Monday, November 22, 2021

CHECK OUT MY NEW WEB PAGE - Built a New Book Website After an On-line Disaster

I am absolutely NOT a webmaster or a computer guy in any sense of the word. On Sunday evening, November 21st, I learned that my 12-year-old blog (ghosts and spirits) hosted by Google's blogspot, was removed and censored (Why I still don't know), I had to act fast.. and 24 hours later, I'm proud to say I built a new web page.

MY WAY TO RECONSTRUCT AND REPLACE IT - Fortunately, back in 2014, my friend Douglas C.gave me the gift of linking from the Go Daddy web service to my blog- using and as a redirect to the Blogspot page. If you don't know what a redirect means, its that if you put in "" it brings you to the (now defunct) blogspot blog. I knew that since I've been paying Go Daddy for the redirect over 7 years that they also hosted webpages for a fee. So, I went on-line immediately and saw how to create one.

Again, I am all self-taught, and it's time-consuming and challenging (especially when Sunday night I was going to spend 4 hours doing medium readings). In 2 hours I built the basics of a new website- and you'll find it at or (the latter just redirects you to

STILL ADDING TO IT - Since ALL of my appearances, Videos, links to podcasts and web interviews have been wiped out, along with over 1 year of advanced blogs I have written, I have to start from scratch and try to piece everything together. It's a lot of work.

HERE'S THE NEW WEBSITE PAGE - How do you like it?


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