism had destroyed nearly two-thirds of the original Colosseum, including all of the arena’s marble seats and its decorative elements. Restoration efforts began in the 1990s.

UNIQUE PULLEY SYSTEMS - One of the things we were taken by, after getting past the size, architecture and creation of the structure was the pulley system the ancient Romans created to lift animals, gates, stones, etc. 

BRICK FACT - Did you know that ancient Roman bricks were triangular? They also included a logo and the name of the Emperor at the time the brick was made. That helped date the brick.


2 MINUTE VIDEO:  (from Rome Colosseum, the virtual tour of the Flavian Amphitheater - Part 1 | Roman Holiday Accommodation)

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Italy Blog #69: Rome: "Mussolini's Balcony" & Facts About the Dictator

In this blog about our May 2016 trip to Italy we were headed to the Coliseum, but made a pit stop at a building where the dictator Mussolini declared war on Britain. It was closed down for decades and recently re-opened. Below are also some things you may now know about Mussolini. (It seems appropriate to be talking about a dictator since some Americans elected Trump to be president)

RE-OPENED - The balcony from  where Mussolini know as "Il Duce" gave rabble-rousing speeches to his Black Shirt supporters and declared war on Britain in 1940 was reopened to the public in February 2011 after decades of neglect.

Palazzo Venezia in Rome
WHAT DOES "IL DUCE" MEAN? - Duce (Italian pronunciation: [ˈduːtʃe], leader) is an Italian title, derived from the Latin word dux, and cognate with duke. National Fascist Party leader Benito Mussolini was identified by Fascists as Il Duce ("The Leader") of the movement.

WHY IT WAS CLOSED FOR DECADES - According to the U.K. Telegraph newspaper, it was shuttered for decades, partly out of embarrassment for its historical connotations and because of concerns that it would become a place of pilgrimage for modern-day fascists.

The balustrade has been cleaned up along with the rest of the facade of the imposing Palazzo Venezia, a Renaissance palace built in the 15th century by Pope Paul II. The palazzo houses a museum and visitors will be able to step out onto the stone balcony as part of their visit.

1. Mussolini had a penchant for violence even as a youth.
Born on July 29, 1883, Mussolini gained a reputation for bullying and fighting during his childhood. 
Benito Mussolini
2. Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist.
Born to a socialist father, Mussolini was named after leftist Mexican President Benito Juárez.
3. Italy’s leaders never called on the military to stop Mussolini’s insurrection.
From 1920 to 1922, armed fascist squads faced minimal interference from the police or army as they roamed the country causing property damage and killing an estimated 2,000 political opponents.
4. Contrary to popular belief, Mussolini did not take power in a coup.
5. Mussolini did not become a true dictator until 1925.
After becoming prime minister, Mussolini reduced the influence of the judiciary, muzzled a free press, arrested political opponents, continued condoning fascist squad violence and otherwise consolidated his hold on power. 
6. Mussolini was anti-Church before becoming pro-Church.
7. Mussolini sought to establish an Italian empire.
Mussolini launched his first military action in 1923 when he bombarded and briefly occupied the Greek island of Corfu. 

 8. Italy’s army performed disastrously during World War II.
9. Mussolini was deposed without a fight.
Having already snatched away Libya and Ethiopia, Allied forces invaded Italy proper in 1943 and began dropping bombs on Rome. On July 25 of that year, King Victor Emmanuel informed Mussolini that he would be replaced as prime minister. Il Duce was then arrested and imprisoned

Monday, December 26, 2016

Science News: Why Prehistoric Insects Were Much Larger

As kids we loved dinosaurs. Recently Earth and Sky online magazine published this interesting article about why prehistoric insects were much larger than they are today. It's interesting and worth reading. We edited it to make it shorter. 

Why were prehistoric insects so huge?

Before the dinosaurs, giant insects ruled the world more than 300 million years ago.
  Consider Meganeura, a genus of extinct insects from approximately 300 million years ago, related to modern-day dragonflies. One member of this group – M. permiana – was first described by researchers in Kansas in 1937 as having a wingspan of over 2 feet (0.6 meters). It’s still considered one of the largest known insects that ever lived.
   While over a million insect species live today, truly giant insects no longer exist. Why did they disappear?
There are two main reasons. The most important is that our atmosphere has changed. Millions of years go, the air surrounding our planet was warmer, moister and contained more oxygen. During the Carboniferous and Permian periods, Earth’s air contained 31-35% oxygen, as compared to just 21% oxygen in the air today.
Oxygen levels are especially important for insects because they don’t have lungs. Instead, they rely on air flowing through a series of opening across their bodies called spiracles, which connect directly to the tissues that need oxygen.
M. monyi - whose fossilized remains are shown here - is one of the largest known flying insect species; the Permian Meganeuropsis permiana is another.  This specimen is housed at the Fossil at the Museum of Natural History in Toulouse. Image via Wikimedia Commons.
Fossil remains of M. Monyi, a member of the extinct insect genus Meganeura. Their wingspans could reach 2 feet
 There’s another reason giant insects disappeared. As ancient dinosaurs evolved  and some developed the ability to fly, eventually becoming modern birds, they put a cap on insect size through predation and competition.
The earliest known bird – Archaeopteryx – appeared about 150 million years ago. Birds proved to be faster and more agile than the giant insects. In an article in LiveScience in 2012, paleobiologist Matthew Clapham of the UC Santa Cruz commented:
The change in insect size is gradual. This gradual change fits quite nicely with the gradual evolution in birds at the time.

Bottom line: Hundreds of millions of years ago, giant insects were common on Earth. The decline in atmospheric oxygen – and the rise of birds – both contributed to the demise of these prehistoric insects.
Where giant insects fit in the history of life on Earth.
Where giant insects fit in the history of life on Earth.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Christmas from our house to yours

Merry Christmas from our house to yours.
Franklin, Tyler and Dolly told Santa all of the different treats, blankets, toys and food they want, and they know they'll get it. :)

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Friday, December 23, 2016

Italy Blog #68: Rome: Clown Faces?

The makeup wasn't this extreme...
This blog is about an odd occurrence. On the morning of May 17 during breakfast at our hotel we noticed a lot of secret service/police around and realized that there was someone of political importance staying there.
What we didn't expect was the strange way two people tried to conceal their identity... or it appeared that way.
   Two women walked into the restaurant in 6 to 8 inch high heels and had makeup that actually glowed in a weird way.
  Tom said "What's with the clown faces?"  We thought perhaps they were undercover, too!
NEXT: Mussolini's Balcony

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Italy Blog #67: Rome: Famous Spanish Steps, and Fountain Boat

The Spanish Steps
In this Italy blog we take you to Rome's famous Spanish Steps and a famous fountain that looks like a boat. They are both located close to the Trevi Fountain, which was featured in the previous blog. When we visited in May 2016, the steps were being cleaned and were blocked off.

WHAT ARE THE SPANISH STEPS?  - They're the staircase to the "Trinity of the Mountain" or Trinita dei Monti church that descends to the "Spanish Square" where the Spanish embassy is located. The church is French and was built in 1726.

Roman Holiday film featured Spanish Steps
1) BUILT from 1723-1725 by a design of architect Francesco de Sanctis
2) KEATS MUSEUM - At the corner on the right as one begins to climb the steps, is the house where English poet John Keats lived and died in 1821; it is now a museum
3) FAMOUS FILM - The 1953 film Roman Holiday, starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck, made the Spanish Steps famous to an American audience.
4) FAST FOOD - In March 1986, the first McDonalds restaurant in Italy opened nearby
5) STUPID DRIVER -In June 2007 a drunken man attempted to drive a Toyota Celica down the Spanish Steps. Several of the 200-year-old steps were chipped and scuffed. The driver was arrested.

Fountain of the Old Boat
FOUNTAIN OF THE OLD BOAT - known as Fontana Della Barcaccia is at the bottom of the stairs. Designed by the father of the famous Bernini, Pietro Bernini, the fountain was commissioned by Urban VIII in 1629 to commemorate the flood of 1598.  The boat is decorated at either end with the suns and bees of the Barberini coat of arms.

BASED ON A LEGEND- The boat is based upon a folk legend. The legend tells that a fishing boat was carried all the way to this exact spot during a massive flood of the Tiber River in the 16th century. The design with the sinking boat also helped Bernini to overcome a technical problem, due to low water pressure.

NEXT: A Weird Encounter with Clown-like Women

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Italy Blog #66: Rome: Secrets of the Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain
In today's blog about our trip to Italy (in May 2016), we're highlighting the 11 "Secrets of the Trevi Fountain" in Rome.

WHY NAMED TREVI? - The fountain was built at the end point of the Roman aqueduct at the junction of three roads. These three streets (tre vie) give the Trevi Fountain its name, the Three Street Fountain.

THE FIGURES - The central figures of the fountain are Neptune (God of the sea), flanked by two Tritons. One struggles to master a veru unruly "sea horse" the other lead a far more docile animal. These symbolize the two contrasting moods of the sea.
The blocking urn

BARBERSHOP BLOCKING - One secret we did learn was that a large urn was placed on the right side of the fountain to block the view of it from a barbershop. Why? To get patrons of the barbershop to stop making suggestions how to improve the fountain!

A look at the fountain wall

Here are 11 more secrets from

1. One of the oldest water sources in Rome
Roman soldiers on the wall
The fountain dates back to ancient Roman times, since the construction of the Aqua Virgo Aqueduct in 19 B.C. that provided water to the Roman baths and the fountains of central Rome. It’s said that the Aqua Virgo, or Virgin Waters, is named in honor of a young Roman girl who led thirsty soldiers to the source of the spring to drink.

2. Salvi was not the original architect chosen
In 1730 Pope Clemens XII held a contest to design a new fountain. Many important architects participated, but in the end Nicola Salvi won the rights to design the fountain, though some theories say he may not have been the first choice. Alessandro Galilei, an architect from the same family as the famous astronomer Galileo, originally won the commission for the project but the commission was ultimately given to Salvi after a public outcry. The reason for the public’s objections? Galilei was a Florentine, while Salvi was a native Roman.
FOUNTAIN COMPLETED - However Salvi never saw his fountain completed. The first water came out of the fountain in 1743 but it wasn’t until 1762 that a different Pope, Clemens XIII, officially completed and inaugurated the new Trevi Fountain, 11 years after Salvi’s death. Still, the final product is largely his.

3. Gambling allowed for the fountain’s existence.
The pope approved the financing of the fountain and also used a lotto game to pay for it. 

4. Made from same material as the Colosseum…
The fountain is mostly built from travertine stone, a name that means “from the Tiber (River)” in Latin. A mineral made of calcium carbonate formed from spring waters, especially hot springs, the likely source was the city of Tivoli, about 22 miles from Rome.

5. Height, Width and Water Usage
It is 85 feet tall and is almost 65 feet wide. With water pumping out of multiple sources and the large pool in front, the fountain spills about 2,824,800 cubic feet of (recycled) water every day! 

6. Coins Toss Legends
Side view of the Trevi Fountain
About 3,000 Euro are tossed into the fountain daily. Coins should be tossed over the shoulder. The legend holds that a coin thrown into the fountain will ensure a return to Rome. This tradition also dates back to the ancient Romans who often threw coins in water to make the gods of water favor their journey or help them get back home safely. Throw in a second coin if you’re seeking love – even a third for wedding bells.

7. It’s a crime to steal the coins from the Trevi
It's illegal to fish out coins from the fountain. In 2011 thieves were caught by a T.V. show using a hidden camera in 2011. On thief named d’Artagnan stole the coins from the fountain for 34 years before being caught in 2002.

8. The white stone fountain has been black and red
In 1996 the fountain was turned off and draped in black crepe to honor actor Marcello Mastroianni after his death. Mastroianni starred in La Dolce Vita, a movie whose most famous scene was filmed in the Trevi Fountain.  In 2007 a vandal dumped a red liquid into the fountain turning the water red. 

9. This famous fountain is famous on film too!
It appeared in the movies La Dolce Vita,  Roman Holiday, Three Coins in the Fountain and even The Lizzie McGuire Movie. The fountain is even replicated at Epcot in Walt Disney World!
Tom at the Trevi

Rob at the Trevi
10. Fatalities of Construction
During construction many men were injured and a few died when working with enormous stone, including a stonecutter who was crushed by a large block of travertine in 1734.

11. Fountain Coins Go to Charity 
What many don’t know is that the coins are collected every night and given to an Italian charity called Caritas. Caritas, in turn, use the money for a supermarket program giving rechargeable cards to Rome’s needy to help them get groceries.

NEXT: The Famous "Spanish Steps" 

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

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