Monday, November 22, 2021

Greece Trip #30: Ferry Fiasco, Group Snub, Babbling Passenger

 One of the best things about the Greek island of Santorini in my opinion, was the amazing bakery next to our hotel. As we prepared to leave the island to take a 2 hour ferry to the island of Mykonos, we got lunch and delicious chocolate cookies at the bakery. That was the best part of the next 4 hours as we descended into a ferry fiasco,  got snubbed by our travel group and dealt with an obnoxious passenger. You'll also learn about what you need to board a Ferry and how long it takes to travel from Santorini to Mykonos. Here's the story:

BENEFITS OF TRAVEL GROUPS - One of the benefits of traveling with a tour group is that they arrange for transportation and the company we went with did an amazing job of that. They provided a van from the hotel to the ferry docks, and they bought the ferry tickets for everyone (17) in advance, so we didn't have to deal with that. We only needed our additional paperwork.

(Photo: Rob and Tom stop at the Santorini bakery to get lunch for the ferry ride) 

GROUP SNUB - From the previous blogs, you can get a sense that Tom and I didn't fit in with most others in the group (exception of Bill, Bill, Eric and the tour group leader- who was awesome). We were apparently too interested in history, not drinking 18 hours a day, or flaunting our sexuality in public to a disgusting degree. So, we were usually ignored (which was fine). 

When the group got to the Ferry dock, we were 1 hour early, so the Travel leader called everyone over to 2 large tables at an outside cafe. There were enough seats for everyone... except us. We were so disgusted that we walked around the docks for 1 hour seeking shade (because the Heat Index was already over 100F/37.7C in the blazing sun).  

(Photo: Tom, Shane- group leader, Rob)

WHAT IS NEEDED TO BOARD A FERRY TO A GREEK ISLAND? As of 13/09/2021,As Of Sept 13, 2021 all passengers on domestic routes to island destinations must meet one of the following requirements: 

1) Must be at least 14 days after last COVID vaccination and Provide a vaccination certificate 
 OR Have a Negative COVID Test using the PCR method within the last seventy-two (72) hours before the scheduled travel time 
2) Show a certificate of vaccination of the European Union (digital certificate COVID) as well as of third countries. 
3) AND a Pre-boarding health statement form (found on ferry websites) 
 4) AND Your Passport 

(Photo: What the inside of the massive Ferry looks like)

THE FERRY FIASCO - Boarding the mammoth ferries is a fiasco, especially trying to stay safe during a Pandemic (which we were in). When notified, there was a mad rush of 1,000 or so people to get through a crowded open terminal. Then we had to have 4 documents to show the ticket takers:  the vaccine card, passport, tickets and the ferry health certificate!  From there you're herded into the massive ramp to the ship where you have to find a luggage holder to put your suitcase (remember where it is!).  The Intense heat index didn't help, either! 

MADDENING PASSENGER BABBLE- One of the guys in the group took advantage of any audience to re-tell his stories about his various properties and military service and raising his voice to talk about intimate things done in relationships. GROSS.  After 30 minutes of standing in the aisle next to the row of seats in front of us, he realized no one wanted to hear it for the 10th time, so he walked away. SIGH.  


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