I finished the book in 4 days, and given all the blogging, dogging, book promoting and everything else, that's amazing. It was THAT good. In fact, all of the books in the series are that good. Just get them, read them and re-read them. I've kept all the paperbacks in the series to re-read them. They're written by Donald Bain and Jessica Fletcher (the author goes under the two names so people will know the book's main character).
er great read.
Here's a book summary from Amazon.
Jessica is volunteering at the Cabot Cove women’s shelter when a woman walks in bruised physically and mentally. Her husband is a well-respected businessman in town. Could this paragon of virtue be abusing his wife?
Despite Jessica’s support and advice, the woman refuses to stay at the shelter, press charges, or even report the abuse. But a few days later the entire town is shocked to hear that domestic abuse has turned to murder.
Investigating the crime, Jessica soon discovers that the woman’s family has secrets and lies that go beyond domestic violence—and that the real killer may be hiding behind a wall of silence that could send the wrong person to prison....