Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Did You Know? Republicans Not Serving the People: NJ, ME and Killing Winter Heating Program

  We really wonder how people who voted for Republicans think that their party is actually doing good for Americans. Their actions show they simply do not care for the poor or middle class. Just look at their actions this week.
  Aside from the President humiliating himself for attacking the media and acting without any dignity in the office, just this week, President Trump proposed killing a program that supplies Winter-time heat to 6 million households. He also thinks just repealing Obamacare with nothing to take it's place is a good idea. Tell that to millions of people who would lose health care. 
   Republicans and Governors of New Jersey and Maine didn't pass a budget and caused state-wide Shutdowns. In New Jersey, the shutdown closed beaches on the July 4th Weekend (but that didn't stop Gov. Christie from using one). 

1) Maine nonemergency functions shut down in budget standoff
Maine Governor LePage, a Republican, submitted his budget to the Legislature in January. Expecting a budget standoff, he signed an executive order Friday directing state departments and agencies to take necessary steps for a state government shutdown. All nonemergency government functions are shut down until further notice. The civil emergency state began July 1 after the Legislature failed to sign a budget into law by June 30, the last day of Maine's fiscal year.

2) NJ Governor Christie  Spotted on Beach Closed by NJ Gov't Shutdown
On Friday, New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie ordered the beaches across the Garden State closed — a reaction to the ongoing budget impasse in the state's legislature. Less than 48 hours later, photos from NJ Advance Media showed Christie sunning himself with his family on Island Beach State Park — the only people on the beach because, well, the governor had closed it.  UPDATE: on Tuesday, July 4th, somehow Governor Christie managed to sign the budget after being embarrassed by being seen on the closed beach.

3) Trump Proposes Killing Wintertime Heating Assistance to 6 Million
PORTLAND, Maine —   President Donald Trump has proposed eliminating heating aid for low-income Americans, claiming it’s no longer necessary and rife with fraud. People needn’t worry about being left in the cold, he says, because utilities cannot cut off customers in the dead of winter. The proposal to kill the program, which has distributed $3.4 billion to about 6 million households this fiscal year, will face strong opposition in Congress.  “It’s beyond my thinking that anyone could be that cruel,” said Perkins, a retired restaurateur who relies on the program to keep warm in Ogunquit, Maine. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/congress-cool-trumps-proposal-end-heating-aid-48400399