Sunday, December 9, 2018

Idiot of the Week: Kansas GOP Offical Cites "the Master Race"

This week's idiot is another Republican who is a white supremacist and outed himself as one when he cited the "Master Race" (which is what the Nazis called white, blonde people) to a black city employer.

Kansas County Official Who Made ‘Master Race’ Remark Resigns
Washington Post: Nov. 20, 2018

A Kansas county commissioner who made a “master race” comment to a black city planner has resigned amid swift backlash over what many officials saw as more than just a poor attempt at a joke.

Louis Klemp insisted in a resignation letter Tuesday that his comments were “well-meaning,” not racially motivated, and misinterpreted. But a chorus of local and state officials disagreed, decrying Klemp for invoking the Nazi-tinged language and calling for his resignation.

“It is with great sorrow that I am submitting this letter to the community that I love and have been a part of for more than 80 years. In order to maintain a focus and prioritize the needs of the county I have made a decision to resign,” Klemp wrote in a letter to Leavenworth County Clerk Janet Klasinski, adding that he regrets the comment and has apologized to the city planner.


Louis Klemp, a county commissioner in Leavenworth, Kan., made comments about a “master race” at a commission meeting Nov. 13. (Leavenworth County Kansas via Storyful)