, but is home and recovered, although his back legs are weak).
PARKING - This was incredibly easy. I pre-made reservations on-line with PreFlight Parking. I recommend making reservations in advance to guarantee a space and get a discount on parking. The driver was timely, courteous, and he actually got out of the van and picked up our luggage and loaded them on the van! Wow!
AIRPORT - We arrived at the International Terminal and saw a line of about 200 military men and women to go through security. We were glad we got there 3 1/2 hours ahead of time, but were startled that an entire military unit would be going through security. Tom waited in line while I went to exchange money for British pounds. When I did that, I noticed that there was another security checkpoint that went to OUR gates! So, I brought Tom over and there was no one in our security line. That was the end of the ease of getting there.