Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Quebec Blog #23: Fireworks, a Haunted House Foundation, Creepy Story!

The foundation of the haunted home and the fireplace where the ghost stood
In this 23rd blog about our May trip to Old Quebec City, you'll hear the story about an old haunted house and see what's left of it. Since it's Independence Day here in the U.S., we've also posted a link to a short video we took one night in Quebec when fireworks were going off (why, we have no idea). 

     When we were on the ghost tour (see Quebec Blog #4) we learned about the house of a former physician who took corpses of people who just died, or possibly killed homeless people, to experiment on their organs and bodies. We didn't know exactly where the house was until later, when we visited the La Fresque des Quebecois (the fresco or mural of Quebec). In fact, the Fresque is located right next to the remnants of the home near Place Royale, on the wall of Soumande House on Notre-Dame Street (See Quebec Blog #20)
WHAT'S THERE TODAY? - The home of the former physician no longer stands. All that's left is the foundation and the walls and fireplace of the basement.  
THE GHOST STORY - One evening, one of the doctor's students was in the basement level (where the corpses were stored). The student was making some tea. When he turned and looked toward the fireplace, he saw a male ghost standing. He recognized the ghost as one of the male corpses he and the doctor had recently brought in!  
 WHERE IS THE GHOST NOW? - Although the house is half gone, the ghost could very well still be lingering around the basement, because that's where he was sighted originally. Ghosts don't usually stray very far from where they decide to stay earth-bound.
   The foundation of that house still stands today but the signage doesn't include the ghost story. However, now you know the haunting truth!

Since this blog is being published on July 4th, U.S. Independence Day, we thought it good timing to publish this short video of fireworks in Old Quebec City that we saw on Friday, May 19, 2017


NEXT: Historic Royal Battery Park!