Monday, August 31, 2015

Ireland Trip Blog #69: Haunted Marsh's Library

Entryway to Marsh's Library
With just a couple of more blogs to go about our 9 day trip to Ireland, Blog #69 takes us back to Dublin. After returning the car, we had a couple of hours of daylight left, so we decided to find Marsh's Library because it's reputed to be haunted.

WHAT IS MARSH'S LIBRARY? -  Its a library established in the early 1700s library with thousands of rare books on original oak shelves. It is located on Saint Patrick's Close, Dublin 8, Ireland, adjacent to  St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin

Marsh's Library Sign
OUR ARRIVAL/THE GHOST- We arrived 5 minutes after the library had closed, so we didn't get a chance to go inside. However, I (Rob) didn't need to go in. After taking some pictures of the entryway, I stood near it and picked up on feelings emanating from the ghost inside (which I would later learn about). I sensed feelings of sadness, guilt and frustration. All of those feelings made sense when I learned who the ghost was and why he was there!

WHO IS THE GHOST IN THE LIBRARY? -   Marsh's Library has a particular ghost of its own, the ghost of an old man who has been seen at midnight browsing through its ancient bookshelves, the ghost of its founder, Archbishop Narcissus Marsh according to
      Marsh was Archbishop of Dublin from 1694 until his appointment to Armagh nine years later, but the transfer did not terminate his interest in Dublin and in 1707 he founded his library, on ground belonging to the House of St Sepulchre, then the Palace of the Archbishops of Dublin.

Front door to the Library
    The most recognized explanation for Archbishop Marsh's haunting the library  is because his favorite niece, Grace, fell in love with  a man the Archbishop forbade her to be with.  In the book  Irish Ghosts by John J. Dunne (published by Appletree Press), the author says Grace's lover was a sea captain. IN the book Haunted Ireland, the story says the man was a handsome clergyman from Castleknock. Regardless, it was someone that was not in the Archbishop's favor. 
     As a result, the young couple eloped. Later, his niece wrote the Archbishop a letter asking for forgiveness and mailed it to him.   The story goes that Archbishop Marsh received the letter, didn't open it and put it in a book. Now his ghost wanders the library in search of the book that holds the letter.   


Sunday, August 30, 2015

Dog Who's Waited 11 Years For A Family Hasn't Given Up Hope

This article appeared in the news on August 17, and this is just tragic. A dog has been in a shelter for 11 years (after losing his parent), and is still waiting for a home. Unfortunately, he needs to be the "only dog." - It is such a tragic story.

 Dog Who's Waited 11 Years For A Family Hasn't Given Up Hope By Caitlin Jill Ander

Shelters take in so many dogs each year that sometimes a few slip through the cracks. It's no one's fault, but when we realize these dogs have been overlooked, it's important to do what we can to find them a loving home.
Yonkers Animal Shelter Olive is a senior dog who has been at the shelter as long as she can remember — and that's because she's been there essentially her whole life. Olive has been living at the Yonkers Animal Shelter in New York on and off for 11 long years. Many people have tried to find her a home. Kelcy Kimmerer of Second Chance Rescue NYC learned of Olive recently and became one of her countless supporters. "I know her because my fiancĂ© and I went to visit another dog at Yonkers Animal Shelter and I saw Olive and she just did something to me," Kelcy told The Dodo. "I felt an instant heart connection to her and I felt this deep need to help her — to be her voice."
Kelcy Kimmerer Olive came to the shelter as a puppy, and four years after arriving she was about to be adopted by a volunteer. Right before the big day, the unthinkable happened — the volunteer unexpectedly passed away, and heartbroken Olive was once again alone. Another volunteer paid for Olive to be in a boarding facility for a while, until she was finally adopted — but that family turned out not to be the right fit, and so back to the shelter Olive went.
Olive just can't seem to catch a break, and so many people have been rallying behind her cause. John Bartlett, an award winning designer, animal advocate and founder of The Tiny Tim Foundation, has taken a special interest in Olive after learning of her story, and visits her often. So many people see something special in this dog, and no one can quite understand why she hasn't found her forever family yet.

Olive is an expert cuddler and the perfect low key companion for anyone looking for a dog to love. She's been without a home for so long that the stress has weighed on her, and she would do best as the only dog in a home with only teenagers or adults. She's been dealing with shelter commotion her whole life and desperately needs a quiet home to retire to. Anyone interested in adopting Olive would need to do a meet and greet at the shelter before taking her home.

Olive has never known a couch to sleep on or a human to snuggle with while they watch TV on a cozy evening at home. She has never known what it's truly like to be part of a family — and no dog should be denied that. The volunteers and shelter have done everything possible to make Olive's life happy, but they know a home is what she truly needs.

If you or someone you know would like to add Olive to your family, contact the Yonkers Animal Shelter at to get the process started and finally give this love bug the home she deserves.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Good Book! The Exodus Quest by Will Adams

I found a hardcover of Will Adams' book 'The Exodus Quest" on sale in Barnes and Noble so I bought it based on the
book jacket. It came out in 2010 and was a good buy. I had put off reading it for awhile but finally did and recently finished it- and was glad to have read it.
  It involved an archaeologist in his 30s named Daniel Knox, and digs in Egypt. It reminded me of an Indiana Jones-eqsue type story, and was enjoyable. 
  There are several main characters and the antagonist is a right-wing-nut Christian priest who is leading a student excavation trying to prove the christian bible's exodus of Egypt (BTW-, there's no record of that in reality, although there are records of even 2 people being thrown out of Egypt- so it's likely that never really happened)
   Anyway, the priest discovers something that goes against his view and tries to destroy it, to "preserve" his religious beliefs... and he goes off the deep end.. which causes Daniel and people he knows a lot of serious trouble. 
   The chapters are written well, and are broken up in short (easier to read) sections, each focusing on the different characters. The only thing I couldn't follow were all of the Egyptian references and names... I had to gloss over them, because it was simply too much information (but it made it all the more realistic). 
I enjoyed the book and would recommend it!  - Rob   

AMAZON BOOK SUMMARY: On the trail of the lost Dead Sea Scrolls, archaeologist Daniel Knox stumbles upon a theft in progress at an ancient temple near Alexandria. Then a senior Egyptian archaeologist is violently killed, and the finger of suspicion points at Knox himself. To add to his mounting worries, his partner Gaille Bonnard is kidnapped while showing a television crew around the ruins of Amarna. She manages to smuggle out a message, pleading with Knox to rescue her, but he's locked in a police cell on suspicion of murder hundreds of miles away. His only hope of clearing his name and saving Gaille is to crack one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of the ancient world...before it's too late.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Ireland Blog #68 : Dublin's GPS Spiral!

In Ireland Blog #68 we finally return to Dublin where we experienced the GPS Spiral! Before we get to it, if you're in Ireland check out the radio station "4FM" or 104.7 FM because it plays pop music from the 80s, 90s and oldies. :) Okay, well, those are oldies. Onto the GPS Spiral! 

The GPS unit seemed to work pretty well in Ireland (except for really, really short notice to turn in cities and towns). However when we were trying to return the car the GPS went into a spiraling fit! 

MR. MONK DRIVING IN DUBLIN - Driving through downtown Dublin is a little nerve-wracking since I'm (Rob) not used to driving on the left side of the road, and Mr. Monk (Tom) was in the passenger side, cautioning me not to run people over or drive on the curb. 
When it comes to being a passenger these 2 are the same guy,

INTO THE SPIRAL -  We programmed the GPS unit to take us to the "Enterprise Rental Car" store on Russell Street, Dublin. The GPS brought us close to the neighborhood then started spinning round and round. It took us in circles for about 40 minutes and the only way we knew we were close was because I pulled over and asked someone! Of course, the person had no idea where "Russell Street" was but said they've seen an Enterprise Rental car in the area. They did know that it was near a stadium, and fortunately, that's a big enough landmark to see, so we were able to find it by driving around and around it!!!

U-turn over and over
ARRIVAL!!! - We arrived and I think I had to pry my fingers out of the steering wheel,as I dug them in so tightly. Remember, when you return a car, you have to get there by a certain time... fortunately, we made it. 

NOT THE ONLY ONES - The rep at the rental car company asked if we had any issues with the car or GPS and we explained that the GPS went into "spiral mode" trying to find the car rental place. The rep said that someone before us arrived earlier that day had the same exact problem with their GPS. It couldn't find that street address. 
WHY?- Well, it was of course, programmed by someone in Saint Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. who had likely never been to Dublin.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ireland Blog #67: Downtown Cashel, the "Pipe" and a Graveyard Ghost

Rob and Tom outside an old gate
In blog #67 we'll cover the "Pipe" and St. Dominic's ruined Friary in downtown Cashel, Tipperary County, Ireland  and thought we'd add in the story of a graveyard ghost from the same county. 

The former "PIPE" now a fountain
Gargoyle fountain head
WHAT IS THE "PIPE" - A fountain with three spigots brought water to the residents of downtown Cashel in 1842. It was called "the Pipe." The water was discharged through the mouths of three gargoyles into troughs. In 1986, the structure was restored and converted to a fountain.  


Cashel Palace Hotel
St. Dominic's Friary
St. Dominic's Friary Ruins
This friary was founded in the year 1243! It was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1480. New windows were even installed in the building at the time. By 1540, however, the friary was dissolved and the building abandoned. It then fell into disrepair and ruins as it stands today. 


So, thanks to Paranormal, this little story of a ghost seen in  a graveyard in the county of Tipperary  seemed interesting enough, and it only happened 16 years ago! 
Here's the file from the Paranormal Database:
Location: Ballingarry Thurles - Old Church graveyard  Manifestation  
Date / Time: Circa 1999
Cr: Matt Alexander, Ballingarry Parish Journel
Further Comments: Two brothers, aged eight and ten years old, noticed a man peering over the wall of this grave yard. His head and shoulders were visible, and the figure wore a white shirt with dark glasses, and had curly hair. The man also looked like he had been crying, and ignored the children when they spoke to him. The children told their father, who pointed out the wall was eight feet high; upon hearing the description of the figure, the father recognized it as being a friend of his who died four years previous! 


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ireland Trip #66: "Hore"-ing Monks of an Abbey Near Rock of Cashel

Hore Abbey in the distance from the Rock of Cashel
As we near the end of our Ireland Trip Blog #66 gives you a quick overview of the Rock of Cashel's Hore Abbey.

Hore Abbey is a ruined Cistercian monastery near the Rock of Cashel (fortress/cathedral), County Tipperary, Republic of Ireland. We could see the ruins from the Rock of Cashel, which lies to the north of the ruins. There's a couple of things you need to know to understand this place. 1) What does "hore" mean and 2) What is a Cistercian. We'll explain both.

WHAT IS HORE? - The word 'Hore' is didn't refer to a loose nunnery. Okay, I couldn't resist. Actually it was thought to come from the word 'iubhair' the yew tree.

WHAT IS A CISTERCIAN? - A Cistercian is a member of the Cistercian Order -it's basically a religious order of monks and nuns. According to Boydell &
The Cistercians (White Monks) were the most successful monastic experiment to emerge from the tumultuous intellectual and religious fervour of the eleventh and twelfth centuries. By around 1150 they had established houses the length and breadth of Western Christendom and were internationally renowned. They sought to return to a simple form of monastic life, as set down in the Rule of St Benedict, and preferred rural locations "far from the haunts of men". But, as recent research has shown, they were by no means isolated from society but influenced, and were influenced by, the world around them; they moved with the times.
WHO GAVE IT TO WHOM? - The former Benedictine abbey at Hore was given to the Cistercians by Archbishop David MacCearbhaill (in 1270), who later entered the monastery. He endowed the Abbey generously with land, mills and other benefices previously belonging to the town.

This is all that's known about this Abbey in ruins:
·         1269 Archbishop David MacCearbhaill made profession of the Cistercian rule though remaining as Archbishop of Cashel

·         1270 Founded from Mellifont. The last Cistercian foundation in Ireland before the dissolution of the monasteries

·         1540 Dissolved and property transferred to James Butler, 9th Earl of Ormond. Monks continued to serve the local parish. Later occupied as private dwellings

·         1561 Lands granted by Elizabeth I to Sir Henry Radcliffe


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Ireland Trip #65: Some Odd Carvings and more Inside the Rock of Cashel

This is the last blog about the Rock of Cashel in Ireland. In blog #65 we'll show you some odd carvings that lie in the ruins of the Rock of Cashel (that fortress/cathedral, an ancient christian mural and a photo Tom took of Queen Elizabeth's signature (why I have no idea). 
ornamental carvings on door frames

carvings on a tomb or altar

INTRICATE CARVINGS - These carvings I believe were either altars or tombs. I didn't write it down and can't find anything on-line!  Regardless, there was a lot of detail in them.
3 MINUTE VIDEO TOUR (by xdaznx) - I found this great 3 minute video tour if you want to take a "walk" through the main area of ruins and see where these tombs/altars are located. In the video you'll also see a christian painted mural that historians and archaeologists uncovered. There is now a copy of the original painting next to the mural to show you what it originally looked like. A pretty fascinating find.

 NEXT: Some "Hore"-ing Monks :)  (It's not what you think)


Monday, August 24, 2015

Ireland Trip #64: Rock of Cashel's Roofless Cathedral

Roofless Cathedral
The Rock of Cashel was both a fortress and a cathedral. It was founded in the 300s AD and the current castle that stands on it was built in 1100 A.D. The adjoining Cathedral, like the castle, lay in ruins and is roofless like the castle.

ROOFLESS HISTORY - In the mid 1600’s, the Church of Ireland stopped using the cathedral and they removed the roof. They dismantled it because the roof was rich in lead, which could be used to make ammunition. Alchemists of the time also believed that the lead could be turned into gold, with the right catalyst. During those times, that belief made lead a very valuable commodity.  

Roofless cathedral
WE'VE MOVED -  When the Rock of Cashel and Cathedral began having roof problems, rather than fix them,  the Bishop moved the church into town in the 1730s, abandoning the property. 

Large cemetery in the back of the cathedral

LARGE CEMETERY - In the back of the Fortress and Cathedral was a large cemetery, filled with Celtic crosses and lots of dead people throughout the last two centuries. :)

The Rock of Cashel and Roofless Cathedral

HOW BIG WAS THE PROPERTY? - At it's height, the abbey owned over 200 acres!  That's a considerably large plot at that time, but necessary to abide by cistercian tenets of being self-sufficient.

NEXT: Some Odd Carvings Inside the Rock of Cashel 


Old sketch of the Rock of Cashel

Inside the castle known as the Rock of Cashel- our great tour guide Seamus was explaining the architecture.  

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How frequently you should really launder your sheets, bath towels, curtains, pillows

I (Rob) always kid Tom that he is as driven to clean everything to "Mr. Monk" levels of cleanroom cleanliness. Of course, as a result, we have a very clean house (even with 4 dogs).  So when I saw this article in the Huffington Post, I thought I would share it with you. We've actually been doing this long before this article came out, but in case you want to know, here's:  how frequently you should really launder your sheets, bath towels, curtains, pillows

How often do you launder your linens? According to a 2015 Women’s Health poll, most people wash towels and sheets fairly often—though perhaps, not as habitually as they should. "Just like with our clothes, actively used linens, especially those that touch food or skin, should be washed more frequently, while less actively used linens, like decorative hand towels or seasonal comforters, can go a bit longer," says Maeve Richmond, founder and head coach of home organizing company Maeve’s Method.

Bath towels

Recommended washing: Every three or four uses
Though they’re designed for heavy use, bath towels can begin to smell after just a few showers—especially if they’re not aired out properly. If you work out or have a physically demanding job, consider washing them even more often, and never share towels among family members if someone has a potentially infectious skin condition.
Of course, there comes a time when every towel must go. "Beyond rips or stains, a sheet or towel has reached the end of its usefulness when I no longer enjoy using it or looking it," says Richmond. "Or, if it has retained a musty odor that detergent or bleach cannot take away. There is a ‘just off the rack’ feeling with linens, just as there is with clothes, and when that feeling fades, it’s time to let your sheet or towel go."

Bed sheets

Recommended washing: Every one or two weeks
"Bed linens can be subject to a different type of wear and tear, so the choice of when to wash here is personal,” says Richmond. “If the smell of fresh linens while climbing into bed makes you smile, then new linens every one to two weeks is a good rule of thumb. On the other hand, if a cozy, lived-in bed is more your style, go longer, especially if changing sheets feels like a chore."
The exceptions: If they’re obviously stained, if someone in the family is sick, if you tend to sleep naked, or if you go to bed without showering after a workout, you might consider cleaning your sheets more frequently. Weather is a factor, as well: "Depending on your lifestyle, linens may go through more wear and tear in the summer months, as we sweat more during the daytime in warm weather, and perspiration easily transfers to towels and sheets."
Dish towels
Recommended washing: Every week
"Kitchen towels collect food, and food stains can lead to bacteria and odor, so it is smart to swap kitchen towels out weekly if you cook actively, but if your kitchen towels are less actively used, or more decorative, once a month should do the trick," says Richmond. If you’re hosting a lot of company you might consider swapping them out sooner: "Kitchen towels may also need more cleaning during certain seasons, depending on if your cooking increases at these times, like if you host frequent outdoor barbecues during summer months, or cook large family meals during holiday seasons."

Hand towels

Recommended washing: Every two or three days. (No, really.) Since hand towels are usually A) hung in a high-traffic, germ-friendly room, and B) used by multiple people for a variety of reasons, it’s just good sense to throw them in the washing machine more frequently than most linens. After all, do you really want to dry your hands on your grandson’s toothpaste marks? 
The nice thing about hand towels is that they cost very little compared to most other linens. So, it pays to have several clean back-ups on hand. And if they become ripped, stained, or just plain boring—get rid of ‘em. "Good sheets and towels are easy to come by these days," says Richmond. "Most home goods stores have them in bright colors, with a variety of designer textures and patterns, so if your sheets and towels at home are weary, treat yourself to a new set of both. It’s a low-cost solution that will make a big impact in your home."

Bath mats

Recommended washing: Every one or two weeks
The frequency with which you should wash a bath mat depends largely on usage and the quality of the mat itself. If it never seems to dry, a weekly cleaning is in order; simply throw it in the washing machine with your bath towels. If it remains fluffy and odor-free, give it some more time. To prolong the time between washes, consider either hanging it over the edge of the bathtub to dry or buying a reversible mat.


Recommended washing: Twice a year
Unlike other linens that attract bodily odors and particles, curtains are much more prone to simple household dust, which collects over time. Unless you or someone in your household has allergies—in which case quarterly washings are in order—every six months should do the trick. Just be certain to follow directions; some must be steamed or dry-cleaned. Between washes, use vacuum attachments to remove dirt and particles.
If you’re tempted to clean curtains more often, know that it might not be the best idea. "Even with top of the line detergent and special care, over time frequently washed linens will also start to wear down, as the fibers in them loosen and age," says Richmond. "And if the linens are decorative, frequent washing can cause color to fade."


Recommended washing: Twice a year
Whether a pillow is made of feathers or synthetic materials, you should wash it two times annually to keep odors and stains from becoming a permanent part of its makeup. Follow cleaning directions closely—you may have to use a laundromat or dry cleaner—and absolutely, positively make sure that it’s fully dry before placing it back on your bed.To prolong the life of a pillow, purchase a pillow protector (launder it as frequently as you do your sheets) and never, ever sleep on it without a pillowcase; after all, we do a lot of our drooling at night.


Recommended washing: Twice a year
Though we use our comforters daily, they generally don’t bear the brunt of our bodily scents, oils, and skin flakes. And that means we can launder them less frequently. "Assuming there is no major wear, most of us can get away with washing comforters only once or twice a year," says Richmond. "I like to time the washing of my comforter to the changing of the seasons, so I wash once when the weather gets cold, and my desire to snuggle in bed increases, then again in the spring for a fresh start."
Of course, if your comforter becomes musty or assumes an unwanted scent, go to town: “Unwashed linens will still do their job, but there is a point where dirt, stains and odors can take over, and if you don’t catch stains quickly enough, they will set in."

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rob's Experience in Marketing Books you write

Pets and the afterlife
Recently several friends have come to me asking about self-publishing books that they or someone they know have written or want to write. For self-publishers, I would recommend (NOW Amazon as of 2019). That's where I went, and I'm happy with them- in addition to print on demand in paperback,  they also connect you through Kindle.

   I've written 7 books  (as of 2020) and am self-published on Kindle and in paperback through Amazon. They are books about my paranormal experiences as a medium and ghost investigator.

   I've found that maintaining a weekly blog and offering something new at least once a week keeps an audience interested. (It's hard to do this for fiction, but easier for non-fiction because people can relate to your experiences and vice-versa).

I have made a couple of videos, but haven't found them that effective, other than introducing you and what your books are about. - I've found the most success in connecting to people or potential interviewers on Twitter. It enables you to connect with similar interests and direct messaging works best (include a tiny url to your blog).

  Facebook, on the other hand doesn't work well for businesses or self-published authors, but you should do  it. Out of 5,000 subscribers, I'm lucky if 100 to 200 people see a post because Facebook wants you to pay to promote posts, and being self -published, there's no budget. It's not really nice to small businesses when people "like" their pages, so go with Twitter.

  Instagram doesn't provide a lot of marketing - but every little bit helps. Pinterest allows you to make memes and post them to get people to your blog or books.

PERSONAL APPEARANCES - Find libraries to talk at, contact reading groups, social groups, etc. Being in the paranormal field I've done a lot of talks to Paranormal groups and conferences. I've also contacted a lot of groups through Twitter to do radio interviews. Blogspot radio has a LOT of radio programs in a variety of genres.

Contact Magazines
Join a group
MARKETING PACKAGE- Write a press release about your book to inspire people to read it (could be from the back of the book jacket), have a headshot photo and a short biography.; Provide a short PDF of the first 10-20 pages as a promo copy, and have a copy of the cover to send people. **THEN find out emails for local TV stations and newspapers and email them**

Best of luck. Writing the books are a lot easier than marketing them! 

Rob Gutro's books:  Pets and the Afterlife, Pets and the Afterlife 2, Lessons Learned from Talking to the Dead,   Ghosts and Spirits, Kindred Spirits: How a Medium Befriended a Spirit; Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation; Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking.  ALL ON AMAZON 

Go to conferences

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at - Rob

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