Peter Resta has a class where he teaches about paranormal and unexplained phenomena, and I got to speak to the students. I spoke to his previous class this past springtime, and he asked me back for the summer course.
I did a double presentation - the same one I gave at the FORTFEST conference this past May, that I called the "Dark and Light of the Paranormal." The first talk involved the Double Murder investigation from my book "Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead" where Inspired Ghost Tracking investigated a private home. The home turned out to be the location where two women were murdered, and both me and Troy, the group mediums, discovered the women and learned their identities. We later proved everything we sensed. The entire story is in Lessons Learned.
- For the Light side of the paranormal - I talked about my latest book "Pets and the Afterlife" and taught the class how pets are able to communicate and how they do communicate to the living.
One student was kind enough to tell his parents about it, and they were so interested they attended my talk - I was honored. Several students asked really good questions.
Someone asked if they need to be "religious" to believe in an afterlife. The answer is "no." You can be an atheist, agnostic or any religion- I look at it from a scientific perspective: We are energy that cannot be destroyed when our physical shell wears out and we continue on as a ghost or spirit (depending on location). That's not religion, that's science.

The loss of a
pet is like the loss of a child to pet owners. The love we share with our pets
never dies, and in a new book called "Pets and the Afterlife" by Rob
Gutro, the author provides proof that our pets do communicate with us from the
other side. Available in paperback and
E-book, on and other outlets at: To order paperback of Kindle-
BOOK: "Lessons Learned
from Talking to the Dead" by Rob Gutro
In medium Rob Gutro's second book, See photo proof of a
ghost haunting a residence. Go on a treasure-hunt-style journey in Virginia as
Rob and others explain random and obscure words, signs and symbols from a
spirit, that prove the spirit was with his family. Learn lessons from Spirits
and their suggestions on how we can live better on Earth.
Explore the science behind how they communicate. Learn
how to receive their messages, where they appear, and important messages in how
to live your life. Go into cemeteries, battlefields, and historic places in
various parts of the U.S and beyond. Learn about spirits of suicide and murder
victims, and how infants and animals pass messages to the living. FOR THE BOOK ON AMAZON.COM IN PAPERBACK or