Monday, December 10, 2018

A Hauntingly Good Holiday Party!

LtoR: Ronda, Tom, Margaret, Rob
    We belong to a paranormal group to use our "gifts" of mediumship to help families who deal with Earthbound ghosts haunting their houses, but this weekend, we attended the group's Holiday party. It's always nice to partake in a gathering where you have something in common with everyone (how often can you say that?).
   We participated in a gift swap where if  someone didn't like their gift, they had an opportunity to swap it with someone whose gift they did like. 
   The gifts ran the gamut from a book on ghosts, paranormal tools like flashlights and batteries to wine, gift cards, puzzles, and food.  
Nancy, Pat, Judy, Renee
   We wrapped up gift cards to a Supermarket, because, well, they're practical, and everyone shops for groceries!  I got a gift bag with a Dunkin' gift card, a delicious brownie, and a coupon at Kohls (where we shop) so that was perfect- Coffee, sugar, and shopping. 
Margaret, Ronda, Colleen, Nancy
   Tom got a bottle of wine and he was all excited about that... until our friend Dana swapped out her gift and took Tom's wine. So Tom had to pick another gift... and picked a bag that had three puzzles of 1000 pieces. Tom doesn't do puzzles, but he wound up with them. He doesn't have the best luck with these swaps. 
LtoR: Judy, Renee, Dana, Jimmy, Amy
    He was pretty funny about it, though because he said aloud "Who would give a puzzle? I don't do puzzles, but I like wine!"
   Last year, the gift swap didn't go so well for Tom either. Last year with the gift swap. Although the gifts are supposed to be gender-neutral, he wound up with a pair of ladies' earrings, which he promptly gave someone else!
   The event was fun, though, and spending time with like-minded and caring friends was a great way to mark the holidays.