Do you think a Saturday would slip by without something getting done around our house? Heavens, no! :) On Saturday, we took the "kids" on 2 walks, went shopping (the recently remodeled Kohl's near us was having a huge sale this weekend), went to Lowe's (a couple of times), and more. Tom took several hours to apply sealant to the asphalt driveway today, and tomorrow he has to apply a second coat. Here's a pic of Tom in action:

Meanwhile, I get the indoor task of Doggie baths. Here's Franklin, the dachshund, in the utility sink (where I bathe them every week or so). In fact, when I say "BATH" Franklin runs and hides under the bed and I have to coax him out with treats and grab him!

Here's Dolly getting a bath in the utility sink. Of course, being 57 pounds, she's a little tougher for me to pick up, but she stays in the tub and really doesn't move around a lot. Dolly doesn't mind getting a bath. When I say "Dolly, bath!" She kind of slinks into the laundry room, with her ears back, and waits for me to gently pick her up. She's a really good girl.

Here are Franklin and Dolly post-bath. Of course, I always wind up taking a bath myself, while giving them one, that is...