We had to share this Facebook post from our Friend Nanette - She wrote about reasons she defriended someone who is toxic, bigoted and uses religion to defend their hypocrisy.
As Nanette says in her post, the hypocrisy of people is appalling. We have also un-friended people because of their bigotry and intolerance- who also sadly have said they are religious, and view gay couples as "less than human and undeserving of equal protections." - One couple were friends since 1993, another since 1996, and others here in Md. that we invited to our wedding reception in 2009 who revealed themselves. It was brutal to hear this from people we thought were our friends. These former friends preached about Jesus and threw
us under the bus. Like Nanette, we're tired of intolerance.
and conservativism are the roots of the hatred and division and people
need to grow past them. Being accepting of all people is what our nation
was founded on- we welcome all. Sadly, not everyone gets it. - and we are much better off for removing toxic people like that from our lives. - Rob
I just had to de-friend someone on FB and that makes me sad. I met her
through rescue and while we really didn't have much in common, our love
for animals was enough. She has a kind heart and a lot of compassion,
and it makes me feel bad that I had to cut off communication, but
sometimes you have to draw the line. The problem was the combination of
her extreme right political posts, which were getting more and more
hateful and racist. The thing is, I don't think she even realizes
she's a bigot and I'm finding that there are a lot of folks out there
like that.
It kind of blows my mind that someone can be so kind and
compassionate when it comes to animals or children, but then they turn
around and call people "towel heads" or say racist things about our
President. They talk about God and Jesus and The Bible, but then
protest Americans helping find the Nigerian girls that were kidnapped.
They preach compassion and forgiveness, then scream about having
foreigners in this country. They scream "pro life," but condone bombing
abortion clinics. They preach kindness and empathy, but constantly
bitch about people getting assistance from the government who truly need
it. Yes, there are those who abuse this privilege, but there are many
who truly need and deserve it. I'm just so sick of the hypocrisy.
so sick of how everyone has blamed Obama for the giant mess he
inherited, from the second he walked into office. Is he the best
President we've ever had? No, of course not, but he is definitely NOT
the worst. You are entitled to your opinion and I have no problem with
that. What I DO abhor are people who rant and rave about him being
evil, claim he's not American, claim he's anti-American, a Socialist,
etc. Three-quarters of these people don't even know what a Socialist
is, and why they are so afraid of it. It's all propaganda. Fear
mongering, playing to the fear of all things anti-Patriotic. All
politicians lie. All politicians have an agenda. He is no worse than
anyone else. I have never seen this country as polarized as it is now.
People say they don't want big government, but they want to control
what women do with their bodies. They want to impose Christian prayer
in schools when there are so many other religions out there, and they
call that freedom of religion. You should be able to be a Muslim,
Jewish, an Atheist, Hindu, Buddhist, even a Satanist, if that is what
you wish...and shouldn't have to be exposed to just one religion in
schools or government meetings. That is not what freedom of religion
I'm just really disappointed in some people. I don't care if
you're Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian...doesn't matter
to me...just don't be a hypocrite and don't be hateful. Don't be a
racist. Think about what you're saying. There's already so MUCH shit in
this world, there's no need to add to it.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Who I am
I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at Rgutro@gmail.com - Rob