Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Non-Partisan ITEP Analyzation: Trump's Proposals would increase Taxes on 95% of Americans

Before you go to the ballot box, if you think that you can't afford something now, take into account the findings of the non-partisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy that found under Trump's Tax Plan, 95 % of Americans (not in the richest 5%) would receive tax increases. BTW, Trump also drastically reduced charitable deductions on taxes when he was in office before (and all my donations meant nothing)-   Today's blog includes an analysis of his plan for the Rich, and the HISTORY of what he did before.    

A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan

Published Oct 7, 2024

ITEP, https://itep.org/a-distributional-analysis-of-donald-trumps-tax-plan-2024/ 

The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy found Trump’s tariff proposals would outweigh his tax cuts for all but the very richest households.

Their Findings:  Former President Donald Trump has proposed a wide variety of tax policy changes. Taken together, these proposals would, on average, lead to a tax cut for the richest 5 percent of Americans and a tax increase for all other income groups.

   If these proposals were in effect in 2026, the richest 1 percent would receive an average tax cut of about $36,300 and the next richest 4 percent would receive an average tax cut of about $7,200. All other groups would see a tax increase with the hike on the middle 20 percent at about $1,500 and the increase on the lowest-income 20 percent of Americans at about $800.

Former President Trump has offered several tax proposals, which are all included in these estimates:

  • Extending the temporary provisions in Trump’s 2017 tax law that will otherwise expire at the end of 2025, except for the $10,000 cap on State and Local Tax (SALT) deductions, which Trump says he would not extend
  • Exempting certain types of income from taxes (overtime pay, tips, and Social Security benefits)
  • Reducing the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 20 percent and then further reducing it to 15 percent for “companies that make their product in America”
    Repealing tax credits enacted as part of President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act that provide incentives for the production and use of green energy
  • Imposing a new 20 percent tariff on imported goods, with a higher rate of 60 percent for goods from China 



HISTORY LESSON -  The 2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Rich, Expensive, and Failed to Deliver on Its Promises 

The tax law that benefitted wealthy Americans, making over $400,000 annually, and more so to those making over $1 million, are about to end in 2025... IF Trump is not re-elected. Those tax cuts have made a much bigger disparity in wealth between the top 1% vs. the rest of us (99%). Here are the facts from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. You MUST EDUCATE YOURSELF! Although this is a bit dry, it's important. 

A 2025 Course Correction Is Needed

UPDATED JUNE 13, 2024 | BY CHUCK MARR, SAMANTHA JACOBY AND GEORGE FENTON The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Policymakers and the public should understand that the 2017 Trump tax law:

  • Was skewed to the rich. Was expensive and eroded the U.S. revenue base. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated in 2018 that the 2017 law would cost $1.9 trillion over ten years, 
  •  New research shows that workers who earned less than about $114,000 on average in 2016 saw “no change in earnings” 

2017 Trump Tax Law Was Skewed to the Top  for Wealthy People and Profitable Corporations  The tax cuts [in 2025] will average $61,090 for the top 1 percent — and $252,300 for the top one-tenth of 1 percent.  

Households With Incomes in Top 1 Percent Benefit Most From 2017 Trump Tax Law    The centerpiece of the law was a deep, permanent cut in the corporate tax rate — from 35 percent to 21 percent — and a shift toward a territorial tax system, which exempts certain foreign income of multinational corporations from tax

Monday, October 14, 2024

Enjoyed "Maine's Ultimate Yard Sale!"

 When we moved to Maine in August 2023, we heard about "Maine's Ultimate Yard Sale" but didn't know where it was, plus we were just moving in, so going anywhere wasn't feasible. But this year, we were able to experience it, and it was overwhelming. That's what you'll see in today's blog.

(Picture: Tom and Rob- Yes, it was a WINDY, hot day!) 

It took us about 1 hour to drive to the event, which is located in Cumberland, Maine- near Falmouth, and just north of Portland. There were tents and tables as far as the eye could see. People were selling clothing, toys, books, furniture, games, video games, and so much more.

ABOUT "Maine's Ultimate Yard Sale"-  On Saturday, Sept. 7th, over 250 Yard-Sellers and 5,000+ buyers came together for the single biggest event of its kind in Maine. If you have items to sell and want to make money, this is the event for you. If you love shopping and buying, this is the event for you. Either way, this event is for you. We look forward to seeing everyone there! This is a CASH ONLY event. 

WHAT WE FOUND - We bought a like-new big snow shovel for $15, and two brand new dog blankets for $4 each. I also managed to find one comic book (most of them were Marvel Comics, and I'm a DC Comics guy). Even though it was $10 each to enter the event it was fun to walk around and look at everything people were selling. 

A HOT SEPTEMBER DAY - It reached 80F on Sept. 7th, so it got a bit hot outside. It was also windy - as you could see in our picture - by our hair blowing back. At least it wasn't raining. :)

HORSING AROUND - Because the event was held at the Cumberland Fair Grounds, there are apparently horses that use the grounds, so one man was taking his horse out for a stroll in the grassy parking area.

FUN NOTE: The woman I bought the shovel from asked me if I was expecting a snowy winter. I told her I'm a meteorologist, and that I have an inside track that we'll get more snow than last winter (which was an all-time low for southern Maine- so there's a 90% chance I'm right). :) 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Idiots (more than 1) of the week: 4-year-old boy accidentally smashes 3,500-year-old Bronze Age jar at museum

This week's Idiot of the week involves a couple of people who showed negligence and stupidity. A little kid broke a piece of pottery from thousands of years ago... only because the people who curated the museum were too foolish to not put it behind glass with a "do not touch" sign. So, the idiot is the reckless kid, the parents who weren't keeping an eye on the urchin, and the Hecht museum folks for thinking that priceless artifact could be trusted to the public to keep it safe. Lots of idiots of the week. 

(CAPTION: The Bronze Age jar is seen smashed at the Hecht Museum in Haifa, Israel, Aug. 23, 2024. Courtesy The Hecht Museum)

4-year-old boy accidentally smashes 3,500-year-old Bronze Age jar at museum

ABC NEWS ByJulia Reinstein, August 28, 2024 

The jar has been displayed near the entrance of the museum without glass. A 4-year-old boy accidentally smashed a Bronze Age jar during a visit to a museum in Israel on Friday, the museum said.

The ancient jar, which was on display at the University of Haifa's Hecht Museum, dates back to between 2200 and 1500 B.C., making it at least 3,500 years old. It was especially rare due to it being fully intact -- well, until recently.

The boy's father -- identified only by his first name, Alex -- told the BBC the jar fell to the ground after his son "pulled the jar slightly" because he was "curious about what was inside."

Alex was "in shock" when he saw his son next to the smashed artifact, and initially thought, "It wasn't my child that did it," but spoke to a security guard after calming the child down.

The museum's director, Inbal Rivlin, told ABC News they understand it was an accident.

"There are instances where display items are intentionally damaged, and such cases are treated with great severity, including involving the police," Rivlin said. "In this case, however, this was not the situation. The jar was accidentally damaged by a young child visiting the museum, and the response will be accordingly."

The jar had been displayed at the museum's entrance, without glass or barriers, which Rivlin said is a core tenet of the museum in order to make "archaeological items accessible to the public."

"The museum believes that there is a special charm in experiencing an archaeological find without any obstructions, and despite the rare incident with the jar, the Hecht Museum will continue this tradition," she said.

Rivlin said the jar was used to store and transport supplies, particularly wine and olive oil.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Heroes of the week: Rescuers carry injured woman, 25, down hiking path

It's unsettling to think about being injured while hiking and far away from help. One woman who did get injured but was helped by fellow hikers and then Conservation officers and 22 volunteers from Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue and Pemigewassett Valley Search and Rescue. Here's the story.

 (File photo from  Pemigewassett Valley Search and Rescue website. Not a photo from this rescue. Credit: PVSR)

Rescuers carry injured Somerville woman, 25, nearly 2 miles down hiking path

By Lindsay Shachnow, Boston com, September 30, 2024

A 25-year-old woman slipped and fell while hiking on Edmands Path in Sargent’s Purchase on Sunday, Sept 29, 2024, officials say.

At 12:15 p.m., the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department was notified that a hiker was injured about two miles from the Edmands Path trailhead parking lot, according to a statement from the department.

Kyleigh Burns of Somerville, Mass. injured her lower leg on the trail. People in her hiking group tried to treat the injury, but Burns “could not bear any weight” so 911 was called, the statement said.

(Photo: Mt Eisenhower (4,760 feet) Mt Monroe (5,372 feet). Chandler’s & Sargent’s Purchase, NH.  Via Edmand’s Path, Crawford’s Path, plus loop trails on each summit. 10.5 miles round-trip. 

Fellow hikers helped Burns to descend about 1,000 feet by “scooting herself down the trail” before rescuers arrived, authorities said.

Conservation officers and 22 volunteers from Androscoggin Valley Search and Rescue and Pemigewassett Valley Search and Rescue responded to the call for help.

Responders hiked up Edmands Path, put Burns into a rescue litter, and carried her down the trail, officials said.

They reached the parking lot at 4:30 p.m.

Burns declined taking an ambulance, and her hiking companions instead took her to a medical facility for treatment.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lakes Region Humane Society, NH - Surges of Kittens/Rob's Event there TOMORROW!!

 Tom and I have worked with animal rescues for over 15 years, and I continue to do fundraising lectures for them, based on one of my 3 series of books. Recently, Lakes Region Humane Society {LRHS) in Ossipee, New Hampshire published an eye-opening graphic that should hopefully quickly motivate you to spay and neuter your pets. That's the topic of today's blog along with a POP QUIZ you should read.  PLUS-  I'm giving a Fundraising Lecture at LHRS on OCTOBER 12, 2024 at 11am on "Pets and the Afterlife"  REGISTER NOW! 11 Old Rt. 28, Ossipee, NH 03864(603) 539-1077 phone Megan Williams, Executive Director   GET TICKETS  : https://lrhs.net/  https://lrhs.net/event/pets-the-afterlife/    Please help them out if you can, and read this fascinating blog! 


NH shelters have seen a massive surge in unwanted litters of kittens this year and it is putting a strain on our resources, including our foster homes. We cannot stress the importance of spaying/neutering your cats enough.


Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of spaying and neutering your pets is key to making an informed decision. We sat down with Dr. Susan Haley from The Kindness Animal Hospital to explore the facts and misconceptions surrounding this critical topic.

Neutering Male CatsThere is no consequence to neutering male cats at 6-months of age. Neutered male cats are less likely to spray pungent urine in and around your home/neighborhood, fight other animals, or stray far from home. Neutered male cats tend to live longer as they are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.


Interesting Fact: Male kittens as young as five months can impregnate females. Additionally, sperm can remain in a pets' system for a little while following a neuter, which could lead to unexpected pregnancies if he mates shortly after surgery.


Spaying Female CatsThe optimal time to spay cats is at 6-months, before their first heat. This reduces the risk of mammary cancer, which is often aggressive and malignant in intact female cats. Female cats are notorious for displaying desperate behaviors when in heat, such as loud vocalizing and attempts to escape to find a mate, spaying at 6-months lessens these behaviors and eliminates unwanted pregnancies. Unspayed females will often mark their territory just like males – yuck! 


Lakes Region Humane Society | 11 Old Rte. 28 PO Box 655 | Ossipee, NH 03864 US

"Altering cats is the most responsible thing an owner can do for the community and the health/safety of their pets. We beg of you, please, do the right thing, spay/neuter your cats!"

- Megan Williams, Executive Director, LRHS

1 LRHS Logo Multi Color.png



Q: If you have both male and female cats and had to choose which to spay/neuter first, which would you choose?

A: Prioritize spaying the female first. While the cost of neutering is less, female cats are more prone to aggressive mammary cancers, and are the ones who get pregnant. Spaying females is crucial to their long-term health and eliminates pregnancies.


Spaying Female DogsThe optimal time to spay is around 6-months* before their first heat cycle - it’s quicker, less risky, and reduces the risk of mammary cancer to almost zero. After just one heat cycle, the risk for mammary cancer jumps to 12%, and after two cycles, it increases to 20%. Spaying females also removes the risk of pyometra, a life-threatening uterine infection common in older in intact females.


Interesting Fact: Intact female dogs are highly fertile and can become pregnant even in unlikely circumstances, i.e. through chain-link fences or at a dog park.


Neutering Male DogsIt’s commonly recommended to neuter at 6-months-old*. Neutering before 2-years of age lessens the risk of prostate cancer. It is important to neuter males if they are experiencing behavioral issues, as intact males are more likely to roam, which increases the risk of accidents, injuries, or going missing. Intact males may also be more prone to aggressive or marking behavior.


*For Both Male & Female Large Breed Dogs: delaying spaying/ neutering until they are fully grown (2-years-old) may help avoid orthopedic issues. Early spaying/neutering in large breeds can delay the closure of growth plates, potentially leading to conditions like hip dysplasia or ACL ruptures. However, there are no real drawbacks for spaying/neutering smaller breeds after 6-months of age.


TOMORROW!!!  Fundraising Lecture  at LHRS on OCTOBER 12, 2024 at 11am on "Pets and the Afterlife"  REGISTER NOW! 11 Old Rt. 28, Ossipee, NH 03864(603) 539-1077 phone Megan Williams, Executive Director   GET TICKETS  https://lrhs.net/  https://lrhs.net/event/pets-the-afterlife/    Please help them out if you can, and read this fascinating blog! 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Great True Ghost Stories: Haunted York County: from Maine's Oldest Towns

On a recent visit to Maine's historic town of York, I bought a book about true ghost stories from the county of the same name. "Haunted York County: Mystery and Lore from Maine's Oldest Towns" by Rosie J Zwicker was wonderful! That's what today's blog is about.

This book covered true encounters with ghosts throughout Maine's history to today. It's well-organized into 5 different types of mystery: Ghostly Yarns from the Sea, Haunted Houses, Witchcraft Tales, Cemetery Stories and Mysteries and Legends.

GREAT FORMAT - I like that photos of locations are included in many chapters, to give the reader a sense of the place, and put you there. It also helps if you want to visit one of these places (as we intend to do). The chapters are also short and concise. Short chapters hold my attention better, and are easier to read when you pick up the book for 5 or 10 minutes. (BTW, as a true paranormal author myself, I add photos and make chapters short!)

INTERESTING STORIES - All of these stories cited the real people who lived and died, putting a name to them. That makes them much believeable and enjoyable in a paranormal and historic sense.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR - The author did a lot of research and is a New England Native. She's also the owner of New England Curiosities, a store and ghost tours in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (just south of the border from Kittery, Maine).

ABOUT THE BOOK: Restless spirits in seemingly tranquil summer cottages and specters watching for phantom ships from a sea captain's mansion are among the many ghostly residents of one of New England's oldest counties.

The harshly beautiful coastline of York County has a long history of storm, revolution and violence that seems to lure deceased residents from the ether. From the otherworldly mariners in the Boon Island Lighthouse to the terrifying cells of Old Gaol, America's oldest prison, an abundance of mysteries reflects the region's turbulent past. Join Roxie J. Zwicker, haunted history author and owner of New England Curiosities tours, as she delves into the chilling secrets and ghostly lore of York County.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

DISCOVERY: Archaeologists Stumble Upon Marble Statue of Greek God in Ancient Sewer

Here's another cool archaeological find! Imagine finding a priceless ancient Greek statue in an ancient sewer. That's what happened. Here's the story.

(Image: Statue with team Lyudmil Vagalinski and his team pose beside the newly discovered statue. Dobrin Kashavelov / AFP via Getty Images)

Archaeologists Stumble Upon Marble Statue of Greek God in Ancient Sewer

Ella Feldman, Smithsonian Magazine, July 9, 2024

Archaeologists in Bulgaria have unearthed a marble statue that may depict Hermes, the Greek messenger god. It was found in an ancient sewer, where it appears to have been buried for some 2,000 years.

The statue, which is nearly seven feet tall, is in “very good condition,” Lyudmil Vagalinski, the scientific director of the excavation, tells Reuters’ Spasiyana Sergieva. The head is particularly well-preserved, though “there are a few fractures on the hands,” he adds.

The researchers found the statue during the week of July 1, 2024 during routine excavations in southwestern Bulgaria, near the Greek border, according to the New York Times’ Amelia Nierenberg. After stumbling across its marble foot, the team carefully uncovered the rest of its body.

“We found it by accident,” Vagalinski tells the Times. “It was amazing. A whole statue appeared in front of us.”

The site was once part of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintica, which was founded by the Macedonian king Philip II in the fourth century B.C.E. and later conquered by Rome. The city began to decline following two devastating earthquakes in 388 and 425 C.E., which destroyed most of its infrastructure. By around 500 C.E., it was abandoned.

 Vagalinski’s team thinks residents placed the statue in the sewer following the 388 earthquake. Christianity had recently become the Roman Empire’s official religion; as such, pagan artifacts were a frequent target.

“Everything pagan was forbidden,” Vagalinski tells Reuters. While residents of Heraclea Sintica may have “joined the new ideology,” they also appear to have “[taken] care of their old deities.”

Efforts are now underway to safely remove the statue from the sewer, reports the History Blog. A special structure will use a crane to lift the heavy sculpture and bring it to the History Museum in Petrich. Following restoration and conservation work, the statue will go on display.

“It is rare and exciting to find an almost perfectly intact statue, and especially one of such apparently high quality,” Elizabeth Marlowe, the director of the museum studies program at Colgate University who was not involved in the excavation, tells the Times.

Marlowe adds that the discovery could provide historians with valuable clues about the city, which is not a widely known ancient site. “This has the potential to greatly enrich our understanding of the local culture of this region,” she says.

In a statement on social media, Vagalinski cautions against jumping to conclusions, noting that the team still has a lot of work to do. Still, he thinks the statue is among the best-preserved discoveries of its kind in Bulgaria.

It’s been a good year for archaeological discoveries in the region. 

In June, 2024, archaeologists on the Greek island of Crete reported a mysterious 4,000-year-old structure that belonged to the Minoans.

In January, researchers announced the discovery of a 1,600-year-old Roman-era wine shop in the ancient city of Sicyon, in what is now southern Greece.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

RESEARCH: Dogs can smell when people are stressed

As someone who is a dog dad, and a pet medium, I've been saying for over a decade that pets can tell when we're stressed, anxious, nervous, etc. Now, there's new research out that confirms it, and says it brings your dog down. Here's the story from LIVESCIENCE.

(Our little Dash can sense stress and anxiety, and he pees when he's anxious!)

Dogs can smell their humans' stress, and it makes them sad 
LIVE SCIENCE, News By Sara Novak, July 27, 2024

Dogs can smell when people are stressed, and it seems to make them feel downhearted.

Humans and dogs have been close companions for perhaps 30,000 years, according to anthropological and DNA evidence. So it would make sense that dogs would be uniquely qualified to interpret human emotion. They have evolved to read verbal and visual cues from their owners, and previous research has shown that with their acute sense of smell, they can even detect the odor of stress in human sweat. 

Now researchers have found that not only can dogs smell stress—in this case represented by higher levels of the hormone cortisol—they also react to it emotionally.

For the new study, published Monday in Scientific Reports, scientists at the University of Bristol in England recruited 18 dogs of varying breeds, along with their owners. Eleven volunteers who were unfamiliar to the dogs were put through a stress test involving public speaking and arithmetic while samples of their underarm sweat were gathered on pieces of cloth. Next, the human participants underwent a relaxation exercise that included watching a nature video on a beanbag chair under dim lighting, after which new sweat samples were taken. Sweat samples from three of these volunteers were used in the study.

(Our Tyler says, " I think you're stressing out!)

Participating canines were put into three groups and smelled sweat samples from one of the three volunteers. Prior to doing so, the dogs were trained to know that a food bowl at one location contained a treat and that a bowl at another location did not. During testing, bowls that did not contain a treat were sometimes placed in one of three "ambiguous" locations. In one testing session, when the dogs smelled the sample from a stressed volunteer, compared with the scent of a cloth without a sample, they were less likely to approach the bowl in one of the ambiguous locations, suggesting that they thought this bowl did not contain a treat. Previous research has shown that an expectation of a negative outcome reflects a down mood in dogs.

The results imply that when dogs are around stressed individuals, they're more pessimistic about uncertain situations, whereas proximity to people with the relaxed odor does not have this effect, says Zoe Parr-Cortes, lead study author and a Ph.D. student at Bristol Veterinary School at the University of Bristol.  "Being able to sense stress from another member of the pack was likely beneficial because it alerted them of a threat that another member of the group had already detected."

(Our Cody says, "Don't stress out over trying to keep your sandwich away from me!")

The fact that the odor came from an individual who was unfamiliar to the dogs speaks to the importance of smell
for the animals and to the way it affects emotions in such practical situations, says Katherine A. Houpt, a professor emeritus of behavioral medicine at Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Houpt, who was not involved in the new study, suggests that the smell of stress may have reduced the dogs' hunger because it's known to impact appetite. "It might not be that it's changing their decision-making but more that it's changing their motivation for food," she says. "It makes sense because when you're super stressed, you're not quite as interested in that candy bar."

This research, Houpt adds, shows that dogs have empathy based on smell in addition to visual and verbal cues. And when you're stressed, that could translate into behaviors that your dog doesn't normally display, she says. What's more, it leaves us to wonder how stress impacts the animals under the more intense weight of an anxious owner. "If the dogs are responding to more mild stress like this, I'd be interested to see how they responded to something more serious like an impending tornado, losing your job or failing a test," Houpt says. "One would expect the dog to be even more attuned to an actual threat."

Monday, October 7, 2024

Visited a Lighthouse! Muskegon South Pierhead Lighthouse

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I highlight something local to us here in Maine. This time, it's about a lighthouse, and NOT in Maine, but Michigan!  Tom recently took a business trip to Michigan and was working around Lake Michigan, so we're highlighting this cool place.

(Photo: Muskegon South Pierhead Lighthouse. Credit: T.W.) 

ABOUT THE MUSKEGON SOUTH PIERHEAD LIGHTHOUSE - Located in Muskegon, MI at the outer end of the south pier on Lake Michigan. Built in 1903, the Muskegon South Pierhead Light has lit the sandy shores of Lake Michigan for over a century. It's 1 of 2 lights on the pier.  If you want to visit, it's open annually May-October.  

HISTORY - In 1851, several lighthouses once stood on the pier. Today only the 1903 South Pierhead Lighthouse and the 1931 Breakwater Lighthouse remain. The keeper’s residence was razed in the early 1970s to make way for a new U.S. Coast Guard station and a historic 1905 U.S. Life-Saving Station has been converted into a NOAA facility at the base of the pier.
(Photo: Muskegon South Pierhead Lighthouse historic sign. Credit: T.W.) 

ABOUT THE AREA - Muskegon is a lakeshore community located on Michigan’s western shore just about directly across Lake Michigan from Milwaukee, WI and about one-third of the way up Michigan’s lower left hand from the Indiana State line.

HOW TO GET TO THEM - The lighthouses are located next to Muskegon's Pere Marquette Park and the South Breakwater light is accessed directly from the beach and the South Pierhead light is accessed through the NOAA Lake Michigan Field Station property adjacent to the South Pierhead through a designated pedestrian path painted yellow on the pavement.

ON THE NATIONAL HISTORIC REGISTER - On November 17, 2005 the South Pierhead Light’s contribution to Great Lakes navigation was recognized with a listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In 2006, the South Breakwater Light followed suit. 

(Photo: Pier at the Muskegon South Pierhead Lighthouse. Credit: T.W.) 

TRANSFERRED FROM COAST GUARD TO PRESERVATION GROUP - In June of 2008, the Muskegon South Pierhead and South Breakwater Lighthouses, deemed excess by the Coast Guard, were offered at no cost to eligible entities, including federal, state and local agencies, non-profit corporations, educational agencies, or community development organizations. On June 17, 2010, it was announced that Michigan Lighthouse Conservancy, a lighthouse and Life-Saving Service preservation group, was the new owner of the South Pierhead Light and the South Breakwater Light.

PLANS FOR THE LIGHTHOUSE REHABILITATION - According to Muskegon Lights Org, eventual plans will not only include restoration and rehabilitation of the lights, but to also allow people to be able to climb to the top of the South Pierhead lighthouse for a panoramic view of the scenic stretches of shoreline and the channel. 

 YOU CAN DONATE TO SAVE THE LIGHTHOUSES- https://muskegonlights.org/about-the-lights/

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Idiot of the Week: Miami-Dade woman indicted on charges of taking part in Jan. 6 Capitol riots

 Another Capitol Rioter/Insurrectionist idiot of the week! This one is from Florida, is a GOP Strategist and of course, she pled "not guilty" and she has an idiot attorney, too. Here's the story.

(Photo: Barbara Balmaseda, a 23 year old South Florida GOP strategist was arrested in December 2023 and accused of storming the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. A grand jury indicted her on five charges relating to the riots on May 22, 2024. FBI EXHIBIT)

Florida GOP Stragegist Indicted on Charges of Taking Part in Jan. 6 Capitol Riots

Miami Herald, May 31, 2024 Miami Herald, May 31, 2024 

On May 22 a federal grand jury indicted a Miami Lakes woman on one felony and four misdemeanors related to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Citing the Capitol’s closed-circuit television footage, cell phone records, photos, videos and text messages, FBI agents say Barbara Balmaseda, 23, illegally entered the Capitol building on the day of the joint session of Congress to certify the Electoral College votes for President Joe Biden.

A federal grand jury last week indicted a Miami Lakes woman on one felony and four misdemeanors related to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Citing the Capitol’s closed-circuit television footage, cell phone records, photos, videos and text messages, FBI agents say Barbara Balmaseda, 23, illegally entered the Capitol building on the day of the joint session of Congress to certify the Electoral College votes for President Joe Biden.

Balmaseda was arrested in December on a felony charge of obstruction of official proceedings and misdemeanor entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building. The grand jury last Wednesday indicted her on all of those charges.

Her attorney, Nayib Hassan, said in a statement released to the Miami Herald on Tuesday that Balmaseda has pleaded not guilty, and that her most serious charge could be in doubt depending how the Supreme Court rules on a pending argument over prosecutors’ interpretation of federal law relating to obstructing official proceedings.


“We look forward to presenting a vigorous defense on her behalf as we have entered a plea of not guilty. It is our position that the Government is overzeaslously presenting charges against individuals like our client that have very little to no connections to what occurred on Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington DC.” Hassan said. “Additionally, we are patiently awaiting the ruling from the [Supreme Court] on the 1512 allegations as they may have a direct impact on Mrs. Balmaseda’s case.” “1512” refers to section 1512 of the U.S. Code relating to witness tampering. It is the part of the code prosecutors are using to charge defendants in the Capitol attacks with felony obstruction.

Attorneys for another Jan. 6 defendant, Joseph Fischer, are arguing before the Supreme Court that since rioters didn’t destroy any evidence in a legislative investigation, the section doesn’t cover Fischer’s actions that day, according to an April story posted on the National Constitution Center’s Constitution Daily Blog. Prosecutors have used the provision to convict more than 300 Jan. 6 defendants and it is being used in the case against former President Donald Trump.

The Miami New Times reported that Balmaseda was well-known in South Florida Republican circles and interned for Sen. Marco Rubio between 2018 and 2019. According to the criminal complaint, she traveled to Washington, D.C., the day before the riots with a man named Gabriel Augustin Garcia, a member of the right-wing Proud Boys group. Barbara Balmaseda, a South Florida GOP strategist was arrested and accused of storming the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 with Gabriel Augustin Garcia, member of the Vice City Chapter of the Proud Boys, who was found guilty of obstruction of an official proceeding and interference with law enforcement during a civil disorder in November 2023.

A grand jury indicted Balmaseda on May 22, 2024, on five charges related to the riots. FBI exhibit The FBI says Garcia and Balmaseda entered the Capitol through the Senate wing at 2:16 p.m., four minutes after rioters initially breached the building. The pair then entered an area known as the Crypt, where Capitol Police officers were trying to hold back the mob of attackers. Around that time, Garcia posted a video of himself on Facebook saying, “We just went ahead and stormed the Capitol,” according to the complaint.

A jury found Garcia guilty in November of obstruction of an official proceeding and interference with law enforcement during a civil disorder. He is scheduled to be sentenced on both felony charges on Sept. 3. Garcia and Balmaseda then pushed their way to the front of the rioters, who all overran the Capitol police officers, according to the complaint. Balmaseda remained in the Rotunda and took a photograph of Garcia standing next to a statue of former President Ronald Reagan. She exited the building at 3:11 p.m., the complaint states. 

This story was originally published May 28, 2024, 10:45 PM. Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article288821885.html#storylink=cpy

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Hero of the Week: Long Dogs and Friends Rescue: Fletcher's Tough Story

I've volunteered in dog rescue for over 15 years, and continue to support rescues by giving fundraising lectures. I met Janet Tobin through my rescue efforts and she manages a dachshund rescue called Long Dogs and Friends Rescue based in Bensalem, PA . She's taken in some really difficult cases, and in July, one in particular really affected me, and I saved the photos of a special dog named Fletcher. In fact, On July 8, 2024 when I saw him, I told Tom we should adopt him. I felt a connection.  
  Fletcher was 12, a senior dog, and obviously never, ever physically cared for. He was in poor health. His heartless owners (they weren't parents) dumped the failing dog in a kill shelter. Here's his story and how Janet's rescue gave him 3 days of love he obviously never before received in his entire life.

FIRST STEP - Removing a dog from a kill shelter and placing them in a foster home with a rescue.

On July 8, 2024, Fletcher was rescued from a kill shelter by Janet's rescue

 Janet posted on facebook: "Freedom for Fletcher thanks to Shari Lynn Susan Moon! This very sweet gent had a bath and finally a real sleep after leaving a shelter made to hold 40 dogs, which actually has over 110. Fletcher is about 10 pounds, at least 12 years. His skin/coat need a lot of help. He's intact and, of course, has dental disease. Let's hope for a negative HW test. Welcome to rescue, special boy♡"

SECOND STEP - Making a vet appointment to get the dog back to health.

July 11- Janet had a vet assess Fletcher and learned of many alarming issues. Fletcher had to go to the ER, so the rescue needed donations. 

Janet posted: "Our Fletcher on his way to ER with Susan Moon. Please say a prayer for this precious boy and donate for his care if you possible can. Every $ helps us help them♡" www.longdogsrescue.org/donate

STEP THREE- RECOVERY OR NOT- Sadly, this poor dog, apparently mistreated over his entire life, didn't have the strength to recover to enjoy senior years.

Janet Posted: "Folks, my heart hurts as I tell you Fletcher has crossed the Bridge. Susan and I so hoped we could turn him around and give him some happy, pain-free life for some time. He did respond well to Susan's touch, her kindness, felt her love. And he ate well, enjoyed a few short walks in the yard. But more was not to be. 

(Right: Fletcher's diagnosis before he went into heart failure. Credit: JST)

A photo of Tuesday's vet diagnoses is posted. Today he went into heart failure, and could not be saved. Thank you all for caring. Fletcher sure deserved more in his little life. I asked my mom to welcome him home at the end of that Rainbow. Run free, precious little man♡"

MY THOUGHTS - My thanks to Janet, Susan and all the people who do rescue. We can't save them all, but we can give them a little precious love they all deserve for the time they have left here. I really took his passing hard, and I only knew of him for 3 days. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Who is Sun Wukong, China's Monkey King?

About 2 years ago, DC Comics created a Chinese American superhero named "Monkey Prince." I really enjoyed the comic book, but didn't think to research to see if there was a similar character in Chinese lore. There is- and it's the "Monkey King!"  Sun Wukong, a monkey with human characteristics and abilities, is one of the best loved and most enduring characters in Chinese literature. Armed with a staff and extraordinary abilities, Sun Wukong, aka The Monkey King, comes from the 16th-century classic Journey to the West.  Recently National Geographic published a story about the Monkey King, and today's blog shares.

(Image: The Buddhist monk Xuanzang traveling with a tiger on the Silk Road. Artwork from the 800s depicts Buddhist monk Xuanzang on his 10,000-mile journey to track down holy texts in India two centuries earlier. Photograph by Pictures from History, Bridgeman Images)

Who is Sun Wukong, China's Monkey King?

The seed of Sun Wukong’s story lies in a real-life pilgrimage 
The story of Sun Wukong begins with history, not myth. In 629, Xuanzang, a Buddhist monk in China, began a 16-year, 10,000-mile journey to track down holy texts in India. Xuanzang’s account of his journey, Records of the Western Regions, became so ingrained in the Chinese imagination that they served as the basis for the novel Journey to the West, which first appeared in print in the 1590s.

The novel, attributed to writer Wu Cheng'en, fictionalizes Xuanzang’s journey, transforming the historical figure into the fictional monk Tang Sanzang. He is joined by three mythical helpers who protect him on his pilgrimage, including a monkey called Sun Wukong.

Birth of the Monkey King 

Scholars can’t say for certain where the character of Sun Wukong came from, but Journey to the West likely borrowed from existing myths and legends. Some possible sources of inspiration for the character include Wuzhiqi, an ape-like figure in Chinese mythology, and Hanuman, a Hindu god with a monkey’s face.

Despite unresolved questions about the character’s roots, there is no ambiguity surrounding Sun Wukong’s origin story in Journey to the West: A stone gives birth to an egg, which transforms into Sun Wukong. He likely appears as a macaque, a kind of monkey that lives throughout Asia.

(Image: Monkey Prince 1: Enter the Monkey, hardcover graphic novel by DC Comics)

He soon earns the title “Monkey King” through a daring act of courage. While living with fellow monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain, they stumble on a waterfall. Sun Wukong volunteers to jump across the stream of water to see what is on the other side. He discovers a cave, and the monkeys reward his bravery by naming him their king. Sun Wukong has superhuman abilities and plays by his own rules. Among them: 72 Transformations, which enable him to shape-shift. Space is no obstacle for him, and one story recounts how he travels thousands of miles with a single somersault.

Journey to the West also extols Sun Wukong’s martial skills, aided by his strength, staff, and ability to fly.

Sun Wukong embodies many of the characteristics people associate with monkeys, including mischievousness. As a trickster figure, he shares attributes with other fixtures of myth and legend, such as Loki, Reynard, and Brer Rabbit.

The Monkey King bristles against authority, and he is troubled by the fact that there is one thing he’ll never be able to conquer: death. So he sets out to gain immortality, spending years wandering the world in search of it.

His journey to find immortality takes him all the way to heaven, the realm of the Jade Emperor. The Monkey King gets into all manner of mischief there, including sneaking into forbidden parts of the palace. In another incident, he gorges on special peaches and spoils a royal banquet.

Sun Wukong even proclaims himself the Jade Emperor’s equal. The Jade Emperor seeks help from the Buddha to punish him, and so he imprisons the Monkey King in a mountain. He remains incarcerated there for 500 years, until an unexpected opportunity for redemption arises.

Sun Wukong’s great journey 

When Tang Sanzang begins his travels in Journey to the West, he comes across Sun Wukong, still imprisoned in the mountain. The monkey agrees to protect him on his pilgrimage so that he can win his freedom.

On the road, Sun Wukong proves to be a formidable bodyguard for the monk as demons and spirits pursue the travelers. Some of them hope to prevent Tang Sanzang from collecting the holy texts; others believe they can become immortal by consuming the monk’s body. None of these villains are successful, thanks to Sun Wukong’s powers. In thanks for this, Sun Wukong is elevated to become an honorary Buddha.

The Monkey King Became More Popular Than the Original Lead Character

Though Journey to the West was technically about Tang Sanzang’s pilgrimage, readers embraced Sun Wukong, and he became the most popular character in the novel.

Who I am

I'm a simple guy who enjoys the simple things in life, especially our dogs. I volunteer for dog rescues, enjoy exercising, blogging, politics, helping friends and neighbors, participating in ghost investigations, coffee, weather, superheroes, comic books, mystery novels, traveling, 70s and 80s music, classic country music,writing books on ghosts and spirits, cooking simply and keeping in shape. You'll find tidbits of all of these things on this blog and more. EMAIL me at Rgutro@gmail.com - Rob

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